Saturday, November 27, 2010

Last Two Days of Giveaway

Yeah, Yeah, yeah, I know that my custom holiday card/ birth announcement giveaway isn't the biggest hit with all my running community bloggers.  Note to self: Next time give away something like running tights, or some cool power food, or reflective gear for running at night.  However, if you are like me and still have not made a holiday card to send out to friends and family and would love FREE cards (really nice ones) , check out my Pretty Ink Designs Giveaway!  Even if it is just to check out Pretty Ink Designs and share it with friends and family who might be interested.  I like supporting small businesses and unique designers branching out in this world.

I'm really loving reading about your Thanksgiving and Black Friday stories!



  1. Hey there! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I hope your weekend is going well.

    I am heading over to join your contest now - I love cards! :)

  2. I think it's a great giveaway. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I have lots of blogging to catch up on. Snow storms and family obligations have kept me away.

  3. Hey- I am just impressed that you are hosting a giveaway! I just don't think I have the energy or organization. :P
    I hope I win yours, though!!

    Hope you are having a great weekend. :)

  4. I've missed a few posts, the picture taking was so cute!! Despite the wrestling of the children, everyone was still smiling so it must have been fun/funny!
    I do intervals, are those the same as farleks? My track coach is from Europe and he calls them fartleks....can't say it without smiling.

  5. Hi! I am a NEW follower and found your blog through Amanda's Run to the FInish. I am also in the Pacific NW!
