Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Books That Speak For Themselves!

Let the reading begin!  Gosh, I LOVE books!  I'm so excited to get these beauties in the mail today.  Thanks to ERG and Jill from Run With Jill for the great suggestions.

Oh, and I do plan on getting to some of your blogs today.  So many of you have left such thoughtful comments and I want to make sure I have time to come visit your blog and give you the same thoughtfulness so please don't think I'm just being rude and ignoring you.  Just trying to fit it all in between taking care of my kids, running, and you know, life.  :)

Have you read any of these books?  Tell me about them?  What's your favorite?


  1. wohoo for reading!! i just did my runners reading list, I have read most of those. Lore of running is one I really want to read, so I expect a review!

  2. I don't have any of those. I did get a book for women on running. I'm half way through or more, and it seems like a general "cover it all" type of book. I bought it when I started running last year, and I found it to be a great help for a newbie.

    I just bought the Prefontaine book that I've been drooling over. Can't wait to start on that one!

  3. Amanda!!! So happy you found my blog, I really look forward to keeping up on yours :) Your heart really shows through it. I have been looking for some good books, specifically for negative self talk issues while running. I need to find the will......THE WILL!!! Woo hooo!

  4. I have read many running books but none of these. I am reading Meb's book, Run to overcome, right now. It's a good story.

  5. I've TRIED reading Daniels but it just makes me think of science class and it hurts my brain :(

  6. Haven't read any of them, so I'm looking forward to hearing what you think. Happy reading!

  7. Yay for new books! I have Advanced Marathoning, and so far I like it!

  8. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you! The graston technique we do at my work ( which is a physical therapy clinic. While I personally haven't had it done, my mom is having treatment right now r/t plantar fasicitis and it's helping a lot. It hurts while they are doing it, but the results that I've seen in patients usually pan out. I'm not exactly sure where you live, but if you want me to help you find somewhere that does it, let me know!

  9. I LOVE running books...I have only read Advanced Marathoning out of all these but I have been wanting to buy Lore of Running...

  10. You are one busy woman!! I love reading running books...almost as good as actually running. I haven't read any of those ones but I will be now!

    P.S. I need to get into survivor:)

  11. I have jack and Pfitz books-I prefer jack personally!

  12. I have Jack and Pfitz. Trained with Pfitz twice with EXCELLENT results - went from slow to fast with the man, he is the secret behind my BQ. He shows no mercy, but he gets you there. I'm thinking of buying the Matt Fitzgerald one, problem is I'm reading his book on being lean at the moment and dare I say it I'm finding it SO tedious...

  13. I just finished Advanced Marathoning. I thought it had some really good stuff in there!

  14. enjoy all the running books. i haven't read much of advanced marathoning, only follow the training plans! i need to pick up the brain training for runners.

  15. I am halfway through PFitz's book, and have read most of Noake's Lore of Running..but not in order. It's a great reference and I love all the charts/graphs in it & the biographies.

    Thanks for the shout out! I am pretty buried right now, myself. I have started a training plan, but may totally jump ship in a week or so, due to conflicting philosophies with the author's plan. Ah...well...let's see where this leads.
    Hope all is well at your place! :)

  16. I have looked at the Lore of Running so many times at the bookstore I work at...I may have to finally pick it up!

    Your blog is an inspiration to me to get off my duff and start running again after a hamstring strain in September. I have a long hill to climb!

    If you want a great running book for inspiration, try Chicken Soup for the Runner's Soul. Chock full of fantastic stories from professional runners to moms who run when they can.

    Also--Mind Gym is a tiny, yet big book for getting your head into the right mind set for succeeding at any sport.
