Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hood To Coast

My friend just sent me this video and I thought it was cool. I've done Hood To Coast a few times but stopped doing it after I had kids and sleep became so very precious to me since I stopped getting very much of it! :) This is definitely a relay race worth doing sometime if you haven't!

Looks like there is going to be a Hood to Coast Film coming out on 1-11-11:



  1. Movie is playing on my birthday!
    And I won tickets through a Runner's world contest! I cannot wait to see it!

  2. Hi! Thanks for the follow and kind words! :) Can I just say how much I love your picture, above? You should DEFINITELY do a tri! I can't tell you how awesome it was, you'll have to do it to believe it. It was the most victorious moment of my life to walk out of the water after swimming 300 metres, because at the start I really wasn't sure that I could! I knew then that I was going to do it again. And again. :) Good luck with your first and I can't wait to read all about it here!!

  3. oh I've always wanted to do a race like that! So inspirtational! I'll have to check out that film next month.

  4. i've never done hood to coast but want to!

  5. Loved watching the trailer!! I ran H2C in 2009. I won a contest and was put on an elite team (hah!!). They all ran 5 min/miles while I ran 8's. But it was amazing. Cannot wait to see the movie!!

  6. i wish i could get on a team to do H2C. its one of my lifes goals.

  7. The movie sounds like it's going to be awesome! I would love to do the H2C relay someday!

  8. I really want to see that! My friend did it last year ... I don't know that I'll ever feel legit enough to run that one!

  9. It's one of my dreams to get to run Hood To Coast. I can't wait to see the movie.

  10. It is a great relay race! For all levels of runners. I've always thought of it as more of a fun race than anything. Unless you're like SUAR and you're on an elite team. I do want to hear about that contest! Everyone decorates their vans/cars and some people really go all out with their outfits. Definitely not a lot of sleep though but a great party at the end. I ran it my last time when I was prego with my first born! I'll have to post some pictures.

  11. 1-11-11!! I am only starting to learn about H2C now that I am in the Pacific NW. Would love to do it one day!!

    Thanks for sharing the trailer!

  12. WOW!! That looks amazing.....I need to try something like that. Sleep is pretty valuable to me but I might consider giving it a try!

  13. Hood to Coast looks awesome. Hey I LOVE the header picture. I am not sure if I told you that already or not?? Anyway, it is awesome.

  14. This looks like SO much fun, I've been tempted to do this race with some moms from school but it just wasn't the right timing...maybe this year!

  15. That does sound like a ton of fun! I may have to put it on my race list :)
    My two best guy friends supplied me with the p90x dvds, but I think you can find them online. I was never huge into strength training before, but they convinced me to try it, and turns out I love it.
    You should definitely post some H2C pics!! :)

  16. Oh boy....I just remebered that my husband's cousin mgiht be waiting for me to pay for my entry into this, if she hasn't given my spot away to someone else. gulp.

  17. Thank Amanda for your blog post. And hello to all of you. This is Christoph, the director of Hood To Coast The Movie. I am excited to meet some of you on 1-11-11. I can promise you, you will have a blast.
