Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Surprise Farts In Yoga Class

Thank you so very much for the sweet and kind comments on my blog post Passion, Determination, and The Will To Run.  I had no idea that it would touch so many people.  It was actually one of those posts that was hard to get out.  The writing didn't just flow like some posts but it was something I felt like I needed to write and I'm so glad I shared.  I am so glad that a story so close to my heart was appreciated by so many.

 I thought that after such an emotional and serious post, I'd change things up a bit and keep this post on the light side.

Yesterday I did some repeat 400's on the treadmill (and felt GREAT) and then finished off my workout with some yoga.  I got to thinking about how funny it is to me (yes, even though I'm a grown woman) when people let a fart slip in yoga class.  It's quiet, people are relaxed, the music is low, the instructor asks us to do some complicated stretch or downward facing dog and then there it is...someone slips.  And of course, I always want to laugh.  I do laugh but I keep it under wraps.  I think most people who have done yoga for a considerable amount of time, have experienced the surprise yoga fart. Or maybe not.  But it really is funny.  I'm just glad it hasn't happened to me yet.

So, that got me thinking about making a list of things that make people laugh that really shouldn't be laughed out loud at (but we do anyway and try to control our guffaws).  I came up with only a few but I'd love you to help me with this list.

1.  Surprise Farts in Yoga class
2.  Surprise Farts in general really but they are especially funny when they are not supposed to be let go.  Like Teacher Fart Stories (oh, this is an entirely separate blog) and how I covered them up.
3.  Seeing people fall (even if they hurt themselves).  Like the time I saw a guy on a bike slam into a car.  I wrote about that one in this blog :  Big Kid Falling Down
4.  Seeing my 16 month old get really really mad when he wants something but can't use his words.  His face gets red and he puts his hands in the air and brings them down in a bicep flex.  Yes, that really isn't behavior you want to encourage but it is kind of funny.

I'll keep adding to this list (and no, they won't all have to do with passing gas) but What are things that you find yourself laughing at even though you probably shouldn't?  I could really use some laughs right now so please share!



  1. anytime someone says i am sitting on the stool. or uses the word stool.

  2. OMG yoga farts are hysterical. The last class I attended a few weeks ago was full of them and people actually did laugh out loud at them. This was not a normal yoga class by any means so it was quite fitting to have people laughing out loud at the farts.

    My nephew (6 years old) screamed a curse word outloud if front of my sister and I and caught for no good reason which too us both by surprise. While she was scolding him it took everything I had to not bust up laughing at what had just happened. I'm not a good auntie when it comes to that ;)

  3. Yoga farts are hysterical! Ha ha!

    Let's see...I think it's so hard not to laugh when my kids say inappropriate things. We're usually pretty good about watching what we say in front of our boys, but sometimes things slip out and I always fear the boys will repeat them. Well, one night my husband and I were out to dinner with our boys and after dinner the waitress brought them a huge chocolate fudge sundae. My 3yr. old looked at it and very slowly said, "What the F***!" My husband and I were so embarrassed, but it was actually really funny how he said it. It took every ounce of our will power to hold in the laugh. I guess we will definitely not be winning parents of the year awards! Ha ha!

  4. Your title got me - laughing still. I will not be adding to this comment roll - the list is too long for me.

  5. There is a person here at work and her name is Vajaya. Everytime someone says it I hold back a chuckle! Too close to va-jay-jay! I also have to hold back laughter when the boys out of nowhere say a cuss word. I hide my laughter from them, but it always makes me laugh a little. Like when Waylon falls down and yells out "shit" or when I tell Wyatt playfully that I'm gonna kick him in the rear and he responds with, "no, you're gonna kick my ass" Oh my! Totally shouldn't be funny!

    I love that the little man flexes when mad! Too cute. I can picture his red little face and his flexed arms!

  6. oh my gosh, so funny! another surprise in yoga is when someone totally starts sawing logs in shivasana...that happened at a prenatal class i was in recently. one of the moms-to-be, bless her heart, totally fell asleep and snored VERY LOUDLY for several minutes. i felt for her though and i'm sure all the rest of us did, too!

  7. I'm the teacher that has to turn my head when a kid farts in class because I can't keep a serious face. I can't help it that I still think unexpected farts are funny.

    The teacher next door to me accidentally farted in class last year, tried to blame it on her shoes then acted like it was one of the kids sitting near where she was standing. : )
    Moral of that story:
    If all else fails..blame it on someone around you??

  8. Amanda, you are absolutely hilarious. I laugh at all of those things too! You would have laughed hard when I fell on the ice yesterday:) I shouldn't laugh but I do when one of my students raced out of the classroom yelling "I am going to the bathroom and it is going to be a while before I get back, it's number too." He is 15 years old.
    P.S. My running news is that I am getting sponsored by a running store:) I posted it on Tuesday.
    Have a great day!

  9. Once I was at a company party with my husband when one of the other guests ran smack into a screen door, drinks for him and his wife in hand, not realizing it was closed. I burst out laughing, then suddenly realized I was the ONLY one laughing. Oops. (Fortunately, they continued to let my husband work for the company!)

  10. This is such a funny post! I haven't really gotten into yoga, but I can promise you I would be the one getting the giggles without a doubt! This reminded me of when I watching a tall, gangly cowboy type kid trip over absolutely nothing back in high school. Instead of pretending that we didn't see it, my friend and I literally fell on each other laughing. Poor kid. I mean we laughed so hard that we had to make an emergency trip to the bathroom for fear that our bladders couldn't take it anymore.

    I love inappropriate laughter!

  11. You are way too nice to much is my mom paying you? I will be laughing with you at farts until I am 90 too ha!

  12. I love inappropriate laughter too! Thank you for all the laughs so far! Reminds me of my first year of teaching when I had an IEP meeting for a kid with special needs and they said they wanted to administer the Woodcock Johnson test on him. I was like What?!! Wood, cock, and jOhnson all in the name of this one this for real??! I had to put my head in my hands and pretend that I was coughing so I could keep from making too big of an immature fool out of myself.

  13. Great post :) I just recently attended a yoga class where someone ripped one off. Not just a discrete fluff. I held back the laugh. I remember going to a restaurant with my family when I was in high school. An extremely large lady fell out of her chair between the tables and my Dad was crying he was laughing so hard. Of course, my Brother and I couldn't contain ourselves. In high school, one of my friends and I were taking our final driving test with other girl. When she was driving she went down one way streets several times. My friend and I just kept ducking and diving back and forth in the back seat when it looked like we were going to crash. I've never giggled and held back laughs so much.

  14. Oh my gosh - Stacie's story of the woman falling out of her chair in restaurant?? I am dying of laughter! This whole thing is cracking me up!

  15. Several things make me laugh out loud. Watching People make fools of themselves..when Colin uttered his first bad word (he dropped a toy and said "Oh Dammit"), hearing my little one toot and then laugh about it, brings out the 12 year old in me LOL

  16. Haha! I can't help laughing when people fall over as well! Just read your previous post - what an incredible story. Your Dad sounds like an amazing man.

  17. This might be crude, but ever been around an old man (or any man for that matter) who has on shorts, is sitting with their legs open, and one of their balls is hanging out? Yep, that one gets me everytime.

  18. Balls ... never stops being funny! It is like that episode of Friends where Phoebe's boyfriend never wore undies and the guys were deliberately trying to see his balls in the coffee shop.

    I'm so glad I don't have balls. I can't even imagine having that schloshing around in the way.

  19. WAIT!! My blog post from today actually! Last night a stranger sent me a picture of his balls and mini weenie.... it was hysterical! Poor guy - I'm sure that wasn't his intended purpose.

  20. One particular class I teach (high school), and other groups of upperclassmen in the past, always try to whisper "That's what she said" at appropriate, or rather inappropriate times. It's always hard not to laugh if it's a good one.

    It's even harder not to laugh when I hear a really good time to say that little catch phrase and I look around to see who's going to try it...and we dirty minded people make eye contact as we try to stiffle laughter. They all think that they are the first to discover this phrase and expose me to naughty expressions. Oh how little they know.

  21. This is hilarious! My sister in law and I used to take a yoga class together, and hearing someone fart is even worse when you have someone to
    (try not to) laugh with! I went to yoga once right from book club and could not hold one of the 1-legged poses for anything. I kept having to put my foot down. I'm no super yogi, but usually I can hold a balance pose! After a few near-falls I realized that it probably was related to the glasses of wine I'd had at book club...and then I couldn't stop giggling. Tipsy yoga...the newest and quietest extreme sport!

    Inappropriate laughter #2: we were doing a song in class that ended with the words "take a bow", after which the kids bowed. And one of the boys bowed (with flair, even!) and cracked his head on the top of his desk. He was ok, but between the physical comedy of hitting your head bowing and the comical look of surprise on his face, I couldn't help laughing.

  22. One of the best thing about attend yoga classes are these happenings, we can share laughter to each others awkward moment. I have my farting experience too.. shhh..
