Monday, November 7, 2011

Interview With Myself

Thank you so much for all of your stories about favorite races!  I do plan on taking the time to sit down and reread each and every comment and get back to you in some way unless you have no link to e-mail or blog. This might take me a few days but I'll get there. It was so energizing to read all of your stories.  

I'm feeling really great with my base building.  Most of my miles have been in the range of 7:45to 8:45ish so I've been keeping them easy and just focusing on building up some mileage before I start with an official Boston plan.  I've had plenty of miles to reflect on my plan, mileage and staying injury free.  Several of you have asked questions or sebt e-mails asking about my training so I thought I'd put some things out there for people that have training questions.  This is my self-interview. Ha! This is how I am entertaining myself in my short 30 minutes of ME time today.  

How many miles did you say you wanted your peak weekly mileage to be?  80

Where did you get that number from?  I pulled it from my butt.  Seriously, it was just a number out of the sky.  It wasn't based on any research, thoughtful consideration of data, or wise understanding of training.  

What kind of mileage are you running right now?  The last few weeks have been in the 50 mile range.  Last week was 50 and the week before that was 49.  I'd like to shoot for 55 this week. Possibly 60 the next.   

Do you still think you're going to do 80 as your peak weekly mileage?  Ha!  Can I do it?  Yes, probably but it would mean that I'd probably have to slow down a bit with a lot of my mileage.  This is where I have to consider quality vs. quantity.  I'm not so sure it would be wise for me to try to hit this number AND still hit all of my quality workouts. 

What is a more realistic goal?  Taking the advice of a very wise friend who knows her stuff and combining it with my risk-taking and dreamer of a self, I'd like to think that 70 is a more solid and realistic peak weekly mileage for me. She advised 65 so I may very well follow her advice and stick with that.  We shall see.  

What does 70 peak weekly mileage mean?  This means that I will certainly NOT be running 70 miles every week of my training cycle.  The goal is to have some higher and lower weeks so that your body can absorb the training and not take on too much every week.  I plan on doing lots of LISTENING closely to my body and increasing wisely and gradually.  I might only have 2 weeks at 70.  This seems okay right now.  I will reevaluate if necessary.  

Where do you find time to workout with your motherhood duties and blog keep up and everything else?  There are definitely things that will need to be cut out of my life.  It is all about prioritizing.  My life will not always be all about training for a marathon but this is a time in my life that I'm going to dedicate to training hard for a marathon.  To some, this might seem silly but it is important to me and I'm willing to put other things on the side for a few months.  We recently purchased a treadmill and this will help tremendously with the time issue.  I will most likely have to get my lazy bum out of bed early on some days and find time to fit in around quiet time/nap time when my oldest is at school.  It is possible to fit in the mileage that you want and still be a great mom, wife and friend.  However, it just takes knowing what you want and making the time for the things that are MOST important.  Not everyone will understand but really, you can't please everyone.  

What kinds of thinks will you have to cut out if you are going to be serious with mileage, training, and self-care?  Reading my book club book, seeing friends as often, staying up late, responding to comments, facebook, e-mail, reading blogs and probably a few other things. When I start worrying about not getting to everyone and not being able to be there for everyone all of the time I will consult the Dr. Suess: "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those you mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."  Of course this is all within reason.  Obviously I will still take time for those that I love but my friends will hopefully understand when I am just not up for going out and staying up too late or when I have to bail on a social engagement like book club or girls' night out.    

What things are most important to you to maintain during training?  The quality time with my kids and my husband, self reflection time, eating healthy, and spiritual time. 

What are you most excited for with this upcoming Marathon training?  I'm so very excited to take my training to a new level of commitment.  I'm looking forward to seeing what I can do with this one body and one life that I have when I give 100%.  Now is as good of a time as any!  Bring it!  My main goal is to improve and feel STONG!  I'm also excited to be training at the same time as some very dear and wise friends who I continue to learn from every single day!  I'm excited to encourage and be encouraged. Inspire and be inspired.  You girls know who you are!  

My quiet time is officially over and this means that self-interview time is up.  Hope I answered some of your questions that you've e-mailed me with.  

Happy Monday!


  1. I've actually been mulling over an interview with myself for a while, but without the energy to pull together what I want it to be.

    I'm glad you're listening to advice on the whole peak mileage thing. Not that I thought you were wrong--I don't know enough about running to be able to say for anyone else--but the fact that you're willing to listen to people who DO know what they're talking about and combine it with what you know about yourself.

    Anyway, good luck on the training. Sooo exciting!! :)

  2. Hurray! I love this confident and strong Amanda! Yes! Focused training will do wonders for you! I believe you have a lot of talent and you are only 32 years old. You have LOTS of fast marathons in your future, and Boston will only be the beginning.

    As far as peak mileage, your body will let you know. You are doing very well with base building, and will be ready for that when it comes.

    Super excited for Boston training!

  3. Ah that doctor suess is might smart, always a good go to doc for advice

  4. Bring it indeed! I'm so excited for you and I can't wait to see how your training plays out and pays off. All the best to you girl!

  5. Ah-Love this girl!!!!

    I really think you're going to KILL this!!! A LOAD of talent in there. Head on straight! Great answers:)

    Yes, you're right. Some things might have to be cut, even things that you enjoy but it's NOT forever, just for a season!!! Like putting away the gardening tools in the fall, knowing that you love to garden and that the season will come back around again!!! OK-I'm laughing because you probably don't give a shit about gardening-ha! That was weak.

    So excited for Boston training. Really can't wait to see what you are going to do here and in the years to come!!

  6. Nice interview. I think you're cub reporter ready! Here's to 70 mile weeks.

  7. Where did you get that number from? I pulled it from my butt

    ha ha!!
    I love it
    made me laugh

    happy training to you my friend!

  8. Sounds like you have a good plan and going in now exactly the things that you're willing to sacrifice in order to make it all workout. I have no doubt that you'll be able to achieve all that you want in more. Thanks for being such an amazing inspiration. I can't wait to follow your training and see how well it all pays off for you! :)

  9. Guess I should've proofread... I of course meant that you "know" the things you're willing to sacrifice... and later on... all that you want "and" more. Wow, I'm on fire today. Wouldn't want to leave typos on a teacher's blog. ;)

  10. love love love this amanda! you are so inspiring in that you always have such great goals, but you always make sure the rest of your life doesn't suffer either. It's so important to find that balance and you do it so well :)

  11. Great post, loved the self interview. Good luck with your training that is some serious mileage. I am holding about 30 miles a week and thought that a lot, but I am not shooting for a marathon yet either.

  12. I can see your friend might end up eating his words. Ha!

    Luckily you have coach-master W at home to make sure you get in all those tough TOUGH workouts.

    Love the interview with yourself :) You know that I think you will do SUPER with this thing. Can't WAIT for a big PR!!!!

  13. OK- Forgot to say. I am glad to see you analyzing it all. You are going to do great!

  14. Ok, I pulled it from my butt!! HAHA!!!!!!!!!

  15. I'm excited to follow your Boston training. I haven't been able to really run since May...injury & high risk pregnancy...and it's killing me. Maybe reading about your training will kill me too, but I love your attitude & as cheezy as it sounds, I'm inspired by you. Keep up the running!!

  16. 80 miles! I get tired just thinking about it. That's a fair few hours on the run. So good that you got that treadmill. It's going to be a life-saver.

  17. I bumped up to about 70/week this year and I think it's the single thing that helped me get stronger in races. Just having that stronger base made 26 not seem like such a big deal on race day. I've done 80-85 several times over this period too, but when I do 80+ in two or three weeks straight, it seems to take it's toll on my legs and energy. 70ish has been a good number for me - it'll be interesting to read how it goes for you. Good luck!

  18. I think you have a really good attitude. You can't do it all and you can't please everyone. Especially, if it is a moment in time that you are training for this you just have to let some things go. I think the treadmill in the house will help getting all those miles in. Good luck with training!

  19. This was a great read. I am loving how methodical you have been in selecting a training plan and I am also truly inspired by your dedication. Thank you for sharing.

  20. Great interview! Love having an idea of where you're going with your training and how you make it all work. I'm still putting the pieces together over here, but I'm all about seeing what I can do when I set my mind & body to it!

  21. i think you are absolutely incredible and you are so inspiring to me. i really love how you seem to have a good sense of balance in your life which allows you to go after the things that are important to you full-heartedly! pulling for you as you prepare to begin your training!

  22. great "interview"! I'm looking forward to following your Boston training. While I find your 7:45-8:45ish easy pace inspiring, I am most impressed with your willingness to adjust your plan if need be. Very smart!

  23. I love your last part about the level of commitment. Just love it!

  24. 80 miles! go get 'em! :) you got a lot done in 30 minutes... next you need to talk about how you stay so productive.
