Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Jewelry Giveaway--Creative, Customizable and Unique Jewelry Designed for Athletes, Mothers, and So Much More!

I don't always do a lot of giveaways around here but every so often I find something that I love and that I think you will love too!  So, when Rachelle from Keep The Faith Creations shared her link on Runninghood's facebook wall, I instantly fell in love with what I saw and I wanted to share with you!  Rachelle generously agreed to offer one of you this fabulous necklace you see pictured above. And if not for you, then a friend or family member. It's that time of year when I'm sure many of us are starting to think about gifts for the holiday season.  I'll certainly be passing on her website to my husband since my birthday is just around the corner.    

Here are just a few of my favorites from Keep The Faith Creations:

If you like what you see, I would highly recommend going to visit Keep The Faith Creations at their website or facebook page.  There are so many great designs! I'm already making a list for gift ideas for myself and others. 

 When I asked Rachelle more about her work she mentioned that all pieces are customizable at no extra charge (if choosing a similar design). Customers can choose their chain/cord and length as well as change out beads and customize words/phrases.  Items pictured on the website are usually pre-made and will ship within a day or two at a very reasonable shipping fee (only $3 for up to $25 in purchases).   You can see many examples of special orders on their special orders page.  This Rock n' Roll necklace was one of the special order examples. 


I doubt that I'm the only one who would love a chance to win this Runner necklace!  Thank you to Rachelle at Keep The Faith Creations for offering such an awesome piece of jewelry!  

Here's how to enter this giveaway:

Must-Do's (Leave a separate comment for each):

  1. "Like" Keep The Faith Creations on facebook. 
  2. Be a follower of Runninghood.   

Extra Entries:

  1. Visit Keep The Faith Creations at their website and look through some of their creations and tell me what piece or pieces you like the best. (1 entry)
  2. Share this giveaway on facebook, twitter, your blog.  (1 entry for each)
  3. If you purchase something from their website.  Keep in mind that the holiday season is QUICKLY approaching and these would make great gifts for the athlete, mom, sister, or friends in your life.  (1 entry per purchase.  Please let me know and Rachelle will also pass on the information).  
I will choose a winner using random selection (random.org) on November 15th!  

Good luck! 



  1. I really, really, really would LOVE to have one of these!!!!!!!!!! You know I follow and am now following her!!!

  2. I really liked all the designs but the red floral, the black flower and the sport flower all spoke to me the most.

  3. i liked 'em on fb [username karen r m] runner_girl5k at yahoo dot com

  4. follower! runner_girl5k at yahoo dot com

  5. i like the circle with RUNNER on it (my fav hobby AND my maiden name! love it!) runner_girl5k at yahoo dot com

  6. I like the Taking Life one Mile at a time necklace

  7. shared on my blog - http://pamdemonium2.blogspot.com/2011/11/keep-faith-jewelry-giveway.html

  8. I love the Baby Birthday necklace and the similar Names one. Little feet=love. But running related I'm digging the "Press on toward the goal" and "1 mile at a time" necklaces.

  9. Love the 'One more mile' necklace, or the '1 mile at a time necklace'.

  10. I like the necklaces that have multiple piece and a colored stone, doesn't matter which ones though.

    Don't forget the annual holiday blog gift exchange!! Or your host for hosting it!!! ;)

  11. Love this jewlry it is gorgeous and so creative. I liked them on fb.

  12. I am a followe of runninghood of course. :)

  13. I really like the rustic look and the "take one mile at a time" design.

  14. Like Keep the Faith Creations on FB!

  15. I liked Keep the Faith Creations on fb :)

  16. Love all of their jewelry, especially the "One more mile" neckladce. Also love that they are so affordable!

  17. I also just(yesterday) purchased two necklaces as gifts. I paid with adlevesq@yahoo.com

  18. Liked on Facebook!! such nice stuff! :)

  19. I am following you :) and hope to see you in a week or so.

  20. Awesome giveaway! I liked them on FB.

  21. Cool stuff on the website. I love the "Taking Life 1 Mile at a Time" necklace.

  22. Liked on Facebook, great fun jewlery by the way.

  23. I follow via google reader

  24. My favorite would have to be the "15. One More Mile "

  25. Already like Keep the Faith Creations - GREAT stuff!

  26. Hard to pick, but I think "Taking Life One Mile at a Time" the best

  27. Dear Amanda-I love your Bat Girl Mamma getup!! You look awesome!! Oh!! I wouldn't feel right if I won this beautiful necklace...because I am not a runner anymore. But I hope it goes to someone who is:) xxx

  28. I also mentioned the giveaway on my facebook!

  29. My favorite piece is

    17. Press On Toward the Goal

    This website is tooo awesome! I love that it glorifies the Lord with running!

  30. I like the "Taking life 1 mile at a time"

  31. I'm a follower. I don't have a facebook account, so if my entries don't count...that's ok.

  32. I really like the runner necklace that they are giving away...maybe a different color bead (purple or something).

  33. This giveaway will be posted on my blog tomorrow - promise!

  34. I WANT the "stronger than yesterday" necklace!

  35. I like the Go the Distance necklace the best!

  36. Like Keep the Faith Creations on facebook

  37. Follow Runninghood :) Thanks for the "love" on your sidebar!!

  38. I like the "racing rocks" necklace!

  39. I LOVE Word or Name charm bracelet and the Race Memory Bracelet.

  40. I like the one more mile necklace. Cool stuff!

  41. I like the black flower initial necklace.
