Thursday, June 14, 2012

Efficiency and the Mother Athlete

Strength Training
Core work
Eating right
Self Massage

All of these things go into making a strong athlete.  When it comes to being a runner, I speak for myself when I say that it is so darn easy to get to point where all I'm doing is carving out the time for my mileage.  If I don't have an injury and I'm trying to fit in a certain amount of miles per day/week, I tend to forget how important it is to do all of these other things.  They all take time.  But when I cut out one or all of the things from the list, my running eventually takes a hit.  

As a busy mom to three kids (what mom isn't busy?), I have to do a TON of MULTI-TASKING if I want to be good at my job as a mom and still make the other plates in my life stay plates of :


and more.  

Even eating right takes work.  It means slowing down enough to make sure that I'm feeding myself and not just eating off of my kids' plates.  It means taking the time to put together a salad with lots of greens and protein instead of just grabbing whatever is easiest.  

I know that with summer here, some things slow down a bit but at the same time, having three kids HOME and not in school, means less alone time for me and more ON time as a mom.  So that means being creative with how I fit in these important things like strength training, core work, etc.  I can only take so much time during my day that I devote to exercise so I'm determined to find ways to fit this stuff in WHILE doing other things.  

Today has been pretty successful with this mommy/athlete multi-tasking.  Although I don't want to be multi-tasking all the time, it does serve its purpose when I have a 9 mile run and long overdue core work and strength work to fit in on top of normal house stuff and making the kid/summer/fun world go round.  If I want to end up with some down time, then I have to find ways to fit in the other stuff.  Here are just a few ways I fit it all in today so that I now have ME time for icing, rolling my foot, and writing this blog while my kids have their "quiet time":

It isn't often that I have time to myself to just sit down and write in the middle of the day.  This is usually my running time but things worked out perfectly today and I was more efficient than usual.  

  • While folding laundry, I played a game with myself.  Fold 4 things; Do push ups; Fold 4 things; Do ab work; Fold 4 more get the gist
  • Lunges down the hall while I pretend to get my son.  He thought it was a game.  I got some nice leg work in.  Win win.
  • Do more ab work while lifting my son on my legs and doing read aloud to my kids (goal is to get through a chapter book a week for summer read aloud).  
  • More read aloud while doing various Jillian Michaels' moves that I have in my memory.  
  • Make a lunch for kids to eat as picnic on the front lawn where I can see and talk to them while on my treadmill starting my 9 mile recovery run.  Then they were free to ride bikes, use their spray bottles, and play with friends in the culdesac while I finished my run.  I admit, I was interrupted several times so my 9 miles took way longer than it should have.  But overall, it was fun for all.  And I still had a part in conversations, watching my kids play, etc. 
  • Now my son is down for a nap and my girls get their designated t.v time where they get to watch a couple shows on Netflix.  And I'm taking care of the nutrition part by drinking my Nuun All Day and eating an ice cream sandwich.  Oops, I mean I'm making that salad right after this.  
So many people ask me "How do you do it?!" or my favorite (which I also wrote a post addressing):  "Where do you find the time?!!"   Yes, I'm a mother of three kids and yes, life gets busy but when something is really important to us, we usually find a way to make it happen.  For me, it means being creative with how I plan my day.  There are many days that I'm flying around like crazy and don't get it all done but most days I'm 
Now that summer is here, I can fit in my treadmill time when the kids are playing next to me or with their friends outside where I can see them.  This is awesome.  Even doing dishes can be a multi-tasking chore....calf raises, butt squeezes, squats in between unloading dishes, tricep dips on the kitchen chairs, dropping and doing push-ups after tasks....these things don't have to be done in isolation.  

So now, I'm off to make that salad and still have time for a shower before my precious quiet time is over and it is time to get dinner ready for everyone and still have the evening for quality family time.  I'm making it all happen and this makes me feel happy at the end of the day.  Accomplished.  Healthy.  Fit.  Balanced.  Efficient.  

How do you make it all work?
Where do you find the time to do the things that are important to you?  
What do you cut out of your day to make sure you take time for the things that make you a stronger, more fit, healthier, happier YOU?   



  1. great post!!! seeing as i just had my 4th baby last week,my mind has been spinning with how to be supermom AND train for a marathon in novemeber......

    dawn patrol runs on the home TM while the kiddos are sleeping will surely mandatory part of training!

    1. Congrats!!! 4 kids...and a marathon in november...truly supermom! Thank Goodness for the treadmill for us busy moms!!

  2. I wake up early to get my run/swim/ride in before my husband leaves for work. I'll do arm weights, an work, and any video-type workouts during the day. Sometimes I'll do an evening run after my little ones are in bed, too... It's all about prioritizing!!

    1. So true about prioritizing and BREAKING things up too...we do what we can to get it all in. Good to hear from you.

  3. I love that you're efficient without losing the critical "being in the moment" moment.

    Keep up the awesome work!

    1. Thanks Lisa. YOu know, perhaps something along these lines will be what my book is about when I finally getting around to writing that book that is within me. :) LIving an efficient and presentful life. :)

  4. Great ideas here, A! Yes, multitasking. I do a lot of that, too. I told you of my new found thing -reading on the treadmill. Sweet! I think for you with all the TM running that would be awesome. With a great book miles tick so quickly.

    I can totally picture you multitasking. Smiling when I picture that:)

  5. Great ideas here, A! Yes, multitasking. I do a lot of that, too. I told you of my new found thing -reading on the treadmill. Sweet! I think for you with all the TM running that would be awesome. With a great book miles tick so quickly.

    I can totally picture you multitasking. Smiling when I picture that:)

  6. Hmm - ice cream sandwich. Well if it's good enough for you, I should definitely do that.

  7. Where is your treadmill? That sounds awesome! I multitask all day long to fit it all in. Additionally I cut out sleep and unfortunately creative time. I have a whole room of scrapbook things and haven't touched it on so long. Hoping this summer will make time for some of that!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I actually just came to the grips with not beating myself up over not getting to the gym for cross training. I have broken out my Turbo Fire DVD's and I do it at home when I can slide it in. It would be more fun to go to a class with actual people BUT at the end of the day... The workout is done and I still enjoyed it!

  10. I love this post! I've been finding myself doing the same thing to get ab work and strength moves in- a few reps while playing on the floor, pushups here and there, playing airplane with her on my legs, I finally realized the little stuff can add up to. It doesn't have to be all or nothing.

  11. You inspire me! As a mom to a three year old and a newborn, it is difficult for me to make time for running, strength, and stretching, let alone sleeping and eating well. I plan to use my treadmill before the rest of the house awakes once school starts back.

  12. Love this post! Multitasking while setting priorities is the key! I so wish I had a treadmill - it's great that you can still be with your kids/keep an eye on them while getting your run done!

  13. I always love reading your posts because they are so relate-able! Your thoughts on this subject are spot-on. I have four kids and get asked all the time how I have the time to work out and train for marathons and still have time to stay on top of things with the kids and the home. I never have the guts to say what I'm thinking, which is that it's all about prioritizing and managing time well. Even busy moms have time for the things they WANT to make time for. I don't watch TV for one thing, unless I'm on a treadmill or exercise bike. As you said, there are ways to multi-task kids' activities with exercise. I have also had to come to terms with not feeling guilty for spending the time I do on something I love so much - running and fitness. Obviously the kids and my husband come first, but it's all about balance. True with most things in life, as you know. Keep it up, Amanda! You are an inspiration!

    A quick question for you: do you ever have much trouble with tightness/soreness in your hamstrings? Like, consistent and unforgiving? Haha! I have had pain in my hamstrings on and off (mostly on) ever since I started running a couple of years ago - it's always the worst on high-mileage weeks. But I haven't been able to find anything that gives me much relief, other than not running. I've tried foam roller, Pilates, Yoga, heat, ice, stretching, shortening my stride, making my husband massage them...ugh, any other ideas? Thanks!

  14. LOVE IT!!! I love this post and I am loving your blog (new reader since May). I just started running/blogging and find this blog to be a great resource for inspiration, ideas, tools...just a great read.

    As a new step-mom to a 7-year old girl, I am finding that it is ALL about creativity! Finding time to get things done and finding time to BE with her. Creating chores into games is a good one. Thanks for sharing!

  15. this could 100% be my day and how I get things done. follow the kids around, getting strength exercises in, in between folding laundry, doing dishes - right down to the T of what you wrote. When you have 3 little ones at home that's how it's done!:)

  16. It's not easy. I have a gym with childcare, but try to limit my time there. I get up at 4:30am on Tues and Thurs to run with my group. Saturdays I get to sleep in til 5:20am for a long run. I just started Crossfit, so I do that M-W-F from 6-7am. Getting things done before the kids are fully awake works for me. I blog usually at the end of the day and watch TV/blog.

  17. So awesome! You are so super efficient with getting it all in! Such fabulous discipline :) These are some great ideas. I should start folding might get me doing more strength work, too :)

  18. I find that many times im out of balance but that's okay too! As long as im aware of the area that needs more attention the next day. I have found the key is to cut myself some slack esp. In summer! Loved this post!

  19. I love these posts, Amanda. It sounds so much like my life! Calf raisers while washing dishes, etc...setting tents up in the rain at the track to have a camp-out. :) Summer will fly by and the kids will have had a blast.
    One of these days all of your kids will be old enough to run as fast as you! Then it will be group run time- It's hard to believe, but I know that day is coming here too.

  20. Have a great summer, Amanda!! You are quite the multi-tasker :D I've had a really tough time with getting all my training in this Spring. There just wasn't enough time when the kids weren't around to get it all done, so I decided to just go with the flow and let my events be what they will be. Maybe in my 50s when the kids are grown, I can start to try to be competitive. HA!
    BUT>>>for now, I'm not giving it up! Just doing what I can do! and enjoying it all!

  21. Love this post! As a mom-to-be I am wondering how it is done and so I love seeing how other running moms do it and getting some good tips! My husband is also a marathon runner/triathlete so I've had moments of panic wondering how we will both be able to do what we love and be awesome parents too! THANKS for sharing this!

  22. I LOVE the list you made :)

    I think the BEST thing for running efficiency became when I got my sons to do sub-8 minute miles on their razors on the local trails. It's not my fastest or most effective workouts, but if I'm desperate I can squeeze in 4-5 miles of 7:45's before they start to complain.

  23. Lunges down the hall - brilliant !!

    You have one of the most interesting lives. Love it.
