Sunday, June 23, 2013

When Marathon Training in Vermont....Stop and Have a Beer on the Run!

If there is one thing that I'd say my husband and I do best in our marriage it would the supporting of each other in our goals.  When we know that a goal is important to the other, we stand by them and do what we can to help them get to where they are going.

Starting his engineering business
Thinking of career change


My husband has stood by me through every big goal I've set for myself.  He's been there for all of my marathons and he's the first to encourage me to set the bar higher in everything so that I don't limit myself.  We've always done this for each other.  And now that Boston is over and I'm not training for anything specific, it's his turn as he trains for his September marathon with the goal of a Boston Qualifier.  I'm behind him all the way.  He's spent almost the last 2 years recovering from some really awful plantar faciitis after his first marathon with me (untrained at 3:24) and then his BQ attempt only a couple months later that resulted in a 3:20 and injury.  Too much too soon!  We all know how that ends up.  Now he's back and running stronger and SMARTER than ever.

I do admit, if he BQ's and we both get in to run Boston 2014, I'm not so sure that  having both of us training for a marathon with 3 young kids will be all that conducive to a life outside of running!  In fact, if he qualifies (which I think he will), I might just sit back and support him training for Boston.  I might be the one to go as the spectator this time since he has done it for me the past three times. We shall see when the time comes.

In the meantime, here we are on our 12 day road trip with a husband in the midst of a rather successful build up in his marathon training.  We've hit Washington, D.C for 2 days, NYC for 2 days, Boston for a Red Sox game, New Hampshire for a stay in a log cabin in the White Mountains for 2 days (my favorite!!) and driving through the absolutely beautiful and charming state of Vermont today.  Then we head home.

So, just how does one marathon train through all of this driving and traveling?  Easy.  We are lucky enough to travel with our best travel friends who just "GET" this type of lifestyle.  They were fully on board when we stopped on the side of the road today outside of Killington, VT to let the guys husband to run 14 miles to Woodstock, VT while my friend's husband mountain biked back to the ski resort and down to meet us.

Approximate drop off point before we continued on to Woodstock.

While waiting, we relaxed with the kids in Woodstock.  I took the older kids to a creek to make boats out of leaves and wade through the water while I read and she waited with our boys who were sleeping in the car.  It was just a normal part of our travel routine...our usual stretch of hours so that the guys could get their endorphin fix.  Now, if I were marathon training too?  Yikes, I'm not sure how that would happen.  That would be a lot!

Waiting with the kids in Woodstock, VT. Cute town but everything closed so early! There was a creek to play in and plenty of places for the kids to run and play.  Not to mention the buildings and shops to just look at.  So quaint.  

As I was waiting in Woodstock today (adorable town btw!), I was starting to wonder where my husband was and when he'd be back.  He finally showed up, jumped in the creek to wash off so he didn't stink up the van, and we drove to our hotel for the evening while he shared details about his run.  His 2x11 minutes at threshold were all around a 6:30-6:40 pace.  Impressive and on track for his goal.  Check. Check.

Then he showed me a picture he took on his run before he started the hour of easy running. It was of him standing at the Long Trail Brewery in Bridgewater Corners, VT with a Long Trail Ale in his hand.

What??! When did he have time to do this??!

When in Vermont.... Stopping at a brewery in the middle of a long run isn't the typical fueling strategy.  But I suppose it is a good story to tell.  After all, when we we be in Vermont again?  Who knows. 

Apparently, he figured that if he was going to be running past this brewery in Vermont with all these cyclist who just finished their century ride, that he MUST stop to have a beer before continuing on.  Just to say he did.  This is an adventure after all!  And he DID kick butt on his threshold portion of the run.  When will we be in Vermont again?  Why not?  The picture made me laugh.  The old Amanda with a baby in tow, lots of sleepless nights and our kids way younger and more work might have been a little irritated and stressed out but it only took me a second before I high fived him and told him how awesome that was.  What an memorable part of his AWESOME training run in beautiful Vermont!

So, here we day for him as we travel back to Asheville, North Carolina.  We'll probably spend the night in West Virginia, do a bit more swimming and splashing in creeks along the way, and soak it all in.

Cheers to Travel, Training, and Supporting each other as we go!


  1. You guys! You are officially crazy runners! Stopping to run 14 miles is totally nuts to begin with (and you are a saint to work with it) but stopping for beer mid-run? Truly insane.
    Enjoy Vermont. It's a beautiful state.

  2. I am dying to visit Vermont! It sounds so beautiful.

    I love scheduling my travels around runs and adventures. It's the best. It is so nice when your partner is on the same page and totally gets it. I hope I can find that again because it is so nice to have that!

    Safe travels back to Asheville!

  3. First - I love the way you and your husband support each other with your goals (of all sorts) and training plans!!!
    Second - your vacation sound amazing!!
    Third - I love that your husband included a beer stop in his run!!!

  4. Who doesn't love a good beer after a long run?! I think running and cold beer good hand in hand. No better way to refuel!

  5. Mid run carb-loading, love it.

  6. I love reading about your true partnership. You support each other, challenge each other, are best friends and partners. You guys are what a marriage should look like.

    Also, Vermont is one of my favorite places on earth, having spent four years in college there. Woodstock is awesome! If you ever go back, let me know and I can give you more good swimming hole spots. =)

  7. Too funny! Good for him. I love Vermont and this is the perfect time of the year to visit.

    I hope the trip back is kind to you...especially 95 if you are traveling it!

  8. So fun to hear about your east coast adventures!! It sounds like the trip has been everything you hoped for and you will be bringing home so many memories to treasure for a lifetime.

    Love that your husband stopped for a mid-run beer! :)

  9. Ha ha. It's a terrible idea to drink and run but what the hell! He's on holidays and as long as it was just one drink.

  10. I'm so impressed with your summer adventures. Traveling is one of the things I look forward to the most when I have kids. I love to travel, but to have little people that soak up all the newness seems just fabulous.

    You and your hubby have a great system, too- one of the tickets to a happy marriage! :)

  11. Awesome! It's so great to be able to cheer each other on in big goals. Excited for him!

  12. Oh my gosh! My husband and I just got back from our honeymoon in VT - my absolute favorite place was Woodstock and my favorite part was the Long Trail Brewery! Such an adorable and amazingly beautiful place! Sounds like you guys are enjoying a wonderful vacation!
