Sunday, December 12, 2010

Return to Forest Park

First Run in Forest Park since my fall here on August 15th that led to a complete tear and multiple other tears in my hamstring.  So happy to be back here today.  The sun was out for a bit, 58ish degrees, no rain....perfect. Just my good friend Jen, the trees, and my favorite place to run.  For those of you that don't know about Forest Park, it is worth checking out, and definitely worth a visit if you are ever in Portland.  Heck, I would say that this place is reason enough just to come to the Pacific Northwest whether you have any other reason or not.  Miles and Miles of trails right in the middle of the untouched by development and a treasured spot for runners, walkers, hikers, and bikers.  Really a wonderful place no matter what you are doing.  

One of the trail heads. Leif Erikson is where I've always done most my long runs.  It goes 11 miles to the next parking lot so I usually go out and come back.  Today we went out 3 to make a total of 6.  Every 1/4 mile is marked. You can also go off on smaller trails.

Definitely dog friendly.  Always water bowls for the dogs.

 My long run running partner, Jen.  Love this girl! She's been a dear friend for a long time.

Okay, I'm keeping this pic small because it is a really bad picture...especially since I'm wearing such a lovely outfit but really, can somebody help me with my stride???!  Can you say heel striker?  ouch.I think I've always run like this but there must be a better form for me.  

Playing it smart and stretching before we turn around.

What is your favorite place to run?


  1. What a beautiful park! Looks like a great place to run! :) favorite close place to run is the local university's singletrack trails. Further away, probably Castlewood State Park in St. Louis.

  2. I love love love forest park! I love Leif and Wildwood because of the posted mileage markers.
    I love running trails in the gorge, too.

    Have you ever done pup creek falls on the Clackamas? It is a really nice trail. I also really like the Riverside Trail. They might be extensions of each other. A bit of a drive, but worth it!

  3. oh I am SO jealous of that run - it looks gorgeous! And to think that's so nearby! Lucky, lucky you.

    And you look fine running but that IS a heelstrike. Have you tried ChiRunning? I did - years ago - I can't say I ChiRun now at all but it HAS improved my footstrike.

  4. What a cool place to run!! I wish there was something like that near me. My favorite place to run is a local bike path. I'd love to find some trails that aren't too tricky though!

  5. That looks like such an amazing place to run! And, yay for having a great running partner too!

    My favorite place to run is on the Highline Canal. It's this soft packed trail that runs basically through the city and is surrounded by beautiful trees. I can't really run on it in the winter b/c of the snow (unless I use my Yaktrax), but it's still my favorite place.

  6. What a gorgeous trail!!! I am so happy you are back after hurting your hamstring. You better take some pizza shots tonight ha! I am the exact same way with books but so far Running Less, Running Faster is awesome. I haven't posted my program yet because I am still working on it but I will let you know as soon as I do. When is your next race? Did you have any pain in your hamstring today? Yay for dog friendly trails. My favorite place to run is up the Provo Canyon. If you have heard of sundance ski resort it is that canyon and it is gorgeous!!!

  7. That looks beautiful. Oregon is so pretty.

    I don't have a favorite place to run anymore. I need to get one. The highway feeder road is less than scenic.

    Hey...a real you do ice baths? At how many miles? My husband suggested one today and I am not sure if it wasn't just because he wanted to freeze me!

  8. What a great place for a run. Love the waterfall.

  9. I absolutely love Portland. I ran Hood to Coast in August and stayed for a week afterwards and fell in love with it. My brother used to live there and mentioned going to Forest Park to run but I ended up just sticking to the waterfront b/c it was right by my hotel. Now I'm bummed I missed out on Forest Park. Hopefully next time!

  10. Beautiful pictures! favorite place to run so far is by the ocean, only get to do it while on vacation I am too far away from the beach to get regular runs there

  11. What a beautiful place... I would love to find some more trails around me.

    Right now my favorite place I run is the boardwalk along the beach...

  12. ah, you must live by Julie, she always runs in the most beautiful places too! That looks like a great trail! My favorite place to run is around Gun Lake, where my parents have a summer place.

  13. Great trail...That's absolutely a nice place to run..

    --I prefer running without shoes. My toes didn't get cold. Besides, if I'm in front from the start, no one can step on them. ~Michelle Dekkers - mountain hardwear

  14. What an amazing resource to have such a beautiful, clearly marked trail near you! We need more of those here in Brooklyn... :)

  15. Thanks for answering all 100 of my questions:) The oregon coast marathon sounds amazing....maybe I should come up and do it with you:)

  16. Oh and to answer your question for Boston I will be trying to have lower mileage just because of time and I want to see if I can really focus on speed. In the summer (no school) I love to increase my mileage:)

  17. From what I've read, the aspect of running form to work on is striking under the body, rather than worrying about heel or midfoot strike. Try upping your cadence, it usually makes you run more "correctly."

  18. Oh god, I miss Forest Park, I used to Work at the Oregon Zoo and would sometimes run around the park before or after work. Forest Park used to be my favorite but now I would have to say the trails around Boulder CO. Cannon Beach isn't bad either ;)

  19. You are so lucky to have such a great place to run.

  20. I just loved that picture of the old leaves on the ground, gorgeous. The trees are also beautiful, you are blessed!

  21. I have never ran at Forest Park. When I lived in Portland, I was not serious about running at all. But I love your photos!

    If I ever get up there for more than a quick turnaround, you'll have to show me the place :)

  22. That looks so pretty! I'll have to google it since I don't really know where in Portland that is.
    Yesterday was such a crazy, nice day to run! I totally over-dressed. I mean who expects 65º in Oregon in December??

  23. What a beautiful place to run. One of my friends from high school lives near there too. I wonder if your paths ever cross on that leaf-shrewn trail.

  24. beautiful trails! I love running in my neighborhood, lots of paved trails mixed with roads.

  25. thats such a cool trail. My favorite place to run is the trail by our lake. Quiet, gorgeous, and all mine!

  26. What a beautiful place to run! I like running in the woods. Glad you're getting back to running after the injury!

  27. Forest Park is awesome!! Love Lacamas Lake trails out my way. Good for you for getting back out to the place of your injury. Sometimes a hard mental battle!
