Thursday, January 27, 2011

First Ice Bath

I decided that tonight was the night for my first ever ICE BATH.  I've heard about it.  I've read about it.  I've been told that I should do it but I have never (until now) done it.  Woooo Wee!  I didn't know what I was missing out on.  
I figured that with the pain I've been feeling in my IT band, the soreness from rolling and new stretching, the intense (and awesome) spin class tonight, and an hour of yoga, now would be a good night to test the waters of the ice bath.  
I thought that I'd try to visualize warm thoughts so that this whole ice bath thing might be a bit easier.  So I dressed in my swimsuit, put some shades on, grabbed my beach towel, and told myself I was someplace warm with the sun, sand, and warm water. Okay, really the suit just made it more fun for my girls who were watching and it allowed me to take pictures and a video to capture the moment. The glasses and towel just added a nice touch to the suit.  
Here's my "right before entering the water" picture.  My face says it all...this is scary stuff!  I mean I don't like cold water.  It takes me 15 minutes just to get in the darn pool at the gym.  

My 5 year old cinematographer captured the first attempts of an ICE Bath for this athlete.  What a milestone in my running life.  

I did finally adjust to the torture of sitting in ice.  I could barely walk when I got out because my feet were numb.  Now I'm sitting in my fleece pants with my robe and slippers while writing this blog, watching some mindless t.v and sipping this:

Have you ever had an ice bath?  

How often do you take ice baths?  

What do you do to pass the time when you take an ice bath know, how do you make it more bearable?  



  1. What a blatant attempt to get into the bikini calendar! It's a good one though and then the nod to potential sponsor Celestial Seasonings is a nice touch.

  2. Never taken one. My question is did it help?

  3. I tried getting into a bathtub filled with ice water. Once. I learned my lesson that it is far easier (and more enjoyable) to sit in an empty tub, then fill it up with cold water, then add the ice. I'm too much of a baby to jump right into freezing water, and need to acclimate. But, they are extremely helpful after long/hard workouts.

  4. I have not done more than an ice "soak" for my foot or ankle since college...BUT in college I love love loved to sit in the cold whirlpool. I was one of the crazies that would get in and sit up to my waist. I would always count to like 100 or something and then my body would be numb. After though I remember always feeling so refreshed! Hope you are feeling a bit better.

  5. You are too funny with the glassess and beach towel! It may help to have a sweater and a hat on. Sometimes I wear socks, too. These would destroy your beach theme, but might make the water more tolerable (LOL).

    OK, let me put this out there. You had 3 kids and have that perfect tummy? You need to post preggo pics, otherwise we may start believing that your kids are adopted!

  6. haha I was thinking the same thing as running and living. You are rockin that swimsuit missy!

  7. oh my gosh, that made me laugh! I love your daughter's little laugh. SO cute.

  8. My coach in high school used to make us sit in an ice bucket but I have never attempted an ice bath. I'm sure it helps but wow, it must be cold!

    anyway, i know it was tough for me but it is great you are letting your body rest, stretch, and ice. I ignored my plantar fascitiis too long and missed months of running on it. Next time, I am listening to my injuries and giving myself a break when I need it!

  9. congrats on your first ice extravaganza!!!

    my game plan for ice bath:

    1. have hot chocolate or tea ready to drink whilst in the bath.
    2. have a timer ready within sight of the bath.
    3. put on my down jacket and sinch it up so that it doesn't get wet.
    4. place my computer on the toliet and prime it with episodes of friends, the office, or any other 20 minute show that i have on dvd (commercials kill the distraction.
    5. cover the bathroom floor with a towel so that i can get out as soon as the time is up.
    6. fill the tub with cold water.
    7. dump in the 20 lb. bag of ice.
    8. step in. start the timer. sit down. sip tea. hang out with my "friends". watch the timer every 13 seconds. get out when it reaches 20 min.

    it's totally worth it! i ran 20 on sunday, took an ice bath and haven't been sore or tight at all. amazing!

  10. A bikini! You are awesome.
    I do the ice bath thing but I wear a sweatshirt...and sometimes sweatpants...seriously.....

  11. I would just fill up the tub with very cold water and sit in it up to my waist. After a few moments of swearing and acute body shock, I would go numb for a bit. It really does help your muscles after a long run. Seriously. It is worth the pain. I don't know if I could add ice, though. The super cold water worked well enough for me.

  12. No way no how - never - nope - not me!

    The look of terror on your daughter's face speaks volumes and reaffirms my thoughts on ice baths.

  13. I do ice baths and I really think they help. I usually only do them after marathons- fill it with as cold of water as the tap will provide, them dump a good amount of ice in there. I always loose my breathe when I first get in and if I don't, I tell my husband to get more ice. I usually have a book to try and distract myself, but that usually doesn't help. My last ice bath my feet went completely numb and I was really nervous to stand up. Anyway, keep doing them (even though they can feel like torture). I usually only stay in for 10-15 minutes- tops.

  14. You are very brave! Me...never have and never will...never.

  15. That is torture. Pure torture. I have done a couple of them. Sucks. I don't last long. Good for you for giving it a try!

  16. I love the touch of the beach towel and shades. Too funny!!! Hopefully I look like that after having children!!! I've never tried an ice bath but I do "cold water" baths. I'm not sure I'm tough enough for an ice bath. How's your leg feeling? Better? It's good that you are resting up and taking care of it. You'll be back to full strength in no time!

  17. I do them after really long runs, but I ease myself into it, and I wear a ski hat to keep some body heat in. Then I MUST have my cellphone, so I can go on the internet to pass the time.

  18. Hahah! Sorry..I'm sure the icebath was awesome stuff but you are.rocking.that bikini lady!!! Nice shades. ;)

    Have a great weekend! Lots of healing thoughts your way!

  19. HAHAHA!! First off your quite adorable and a great looking mama!! Yes, I've used ice baths and cringe getting in that water. I don't even like getting in cool swimming water. I usually only do it when I have to but I'm going to be good this time around and as my miles creep up I'll do it just for precaution.. Happy Friday!

  20. Ha, thanks for all the comments on this. Great! Ms. Dawn, you have a fabulous routine for ice baths. I'm not a huge Friends fan but this seems like it would help. Kovas, you're on to know, since I thought that whole bikini thing was real and all. :)

    I'm feeling better in my IT band but so sore in my lower back and definitely feeling bruised like from all the rolling and stretching.

  21. Hi, finally got here. Was wondering who this Amanda person was that I was compared to.

    Never done an ice bath, but have done the alt hot and cold showers a few times.

    It's really important to listen to your body so you back off before you injure yourself, and once injured to go easy or not at all till it's healed. As I am doing with a knee these days. Almost there.

    Now I need to get on my bike. I'll be back. With longer comments...

  22. You are freaking hilarious.

    I was laughing out loud! Best video ever.

    I love the sunglasses idea. Genius.
    Not sure which child took the video but that laugh was adorable as you were about to sit down! There is nothing as sweet a child's laugh.

    oh, and p.s. Holy smokin' body, woman! Your husband is a lucky man! ;)

  23. I do love an ice bath. But I normally put the ice in the tub after I get in. It's much easier that way. :)

    Thanks for leading me to the ITB tips.

  24. i LOVE ice baths! I tend to do my hardest training when its warmer out so i've never tried to take one in the winter...
    but, I usually take a bagel and protein shake with me and sit there eating and drinking... it helps to pass the time, plus i think chewing (energy) tends to keep me a little warmer ;)

  25. Whenever I am about to put my foot in an ice bath, I get some notecards and start studying. I distract myself with the torture of cold water with the torture of studying. It works pretty well.

  26. That was a cute video. Don't envy the ice bath. I haven't had one since highschool and don't plan on it. Your daughter is darling...

  27. Ha ha! I love how your daughter is like laughing at your pain!

    You look FANTASTIC! I'm with Ana Maria and I want some prego pics to prove those kids are yours!! Beach theme-hilarious!

    I've taken ONE icebath after my 26 a couple of weeks ago. It was horrible and lasted about 10 seconds. I know they have their benefits but I'm all about taking a 2 hour hot shower and sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee after I've been running in the cold!!!

    Hope you have a great weekend and the IT band is cooperating!

  28. The kid vocals were the best part! They were loving it!

  29. I used to take ice baths after runs over 15 miles... sometimes less but over 15 it became "policy". They helped so much it made them totally worth it. It got to where I looked forward to them.

    Look at your cute little rockin' bikini body! Did you really have all those kids yourself? ;-)

  30. SOCKS! I have to wear socks or my toes hurt forever after. I turn the radio on super loud and sing at the top of my lungs to try to distract myself. The more I do them the easier it gets especially when I realize how much they help my recovery.

  31. So funny! I always take a warm cup of something w/ me for mine, and leave a long-sleeved shirt on (hiked up a bit!). But I applaud your efforts to go with delusion!

  32. Ice baths are the BEST! But what is even better is sitting in a snow-melt creek (pronounced "crick", of course) post single-track ADVENTURE! Oh how I miss you summer...and dirt...sigh...
    misszippy is 100% spot on. I go with a sweatshirt and a cup of hot tea. It helps keep the "girls" nice and warm. The "girls" shouldn't have to suffer too..

  33. Hello Ms. Hottie Mc hotbod! Woot Woot! Are you SURE you have kids(<; You are so brave. I have thought about ice bathing but I detest cold water. Maybe on a hot day...or if I have a fever..or am paid a million dollars (<;

  34. I love the video!! Ice baths are heaven and the devil all at the same time! I used them after my +16 runs...but that was warmer then...hmmm, not sure if I can suck it up now.

    Ha Kovas! We are all trying for a spot on the "calendar"! He also remarked on your comment on my post!

  35. I find a few yelps and hollars really help ease the shock of those first couple minutes - then it's total bliss!

    I've probably taken well over 500 ice baths in my life - more in the summer.

    And goodness, lady...I always wear 3 layers on top, really helps reduce the shivering factor :).

  36. Never had an ice bath. Know the theory and understand that it's a great recovery tool but I fear the pain.

  37. Ice baths are pure torture! But they sure get the job done.

  38. AHHH!!! GOOD FOR YOU!!! I hate ice baths when I am doing but after I LOVE helps SO much to recover. I want your abs right this second! Pancakes and making fun! Have an awesome time at dinner tonight gorgeous girl! I ALWAYS watch Friends on my laptop while I take an ice bath!

  39. Ha ha...that video was hilarious!!
    I did ice baths for the first time this year and I actually think they work! I am a wuss in cold, so they were a really big thing for me. But, here's what I do.
    I put on my swimsuit bottoms, but put a warm, comfy sweatshirt on to "try" to stay warm. Then, I have a mug of something hot to sip on while I'm in the bath. I usually start with just cold water, then add the ice cubes after a couple of minutes! That way I'm not stepping into freezing cold water right away!

  40. I tried to ice bath once. I am such a cold wuss, it did NOT last long, and I never tried it again. Frozen vagina is the worst.

  41. Your pic makes me want to be in summer and through with winter Amanda!!! You are TINY and darling in your lil' swim suit. Way to rock it girl!!
    I haven't even taken an ice bath because I am terrified of them...I am always SO freezing it seems, and the idea of submerging myself in ice makes me think I might never get warm again. Did you recover??

  42. HAHAHA!!! "This is not happenin'"

    I hate ice baths soooooo much, but I sucked it up and did a few of them during marathon training when I got to 15+ miles.

  43. I love it!!! Your kid giggling in the background is the best! ice bath sounds like pure torture, did you do it?? Did it help? What about heat? Why can't a heating pad and tigers balm do just as well? Need to know the secrets. Way to go girl. Ps... You birthed 3 kids?? Hottie ;)

  44. 100% fake ha!! I miss the days that my parents paid for my eyelash extensions:) You are so sweet!! To be honest I don't feel that different probably because I have been eating a lot of popsicles still ha! Someday, I will be as disciplined as you:) Have an amazing night gorgeous girl!

  45. They really are extensions ha.... they glue the, in one at a time!! Well, whatever you are doing must be right with killer abs like yours!!!!

  46. I know an ice bath would make me feel better (afterwards), but I haven't been able to bring myself to do it. I've used Epsom salts, which allow me to pretend my nice hot bath is doing something productive. :) Maybe after some of these long runs for the marathon...

  47. That tea looks good. I think I will have a cup right now, but will pass on the ice bath. I had enough ice with the freezing rain storm yesterday!:)

  48. I hate ice baths! Yuck. Haven't had one in years, since college actually.

  49. I've only done one and it seemed to help. Wearing a winter hat helps a bit. Hot tea or coffee sounds like a good idea. I'll try that if I ever do another one. It took me forever to warm up afterward. I was shivering uncontrollably when I got out of the tub.

  50. Fantastic. lolol! I loved the crazy girl with the beach theme thing. You are rad.

    So... like others, I wear a down jacket, rolled up above the water and my undies or shorts from running.
    Hot coffee. Definitely HOT.
    Takes about 2 minutes to get numb-ish. I use frozen milk jugs about 10 minutes before getting in. They stay in there while I bathe and the kids put in the ice cubes for fun (actually it keeps them busy). total time in = 10 minutes.

  51. Heck yeah you can be in the calendar.

    You are too funny. Hey, did you DVR Portlandia? I did. Hilarious.

  52. ha ha ha!! just watched the video!! your daughter is priceless! i love how you try to back out of the video at the end. i could so not do an ice bath...

  53. Just this year I have started taking ice baths, I love and hate them. They really help with soreness but they hurt SO bad. I follow most of the advice you have already gotten. But drinking something hot while in the tub is really key.

  54. HAAAA!!! that is hilarious. My first ice bath, it took me 30 minutes just to get in...I wore a sweatshirt and hat on my head!! It is the most painful thing ever!!!! Nice job getting in there!!!

  55. I am now freezing after reading this entry...and we're having 70 degree weather today! That video with E in the background is hilarious. Hope you're feeling less pain today!! - AJO

  56. ditto to some of the others - i can barely get in a tub of just-cold water. i have to get in the water first, then pour the ice over me. brrrr. hurts at first, but feels pretty good after awhile!
