Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Puppy LOVE Wee Words Wednesday

I'm pretty sure these pictures are a sign that my 5 year old thinks she's in LOVE.  I found her writing these love notes just after her friend (that is a boy) came for a visit.  Goodness, she is so Boy Crazy...I'm not looking forward to the teenage days.  Maybe by then, she won't have as much interest.  

Do you remember when you first thought you were IN LOVE? 



  1. There's nothing like being twitterpated for the first time :) Cute pics.

  2. Someone takes after her boy crazy momma!!! She has such good penmanship!

  3. SO cute!! My girls still SWEAR that boys have cuties. My son (almost 5) on the other hand has apparently met his wife already or so he thinks. The cutest little girl at his daycare waits for him to arrive each morning and greets him with a *huggie* (their words) and they play all day. It's super cute.

  4. I can't believe how many "couples" there are in first grade this year. Mai is constantly telling me so and so broke up or so and so are boyfriend and girlfriend...In THE FIRST GRADE! Holy Moly. Mai started writing in a diary, too.
    I really want to know what a 6 year old writes in the privacy of their diary, but she's not sharing :-)

  5. OK that is seriously so cute. She is starting young.

  6. ack, cutest thing ever!! :) Don't worry, i think i had my first crush at 5 too. And i turned out ok. ;)

  7. So darn cute! I can't remember back that far, myself!

  8. This is beyond precious. I love how kids feel so much love for themselves and for everyone else. If only we could keep that openness as we enter adulthood.

  9. That is soooo funny! Glad to hear that it is not only my 5 year old that already loves boys! A few months ago, I caught my daughter writing on her door with red crayon. "I Love Kai"! I seriously don't remember doing that kind of stuff until like 3rd or 4th grade! NOT kindergarten!

  10. My nine year old is the couple maker in her group. She is rarely concerned about who she might want to "like her back" she is trying to keep her friends from breaking up. She is a jr. match maker.

  11. Seriously, THAT IS ADORABLE.....I think my heart just melted a little bit. Let's make love notes for our husbands today mk?!?! The first time I was in love was a kid named Peter in the first grade. He was so stinkin cute ha!
    P.S. That recipe is totally kid friendly!! She fed it to her 2 year old. Just make sure the salsa you add are super mild....the costco mango salsa is sweet so it made it super delicious...have a great day gorgeous!

  12. that is so sweet! your pictures are amazing!

  13. How SWEET!! Oh I love just love those sweet little love notes :)

  14. Soooooo cute.

    I remember my first crush. He crushed me. A few years later I grew to be about 6 inches taller than him, though, so it all worked out.

  15. That is too precious! Good luck to you in the future - you might need it! ;-)

  16. I think my first crush was in first grade and I had another big one in fourth. It all starts so early in school these days. Am secretly thankful my homeschoolers aren't exposed to it all.

  17. so cute, i love following your blog so i nominated you for the "stylish blogger award" check it out on my blog;)

  18. Your daughter is adorable- of course I should tell you that Nathan keeps trying to pick out his wife.
    But she has to be younger than him.

    SO he asks me, "Is Meleka younger than me? How old is she?" And I explain that she's older than him because her birthday is 3 days before his. So she is ruled out... Too bad too. She's a cute/nice girl!

  19. How adorable. I hope at that age the feeling is reciprocated, though at some point don't they express their affection by being mean to each other? Or is that just my generation?!

  20. Oh that is just too precious; she's so sweet. I love little girls!

    I was very boy crazy when I was younger and by the time I reached my teens, I just wanted to hang out with my friends. Now my daughter is total opposite. Not very boy crazy when she was little, but she's now 15 and look out world!!!

  21. These pictures were so tender and precious, I love how you posted them in black and white. Just so sweet. I remember the first LOVE, 3rd grade, David Ludwig. Broken leg. I had to carry his lunch box.
    It starts early for some!

  22. That's sooooo adorable!!! I remember my first crush. He was in my kindergarten class. He was a little Jewish boy and I was the same height as him (I am not tall!) and I remember inviting him to my birthday party and he said he wouldn't come unless I invited his stupid friend. Obviously I invited his friend :)

  23. yes. second grade. his name was aaron. *swoon* i moved after third grade but held onto my love for another year or so...
