Friday, November 11, 2011

Eugene, Elliptigo, Running With Raina and Fighting Over Elevator Buttons!

Eugene, Oregon.  Track Town USA.  Yep, pretty much a running mecca around there.  The whole family traveled down to Eugene from Portland to be with my husband on a work trip. What a great place to be if you're a runner.  We happened to get lucky with the weather so I was able to explore the city a bit, meet up with dear friend Raina from Small Town Runner (and her kids), run several times and visit some cool places in Eugene.  I saw many hard core looking runners EVERYWHERE I went.  Seriously, on our trail run this morning while pushing my double jogger and following my daughter on her Pinkalicious bike (I know you want one), I saw so many fast looking runners. The runners that looked like they probably get paid big bucks to run. I definitely felt like I was on some sort of fitness/running planet.  I even saw this one lady run by us with her friend who was on an this and you'll know what I mean.  It was the first time I've ever seen such a thing.  These people are serious about their fitness!  


  • This week was one of those weeks that I needed to truly do as I said I would and listen to my body and pull back a bit.  Instead of the 55 miles I had wanted to hit, I will probably end up with about 43 or so.  In the beginning of the week, my feet were just not feeling right.  I spent a couple days really babying them...icing and rolling with the golf ball.  I ran a very light 3 miles on the treadmill on Tuesday and then started picking back up a bit.  Amazing what just a small break will do for your body!  Listen to your body will tell you what you need to know.   
  • On my birthday morning I was lucky to find that the hotel fitness room was Empty.  The kids sat on some workout equipment and watched Sesame Street (kind of) while I celebrated 33 years of life by doing 3.3 miles on the treadmill, 1 set of 33 pushups, 33 sit ups, 33 lunges, 33 calf raises and I only got 33 grey hairs from yelling at my kids to stop fighting. 
  • My birthday night brought with it a meet up with Raina and her family for pizza.  Raina and I even got to get away on a nice almost 6 mile run at a good conversational pace.  It was so nice to have the opportunity to run together and have so much to talk about.  I feel like I've known her forever!  Thanks Friend!
  • We ended our trip in Eugene with a family run on some of the trails and then I took off and ran some miles on my own.  What a gorgeous place to run! 
On my run close to Pre's Trail

  • What is it about kids, hotels and their knock down, elbow jabbing, hair pulling fights over who gets to push the darn elevator buttons first?!  Or be the one to use the key to the hotel room?  We had several melt-downs this week.  All of us.  We finally had to figure out a system where we decided who got to do what BEFORE we left the room or came into the hotel.  
  • I'm pretty impressed with my oldest daughter (6 years old) and her ability to ride for many miles on her  bike so that I can get my runs in.  She kept up quite well this week!  The other kids did a good job hanging out in the jogger stroller.  
  • This weekend we have a holiday photo session with her our favorite photographer.  So, of course, this was the week that all three of my kids got some pretty big blows to their face!  My oldest had an accident with a massive plastic swing and ended up slamming both her lips so hard that they were quite beat up.  They are still swollen and she has some red scabs on the top lip.  My son slammed my younger daughter into a table corner right as we were leaving to meet up with Raina at the Science Factory. This brought on quite the bump. JOY. 
  • Is there such a thing as the Frightening Fours?  Forget the Terrible Twos or Threes.  My four year old daughter is having some huge TEMPER issues lately.  This too shall pass but WOWZERS...can we say temper tantrum?  This is new territory for me.  She can also be the sweetest kid I've ever seen. Let's just hope that this is normal for four and not a split personality issue.  
  • One of the great things about spending so much time with Raina this week is that we each have three kids almost the exact same ages.  She has some pretty amazing kiddos and they all played together quite well!  We miss them.  
This picture is the best I could get at the end of the day.  One kid is missing, one is roaring like a lion, and who knows what everyone else is doing.

1.  What about you?  Have you ever seen an Elliptigo?  Would you ever want one? I actually think they look kind of silly.  I don't think I would ever want one nor would I have the desire to take one of those things around my neighborhood.  If I need an elliptical, I'll hit the gym.  
2.  Have you made some real life friendships through the blog world that you never expected?  
3.  Who is racing this weekend??  I know of a few and I can't wait to read race reports!  



  1. This post made me smile but kind of sad too. It was the elevator button thing. My kids are 20 & 21 now and it got me thinking back to all those funny little things they used to do when they were children. That time in our lives is so short, but so precious. Man I miss those days.

  2. This post made me giggle! I only have one but our hotel visit this summer led to many meltdowns over the same things! I'm glad you got to spend time away and was able to visit with Raina! It is so beautiful there! Have fun with the pics!

  3. I love hearing about other mother's kids fighting about those kinds of things. Makes me feel so much more normal! and that your kids fight while you are trying to workout, isn't that so irritating, like really they can't be good for twenty more minutes? :)

  4. Oh, jealous you got to hang out with Raina, and jealous that Raina got to hang out with you. Serious FOMO here!

    Well, I will say I have a 6 year old and often wonder about split personality. He can be the sweetest most understanding but he can also he a huge PITA. Grr! And the elevator button...oh, the memories...

    Glad you had a fun trip and that your body is feeling strong:)

  5. Happy birthday! So happy for you you were able to celebrate with a little trip. It looks soo beautiful!

    I made some friends through blogging and it's amazing how 2 people can click even though they never met before!

  6. The Elliptigo looks pretty ridiculous. I think I would rather bike or run. But I guess if you couldn't run and didn't want to be stuck inside on an elliptical, this would be the answer.

    I do think there is a thing as the Frightening Fours. Unfortunately, I have one in the terrible twos and one in the frightening fours!

    Sounds like it was a great trip!

  7. I agree with children going a little wild whenever away from home! We have had many tears over the elevator button in our family! I LOVE the picture on your header! Absolutely beautiful!

  8. Gotta tell you, 5 kids and I never hated the 3s. It's the 4s!!!!!!! ARGGG!!!!!! And the 15 too.. :/

  9. i saw someone on a elliptigo several months ago here in chicago. i had no idea what the heck it was and spent quite a bit of time on google trying to figure out what it is and what it does, it's not often that you see things like that here in the midwest.

  10. so jealous you got to hang out with Raina. I cant wait to meet you both someday! Two of my favorite people for sure. So glad you listened to your foot and feel better :) Isnt that murphys law too with the pictures? I thought it was only me it happened to :) Have a great weekend and hope you are still celebrating!!!

  11. Love Eugene! It is where I got my bq. Great town, great course, just great!

  12. Ok, I am laughing my head off at the last picture of the kids (and Raina)...your kids make me laugh (though I'm sure they don't always make you laugh). Mostly, because I remember those years!! I'm surprised I had any hair left.

    I didn't know you were on a little vacation, how fun!! And any trip where you get to spend a lot (or even a little) time with Raina, would be an excellent trip!

    Good job listening to the bod and scaling back the running. I'm doing the same. I just can't seem to get my body to accept the miles I want it to, and that's ok as it's making the runs I DO do so much better. My feet have been bothering me too...grr.

    Laughing at Nora's comment. Yeah, 15 is tough....but I'm not sure you could pay me to revisit my daughter's 13th - 14th year.

    Miss ya!!

  13. Ok, I am laughing my head off at the last picture of the kids (and Raina)...your kids make me laugh (though I'm sure they don't always make you laugh). Mostly, because I remember those years!! I'm surprised I had any hair left.

    I didn't know you were on a little vacation, how fun!! And any trip where you get to spend a lot (or even a little) time with Raina, would be an excellent trip!

    Good job listening to the bod and scaling back the running. I'm doing the same. I just can't seem to get my body to accept the miles I want it to, and that's ok as it's making the runs I DO do so much better. My feet have been bothering me too...grr.

    Laughing at Nora's comment. Yeah, 15 is tough....but I'm not sure you could pay me to revisit my daughter's 13th - 14th year.

    Miss ya!!

  14. Thanks for not revealing that the worst of your kids wounds were from my kids beating them up at the park!! Seriously. When kids get together...the craziness multiplies!!

    Love the trail photo. Is that you running?? Looks good!

    I guess Dean Karnazes uses an eliptigo alot. It's his xt..or so he says. :)

    OK..the other girls might have boston with you, but I got Eugene- and that's a pretty good deal :). Still trying to figure out how to get in someone's luggage bag.

  15. sounds like a great trip! Traveling with the kiddos can be so hectic! The elevator button and the hotel door thing had me nodding in agreement. We went on a road trip with our two and had to "take turns" doing all those things this summer. Always best to have a plan.

    Oh and 4 year old meltdowns - same here! Glad to know mine isn't the only one...

    Glad you got to enjoy some good runs in Runner town USA...happy bday again!

  16. sounds like an awesome getaway! Love being in towns where everyone is active and studly.

    Hmmm, the elliptigo. Not so sure, but I have read about some elites crosstraining with them.

  17. Ok, I am a total chicken about things involving wrecking, crashing or falling, and the Elliptgo looks like it goes FAST. If i had a wide open place to play with it it looks like a blast, but I would probably be too chicken to use it on the roads.

    Sounds like a fun weekend!!!

  18. GORGEOUS outside running picture! I have never been to the "Running Mecca" myself but hopefully I will get that way someday! It's great you were able to run with Raina some. I can relate in so many ways with all your parenting moments. My middle two are always arguing about things like who gets to push the buttons. We had to work out a system of taking turns and that has helped. I don't remember fighting over things like that when I was little but I must have. At least you were able to get a workout in with them all in the hotel fitness room. I have never even attempted that!:-)

  19. Oh my! First, that gorgeous gorgeous trail. I am SO jealous. That is so beautiful!! I think it's time for another sympathy gathering run with Jenn post.....

    I was planning for 62 miles this week and will end up quite a bit short too. I'm glad your feet are feeling better! Love your 33 on 33:)

    So great you got to meet up with Raina! Two of my very favorite people!

    I've for sure made some real life friendships and so grateful for them:) Thanks for the call!

  20. I <3 Eugene! My parents used to send me to the U of O cross country camp when I was in high school- it was always the high light of my summer.
    There is a lady at my club who has an Elliptigo! She is probably the only person in Spokane to have one! It looks kind of neat, but aren't they on the pricey side?
    I am glad that you had a great birthday and that you got to enjoy one of my favorite cities. :-)

  21. OK-and I'm sorry but I've had a few laughs over your kid drama! Naomi is like Reese. SWEET as pie but man, she has another side too!! You will love the pictures with the war wounds!! These are the best memories!! Real life

  22. I would try an Elliptigo. I love trying out news things and am a BIG kid at heart. So when I see wheels, bright color, and something funny looking.......I have to try it. LOL!! I have not met anyone face to face in the blog world, but I feel I have made some friendships via blogs and more than anything gained some friends that I look to as mentors. That includes you Amanda. I live in a town that is not really running friendly, so it is nice to have other running moms to chat with virtually. As for your daughter and the 4-year-old tantrum I will be honest. It gets a bit tougher. My daughter will be ten in January and the hormones are crazy. One moment she will be very relaxed and then the next it is like........where did my daughter go? Yikes.

  23. That trail picture of you is gorgeous! I've always wanted to visit Eugene (and Portland). Boulder is a running mecca, too, so the crowds of fit people sound familiar.

    The pre-picture state of your kids made me laugh. My son always gets a cold right before picture time so his upper lip is always chapped and/or there's snot in his nose. It's happened literally every year. I guess that's life! And I love all these parents of older kids getting nostalgic about it. That'll be use someday too.

  24. Eugene looks gorgeous. I love that you get to run through crunchy, colourful leaves. It's such a sign that Winter's nearly there.

    My kids will still race to his the button at the cross-walk and to chase birds if they're ever out together. I hope they never stop and they're still doing it in their 80s. It's so important to remember the child inside.

  25. Oh gosh, the last time I was in Eugene, I went golfing instead of running!

    Happy belated birthday... sounds like such a nice weekend, kids and all!

    That elliptigo is intriguing. I will try almost anything.

  26. Ok, I'm almost jealous you live close enough to the sweet Raina to run and hang out together!

    Thanks so much for the encouragement and kind words on my blog.

  27. The guys who make the Elliptigo are in San Diego, so I first saw one of those a couple of years ago. Now, they are everywhere. Once, I saw a guy trying to get up a huge hill in one. Not sure he made it but he got extra credit for trying.

  28. That sounds like a fantastic trip overall! Glad you were able to hang out with Raina and her family, and get some nice miles in!

  29. this post made me smile :)

    Oh my gosh, I just saw one of those elliptical bike's...very cool! I want one!!!

  30. Good job at getting so many runs in while juggling kids and a trip. It looks absolutely gorgeous in Eugene and I woud love to visit.

  31. i feel like lots of other states except mine are so fitness-centric with all their trails and such. here, you're lucky to have a sidewalk!

    how fun that you got to meet up with raina and run together! i have made a few friends through the blog - it's pretty cool. you feel like you know them when you haven't even met most of them! and then when you do meet it's just craziness, like you've always known each other:)

  32. That Elliptigo is pretty ridiculous-looking! I mean, either ride your bike on the trails, run the trails or go to the damn gym to use the elliptical! To each their own, I guess.

    What a fun trip. And, can I just say, every time I read your 'mommy-themed' blogs, I get so excited to be a mommy myself. Soon enough!

    And when YOU run Boston?? We are meeting. Okay? Okay. :)


  33. Sounds like a wonderful trip, and I just love that picture of the trail. Beautiful!

    I'm the only one of my siblings with more than one kid, so for years I've had to endure their not understanding the trials of >1 and how EVERYTHING can be a battle. And their laughing at the way each kid had an assigned MONTH (because it was just too hard to keep track by the day or week) where they got to choose where they wanted to sit in the car. Even now, at 18, my oldest will complain that he doesn't like his seat at the table. lol

    1. Never seen an elliptigo.

    2. Most of the friends I actually do things with now (including the 3 ladies I roomed with on our mountain bike trip) are a direct result of one Daily Mile/blog friendship. I am soooo thankful for the blogworld for giving me the amazing circle of friends and activities I get to enjoy.

    3. I have a 30K trail race on Sunday. I am soooo not ready for it. Luckily, the weather will be about right (40s), and the trail is one of my favorites...but otherwise file this one under "what the hell was I thinking???"

  34. Happy birthday! It sounds like a great way to celebrate it! Your post made me laugh. My kids are getting old and I miss that age. Love ya!

  35. I really like this post. Thanks for sharing. Sounds like a great trip.

  36. definitely my first experience with an elliptigo...but it sounds super interesting. the trails there really sound gorgeous. i hope that you had a fabulous birthday dear your workout celebration :)
