Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Dear Dad, I'm 33

Dear Dad,

You've been on my mind a lot lately.  I went to bed thinking of you last night.  It was my last night as a 32 year old and I thought of how you were only 33 when you died.  So young.  All my life, until just recently, I thought of you as the age you would be if you were still alive. Older, wiser and set in your ways. A father... as I am now...not when I was four. I imagined you as the age of my friends' fathers.  Always growing as I grew.  But now here I am...33 years young today and I see things from a completely different perspective. 

You were so young when you died.  You were just starting to run again after your accident where you were told that you would probably never walk again.  

To be able to RUN again. What peace you must have felt before your death.  

As I begin my 33rd year of life, I think of you and how your life ended at 33.  I still wish that I would have known you.  How I would love to go on a run with you or have you join me in a race or two.  Maybe even Boston. But even though you are not here physically, I feel you from time to time when I am running. I know you're there.

This was definitely a moment I felt you on my run.   I

I will probably always feel that catch in my heart when I talk about you to others or when I think of how much I wish I would have been able to know you and grow up with you in my life.  For many years, I felt embarrassed to grieve over someone that I couldn't even remember.  I felt silly to be sad about a father that died when I was only 4.  I felt like I didn't have the right to feel loss.  Like I should suck it up and deal with it because others have it far worse.  It took me until I was almost 18 to really acknowledge the pain that came from losing my dad, a man I once adored and waited all day to wrap my arms around.  And now so much of this blog has been about processing my feelings, being vulnerable, telling my story, forgiving and sharing my reflections.  So much of my strength and resilience is a gift from you.  Thank you. 

Thank you for giving me life.  It has been an extraordinary one and only continues to get better!  I wish I would have known you but in a sense, I guess I do.  So much of you is in me.  Perhaps you really will be running with me in Boston.  I'll listen for you. 

Here's to 33!  Hope this is only the beginning of a long and happy life.  

I love you,

Other related posts that relate to this story:
Passion Determination and The Will To Run
The Deepest Part of My Running Heart--Running For HIM
October 19, 1982--A New Perspective of Death, Motherhood and Children

The last paragraph of one of my last posts above would be fitting right now too:
"I'm not feeling sad today.  Just thoughtful.  And Thankful.  As I process this powerful moment in my life yet again, I realize just how different my almost 33 year old perspective is from my almost 4 year old perspective.  Wonder how I'll see things differently in the years to come. "


  1. Beautiful. Sweet. He would be so very proud :)

    Happy Birthday, Amanda.

  2. Happy Birthday, Mandy.

    Touched by your post tonight. And so privileged to get to spend today with you.

    Loved EVERY minute. And my dad would love to adopt you! :)

  3. He would be so proud of his little girl and he would have loved running with you.

  4. This is just...gorgeous. Beautiful tribute. Happy Birthday.

  5. Happy Birthday Amanda.
    You will definitely feel him in Boston. I just know it!

  6. Happy Birthday. You Dad is smiling down on you and loves this.

  7. Amanda, as usual your writing is incredibly eloquent and moving. Thank you for sharing yourself with all of us; you have such a beautiful spirit and I know your father is looking down at you with pride.

  8. Happy Birthday sweetie! You dad is loving this and I bet he runs with you all the time.

    Great post.

  9. Beautiful!!!!!!!((hugs)) My dad died when I was 12, I don't have tons of memories of him to be honest. Yours would be so proud of you!!!!!!!

  10. Thank you for sharing! You are truly a special young woman. I am so glad that Kelly and you became friends and I got to know you!

  11. First - happy birthday. Second - I think letters like this help give everyone a better perspective on life, at least for a little bit. I use to write to my sister (she died when she was 21) and my dad (he died when we was 56) a lot after they passed away. Thanks for sharing and for being so strong.

  12. This chocked me up. Touching.

    Though I did not know him - I am sure he'd be proud.

    Happy birthday.

  13. Beautiful. I am sure he enjoyed it too.

  14. Happy Birthday! He surely will be running Boston with you:)

  15. Such a beautiful tribute to your dad. Happy birthday to you.

  16. So touching. Happy Birthday Amanda. Your dad would be so proud of the amazing woman you have become.

  17. Happy Birthday, Amanda. Beautiful letter... You are a very wise 33 year old woman! Have a great day!

  18. Happy birthday Amanda!
    After following your blog for almost a year, I can say, you are truly a wonderful person, mother and wife. I can't imagine how proud your father must feel. Just remember you have run with him, you always run with him, he's right at your side giving you the strength and courage to carry on.

  19. Oh boy, this really tugged at my heart strings today! I am teary eyed. What a beautiful letter and sentiments.

    Happy Birthday and big hugs! He would be so proud!

  20. Sweet friend, I don't even have the words... What a special letter to your Dad. Thank you for sharing it. I so pray your day was beyond blessed and as the sun streams through my window, I pray it finds a smile on your face. Love you friend!

  21. Amanda I am sure that your dad is so proud of you! I bet that he even goes running with you everyday :-)

  22. Amanda this is absolutely beautiful and I am so glad you shared it. I can tell from the way you write about your father that you have so much in common and your relationship with him will only continue to grow as your passion for running grows.

    Happy 33rd Birthday! :)

  23. Happy Birthday Amanda, what an amazing way to put perspective and reflection on it - beautifully written, as always

  24. well, way to make me cry in my coffee this morning Amanda. Beautiful letter. I'm sure he would be so proud.

    Happy Birthday!

  25. HAPPY Happy birthday to you and what a beautiful post. I have no doubt that your Dad is watching over you and is so proud with the amazing person, mother, daughter, runner, etc. that are.

    I hope today is a wonderful and special day for you! Hugs!

  26. HAPPY Happy birthday to you and what a beautiful post. I have no doubt that your Dad is watching over you and is so proud with the amazing person, mother, daughter, runner, etc. that are.

    I hope today is a wonderful and special day for you! Hugs!

  27. Such an incredibly beautiful post. Happy Birthday Amanda, hope it's a great one.

  28. Happy Bday...this was amazing to read...

  29. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I loved your post and am a bit jealous with how you put thoughts into words so well. It leaves me speechless, and teary-eyed. In a good way.

  30. Happy Birthday once again:)

    This is really beautiful Amanda. I'm really drawn to the paragraph about feeling embarrassed to grieve over someone you couldn't even remember...I'm reminded of a a few years ago on Christmas Eve...We were reading memories of my sister Cathy that we had written on little cards to hang on the Christmas tree. Reese was maybe 5 or 6 years old (Cathy died while I was pregnant with her). We all grabbed cards and started reading and all the cousins had memories and Ryan had memories and seemingly EVERYONE had memories written in that box of cards. Reese started laughing with the memories as if she remembered them! (I had shared SO many stories with her.) Laughter eventually turned to tears among us and Reese joined in. Ryan (only maybe 7 years old) looked at her at one point and said something like "Why are you even crying? You weren't even born yet...." I won't forget the look on Reese's face that night. Like she was embarrassed to be crying over someone she didn't "know". So wrong.... That someone had loved her with EVERY part of her being even BEFORE she was born and not acknowledging that love with tears is what would have been shameful...

    Anyway, I'm greatly on a tangent here that would have better been served through email but I just got a visual of Reese and could fully imagine YOU as little girl... Mandy....only this was your DAD!!!!! YES, resilient! A remarkable, successful, caring, strong, beautiful, daughter you are and I can imagine the pride a father would/does feel for you! I'm CERTAIN he will join you in Boston.

    Beautiful letter girl:)

  31. just lovely my dear
    happy birthday to you
    he would be so very proud...I know it

  32. this brought tears to my eyes. such a tragedy that he died at the young age of 33. I know he would be proud of you and your beautiful family and all that you have accomplished.

    Happy Birthday, friend. And here's to many more.

  33. have turned into the most amazing PERSON and woman. your dad must smile down on you each and every day. I am sure you are his little ray of sunshine:) Happy Birthday to you sweet friend. this post made me happy and sad. Happy b/c it's you and everytying you write makes me happy but sad b/c I wish so badly you had your dad here and now. .....however, I DO know for a SURETY that you will be with him again...and that reunion will be SO SO SO sweet!remind me to share a dream with you I had 10yrs ago. it's the only way I can describe to you what I think a reunion like that will feel like. Love you. xxxx

  34. This was such a touching post. I have no doubt that your dad looks down at you with pride!

  35. Beautiful. That was very moving. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure your dad would have loved to have run with you and cheered for you. I remember back in high school my dad would scream and lose his voice from cheering so loud at my cross country and track meets. I know I took it for granted back then. I haven't thought about that for years but reading this post reminded me of that. Thank you! Happy 33rd!! I hope this is your best year yet!

  36. Beautiful letter. Your dad would be so proud of you, Amanda. Hope you had a great birthday!

  37. I'm so touched by your expressions of love for you Father. Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart with us. Happy birthday.

  38. Oh my goodness, this touched my heart. Beautifully written.

    I am sure your dad is sitting up there somewhere feeling incredibly proud of you.

    Happy Birthday, cheers to many more!!

  39. I am really behind on reading blogs. First of all, that was so very beautiful and moving. I love the way you have with words and your ability to express your emotions. Secondly, happy 33rd to you! I hope you have some big bday plans!

  40. Happy Belated Birthday, Amanda!! I echo those above, how proud he would be! I got the chills and tears reading this. What a beautiful woman you are, inside and out.

  41. Enjoy everyday and HAPPY HAPPY Birthday!

  42. such a touching post! it's funny how are feelings toward grief and remembering loved ones changes as we grow older. as an adult, my biggest regret is that i never got to know my mom as an adult - where we could have been friends more than mother/daughter (my mom died when i was 13).

    happy (late) birthday! having that loss to look back makes you appreciate each day you have with your children and each run will be that much more important.
