Friday, August 9, 2013

See Beautiful

Sitting in my office this morning.
Drinking coffee.
Wishing for more sunshine.
Listening to piano and cello.
Having so many things I want to express but not knowing where to start.
Flipping through my journal.
Seeing Beauty in so many of the things I want to express... life, thoughts, moments...

And then I found this card that was given to me recently.  It is a card from the 2005 Twin Cities Marathon which I've heard from several people to be one of the most beautiful marathons around.  Until today, I don't know that I'd really read the back of this card but this morning as I read it again and again, it struck me...

"To see Beautiful, it must be experienced with all the senses -- It is a fusion of emotions that touch deep into the heart and reveal pictures that need not be seen, but must be lived.  

Beautiful is the dawn's silence, awakened by the rhythmic beating of hearts echoing the footsteps of their past.  Beautiful is the clear, crisp air, drifting softly between towers of steel that stand like giant spectators applauding in the wind.  Beautiful are the lofty oaks releasing crimson petals like raindrops from the sky.  Beautiful is the rippling water as it runs swiftly along your side.  Beautiful is the energizing strength of a sound when it is shaped into music, or a supporting cheer.  Beautiful are the eyes of the young and the old, for they aspire as one.  Beautiful are the memories of those we run for.  Beautiful is the child waiting patiently for a loved one to run by, and Beautiful is the hero that person becomes with a simple kiss blown in the breeze.  Beautiful is a bond between friends -- made inseparable through the miles.  Beautiful are the tears..of frustration, of joy, of accomplishment.  Beautiful are the emotions of one last long mile, lined with stunning faces of people who will never have names.  Beautiful is the final stride and the stories that will now be told -- all of which proclaim, 
"I have seen Beautiful." "  

I'm not sure who the author of this is, but after typing them out, they are more beautiful to me than my first read of them.  It captures so much of the beauty that we find in the marathon... not just the Twin Cities Marathon (I wouldn't know about that one) but the experiences we gain from our marathons.  These words paint a picture...they are ART.  They are beautiful to me.  And I know they will be beautiful to many of you that know this kind of beauty that is expressed.

What's your favorite line from the writing above? Why?   Hard to choose for me but I think mine might be either "Beautiful are the emotions of one last long mile, lined with stunning faces of people who will never have names."  or "Beautiful are the memories of those we run for."  

Happy Friday,


  1. My favorite are the opening lines:
    To see Beautiful, it must be experienced with all the senses -- It is a fusion of emotions that touch deep into the heart and reveal pictures that need not be seen, but must be lived.

    It's a perfect description of Beautiful.

  2. You inspired me the past few days without even knowing it. I was at the Brooks Coaches' Retreat and was given a journal. I used it to journal all my thoughts and "lessons" I took away from the camp. I wrote 10 pages worth!!!!! It's something I can no go back and reflect on whenever I want, my own inspiration!

    You rock, Amanda.

    1. Awesome Rebecca! So sweet. Thank you. So glad you had this weekend!

  3. "Beautiful is the dawn's silence, awakened by the rhythmic beating of hearts echoing the footsteps of their past." Made me think of the way I feel in the first mile of THIS particular marathon. City not yet awake but runners ready and lining the street. Calm, quiet, early. Reflecting on the many footsteps of my "past" that have gotten me to this place at this moment. Hundreds of miles of footsteps.....can be interpreted many ways....but yes, a beautiful feeling.

    It's a beautiful marathon. I often don't even notice my surroundings when I run but this is a special one!

    1. So beautiful. I remember you telling me this. And I thought of you a lot when I read this this morning. Can't wait to run this marathon. xo

  4. So pathetic that upon reading this I thought you were alluding to being treated with ART. Sigh, runners!

  5. 'Beautiful are the eyes of the young and the old, because they aspire as one.' Just love that! That's what running has been for me - where the usual barriers are wiped away because running transcends age, sex and race.

  6. Ah yes, the last mile of the marathon is beautiful. So many emotions fill me up and seeing people lined up by the finish line is beautiful.
