Thursday, August 15, 2013

Snapshot Run in Asheville, NC

In light of making running more about fun and taking an easier path to training runs, I decided to make today's run a SNAPSHOT RUN an opportunity to see more of this beautiful city of Asheville, North Carolina.  After all, we go back to Portland, OR in a year so I really want to make sure I soak up Asheville as much as I can.  Today's run was all about heading  out on the streets of downtown Asheville with the main intention of capturing some of the parts of my city that are not only new to me, but spots that are my favorites and places I'd like to visit soon!  I grabbed my camera/phone, found my easy pace and kept my eyes wide.  I've never really gone on a Snapshot run before but I think this might have to be something I do more often...especially when getting to know a city.

Walnut Street. One of my favorite streets.  Little alleys tucked in along this street as well as some wine bars that look interesting.  

The Battery Park Book Exchange and Champagne Bar. Love love love this book store right along the outside of the Grove Arcade.   It is filled with some really neat room, couches, and places to just hide with a good book.  And a glass of champagne or coffee or...  SO. MUCH. Character!  A must see if you love bookstores and visit Asheville.  

YUM!  Kilwin's will surely draw you in with the aromas of fresh sweets...fudge, chocolates, taffy, caramel corn, etc.  This was a stop on one of the night's of my recent Girl Weekend.  We couldn't help but stop and grab a few things.  So so GOOD.   

This is the area right downtown called Pritchard Park.  Every Friday evening there is an amazing drum circle here.  It is so energizing to watch or even sit in the middle of.  People of all walks of life...drumming...dancing...and loving life.  It is also a great place to sit.  Many benches to choose from...perfect place to sit with a friend and chat.  
A Special Bench that holds lots of meaning to me.  

Asheville's famous Iron at the end of Wall Street.  You will often find musicians  sitting here.  

Wow!  I fell in love with these pens.  I walked by this table outside of the Grove Arcade where artist Carl Pittman of Blue Mountain Bowls was working.  His work was beautiful.  Bowls, Journals, Pens...adding the pen below to my "things I love" list! 

Pen by Carl Pittman from Blue Mountain Bowls.  Beautiful work!

I've heard amazing things about this place Tupelo Honey Cafe.  The wait is always long but that's usually a good sign. This is on my list for one of my next date nights.  

Yay for Used and Rare Books!  Love Bookstores!  This one, The Captain's Bookshelf,  is especially fun to just go and look through.  So far, I haven't had much time to really visit as long as I would like but I did find a really old copy of Jane Eyre that I almost bought.  

Next time I'll actually go inside instead of run by.  
This place, Bouchon, looks like a fun place to go for some French food.  

Love this staircase that leads down to Wall Street.

Dolce Vita is my favorite shop in all of Asheville.  Love going in here.  Love the art, cards, magnets and so much more.  It is small but FULL of ME.  

If you want a place to get some really great HEALTHY Vegetarian food, this is the place to go.  So good.  And So good for you!  Definitely a CRUNCHY VIBE.  Ha!  Laughing Seed Cafe , located on Historic Wall Street, is one of our favorite places to take visitors who like this type of food/vibe. 

Another restaurant on Wall Street that is a MUST.  Early Girl Eatery is the Best breakfast place around.  The wait might be long but it is worth it.  

Would love a date to the Asheville Community Theater.  A good place to take the whole family!  
 And my FAVORITE part of this city run??  Stopping by my husband's work for a kiss.  He even let me take his snapshot:

Have you ever taken a Snapshot Run in your city or a new city that you are visiting?  One where you stop often to capture the places and images that catch your eye or make you want to return?



  1. Asheville looks adorable.
    Also, your hubs is crazy handsome!

  2. I was thinking yesterday that I wanted to see pictures of the place you love. Perfect post! So cute and so much character. I love the idea of a snapshot run!

  3. That's a really great idea. Never heard of it, but it sounds like a blast.

  4. Oh, this made me feel like I was there all over again!

  5. Fun run! Loved the pic of Tupelo Honey Cafe... My black lab (who died on Christmas Day in 2011) was named Tupelo after the Van Morrison song named Tupelo Honey. <3

  6. I can see why you love running there. There's so many interesting looking shops. It'd be a great place to visit.

  7. I visited Ashville for the first time this past June. Stumbling on the Friday night drum circle was simply amazing; we couldn't leave! Loved DuPont State Forest. Next time I'd like to hike Mount Mitchell.

  8. Amanda, I love when you write because you have a gift with the pen (keyboard)!!
    But....I think this might be my favorite post that you have done - I LOVE THIS!!!
    I want to book a trip to Ashville right now! And the first place I'm going is the Battery Park Book Exchange and Champagne Bar (I'm not saying which part is the true draw - I like books and champagne equally!!). And then I hope we can go for a fun run together!!!
    I love the way you ended your snapshot run - great that you got to see your husband!!

  9. I like the idea of a snapshot run, I might try it soon!

  10. I've actually often had this thought - love to see where people run. But never was brave enough to bring my phone. I'd sweat it to death. Asheville's the cutest!

    1. Gracie, you could get some awesome shots in NOLA! I might be inspired to do one, too...

  11. I did one in Chicago. My back was still bad and knew it would be a long, slow run. But the point was to run where the Chicago Marathon is located and just see the city from a differ perspective. I took my camera with the sole purpose to just take snapshots. I did a blogpost about it...

    Are you moving back to Portland in a year? Or just visiting?

    1. I'll check this out! We are moving back. The intention was only to be here a year for an adventure.

    2. Oh I see. Well, adventures are always fun and so worth it.

  12. I have taken a random picture or two while out on a run but love this idea of a snapshot run. I'm going to try it soon!

    BTW I would now like to vacation in Asheville! Thanks for sharing :)

  13. Ah! Memories!! I love snapshot runs and seeing people's pics!!! I have a shot of Walnut street too! Didn't realize the name but just loved looking down the street while I had a beer at the Bier Garden!!

    We ended up back at Kilwin's buying candy and fudge for the kids! I just had the last piece of coconut fudge with my coffee this morning actually.

    Love the city of Asheville. Remember that bench well! Love all those restaurants. Lookin' good Waylon:)

  14. I LOVE this idea!! Thanks for sharing. (BTW, Kilwin's is originally from northern Michigan, where I live :)

  15. Unity Healing Arts Massage Therapy in Asheville, NC helps people feel better and heal holistically providing therapeutic benefits for Mind,Body and Soul! Unity Healing Arts specializes in therapeutic massage treatments to encourage optimal well being of body, mind, and spirit. Featuring highly trained massage therapists and unique, individually customized massages to meet your needs at an affordable price.
