Sunday, October 31, 2010

Injury Milestone

I'm thinking it is a little ridiculous that I've posted a blog every day since starting this thing.  Mostly feeling ridiculous because besides one or two people (including my mom), I might be the only one reading it.  I know I have to start somewhere and I guess since this blog is partly to help me grow and reflect on my life as a runner and mother, then I shouldn't worry about how often I post. Blogging has really been something I look forward to at the end of the day.  It is a way for me to reflect on my day, set some goals as a runner and mother, share creative things I've done, etc.  So, blog again I will!

Tonight I'm staying up until midnight so I can register for the Hippie Chick Half Marathon.  It is a race that fills up quickly and I never remember to register in time.  The exciting thing for me is that this marks my return to running!  I'm so excited to be registering for a race considering that just nine weeks ago I was barely walking normal!  Another special thing about this marathon is that it will be on Mother's Day.  What a great way for me to celebrate motherhood and running together! 

My training and personal goals for this week:
*  Continue to take it easy
*  Run 1-2 miles each day, hoping to be up to 3 without pain by the end of the week
*  Continue to cross train on the elliptical and bike
*  Yoga
*  Eating Healthy...lots of water, fruits and veggies
*  Positive thinking and being in the moment with my kids.

3 more hours until I can register for the Hippie Chick Half! 



  1. Hey Amanda,
    Its nice to touch base with a new blogger as well, I just started my running blog two months before the Portland Marathon. I have a separate family blog, but really felt the need to put my running thoughts in order and keep myself motivated. I know what you mean about feeling like at times you are writing for yourself, but for me it has really helped my motivation and served as a terrific outlet for the daily ups and downs of training, and my progress.

    The Hippie Chick looks like a great race, at this point I am really trying to find races that are not on Sunday, but it is difficult.
    At this point I am definitely running the Suavie Island Half marathon and perhaps another Trout Lake half in April, Do you know of any other 1/2's in the area on Saturday?
    Good luck with your injury, it looks like you are approaching it the right way, my husband is a student at WSCC, so I had great access to Chiropractic care when I sprained my ankle last summer. I know how hard injuries can be.
    Also in case you ever want to join up for a run, a girlfriend and I meet up with the Red Lizard running groups once in a while downtown for some group runs, let me know if you would like to join sometime.

  2. I've heard good things about the hippie chick! They are changing it around this year in hopes that it doesn't sell out as fast.

  3. Amanda, I am so happy that you are on the road back! Way to go! Are you active in the Portland running group that Jeff is in?

  4. Were you able to register? :) Love the conscious note for positive thinking!

  5. Thanks for the comment! Hopefully you're registered. Love the pics on your sidebar-I'm just catching up on a few of your back posts.

    Sorry about the injury-I am just off a major injury myself and know how frustrating it is. You'll be back and stronger!! Good Luck
