Thursday, January 6, 2011

Food For Thought Thursday

Interesting video that got me pumped to start looking at my diet more closely.  I eat a lot of least cheese.  Thinking of things I can take out and add.  

Random question for today.  Do you have any opinions about the Girl Scout organization?  If so, what do you think about the Girl Scouts?  Would you have your daughter in the program?  I'm a mixed bag of feelings.  I like the idea of her going to a group and learning about ways she can give back to her society, improve on character traits, etc. but in part, it seems like it is kind of an exclusive-like do goody club that really kind of seems like a glorified craft time where the kids sit around talking about how good they are and eating starchy, sugary and snacky foods (just my first impression).  Please share anything you know about this organization to help me gain some better perspective.  I doubt many of you will have much to say but who knows with blog land!  

What is something you'd like to change about your diet? 



  1. I eat cheese, love it. IMO it's not the good fats that cause prbs in our diets it is the sugar, chemicals and the overprocessed foods.

    No I do not do Girl scouts. They are too liberal in my opinion and I don't agree with many of their views. I could go on but I don't want to offend those who may be involved.

  2. I love Carbs...And Cheese...and sweets. ahhh. I just try not to eat 36 helpings! : ) How's that for a diet?

  3. I am a big girl scouter! yes they are liberal (their oath and pledge can offend some) and do goody, but for me it was about finding a group i felt like i belonged in as a kid. but girl scouts is really about the troop leader. if you get the right leader, you get the best of girl scouts. if not, then it is exactly what you said above. i had an awesome troop leader (grandma shriver) who i still think about when crafting or using my girl scout ways!

  4. I was a Girl Scout. I liked the program and loved Girl Scout camp, though I don't think we did anything as cool as the stuff the Boy Scouts get to do. At some age, though I'm not sure what age that is, there's a program for girls that's affiliated with the Boy Scouts where they get to do the same kind of stuff. How's that for a non-answer? :)

    I need to change portion size, for sure. And I wish I could stop drinking diet soda, but since I can't, I'm trying to drink lots more water.

  5. after many years of following the food/nutritional debate on many levels (cultural comparison/contrast, and one diet v. another diet) with regards to heart disease imparticular - i still feel it is more complicated than just changing our diets. DNA/Genetics within families, society and particular countries does have a signifcant affect, along with just the enviroment people live. diet is a big one though and it is something WE can control individually. Genetics, and to a large degree our enviroment - out of our individual hands.

    Staying far from processed foods as possible is a good start for us all. I am not sure completely cutting ALL dairy out is needed? Cheese and milk do have some benefits - moderation is always a great thing. However, if George Costanza (Sienfeld) is a hero (the summer of george episode) when he wanted to stay home all summer and just eat blocks of cheddar cheese - there must be a 12 step program for that :)!!!

    Girl Scouts? I have no opinion other than friends who did it growing up. They liked it. Interesting with your first comment about it being TOO liberal. I just never knew it was liberal or conservative? Did not know they had an agenda or leaning one way or the other?

    Thanks for sharing and your always kind comments on my blog!

  6. My daughter is in Brownies, and from the side, I think the quality is wholly dependent on the leader.

  7. No opinion on girls couts...Boys Scouts are great though!!

    OK...I just LOVE your posts. :) You post about anything ! :))

    I need to clean up my food too. I do try to get plenty of dair to keep stress fractures away. Lots of milk and lowfat cottage cheese. I'd love to incorporate more fish into our diet.

    You asked me about shoes earlier...I posted about them today =D

  8. hahaha. I am going to leave that comment like it is, but I meant Girl scouts and typed it pretty funny!

  9. You are opening a can of worms, for sure! I'm like you--I have mixed feelings. I have friends who love it for their daughters. I also hear lots of over-involved psycho mom stories surrounding it, so, not sure where I'll go with this next year when my daughter asks to join!

  10. I like the Girl Scouts and am happy that they are liberal. Boy Scouts, well, I won't even go into it. I was a Brownie as a kid and really enjoyed it. I didn't get any further in though.

    As far as my diet I'd really like to just cut back on my junk food and quit the caffeine. That's about it.

  11. I would like to change just about everything on my diet! my diet sucks, I eat the same thing every day

  12. ooooh, I can't wait to read all of your comments! Right now I'm on my way to get ingredients for Hungry Runner Girl's chocolate chip's that for eating better. ha!

    Yes, the girl scout comment has really opened some discussion on my facebook status today! woooo weee, some opinions out there. who knew. I am not sure how i feel about them and didn't know there was an agenda either...until now. ha ha.

    Liberal vs. conservative? what? like how liberal they are with their cookie money? or how conservative they are with how many cupcakes they give my daughter for a "snack"? Ugg, speaking of food...come on people bring some healthy snacks for these kids to eat....really? 2 big cupcakes right before dinner? There, that is the best I could do to combine the issue of food and girl scouts.

  13. I don't know...they DO wear brown shirts... I like their cookies.
    : )

  14. I couldn't live without cheese...... interesting video though!! To be honest I really don't know that much about the girl scout program but I loved reading your opinion and everyone else. I need to work on a tad less sugar ha....okay, we all know that won't change.

  15. i do think that a healthy diet can 'fix' a number of problems we have today - all the processed, chemical-injected crap is not good for us! course, i don't practice what i 'preach' with my m&m IV...

    i was a brownie and "crossed the bridge" to become a girl scout and quit. :) i don't remember why, probably because i was doing a few different sports and have 3 sisters and my parents wanted some morsel of free time. i don't remember much about it... it was OK i guess. now i just get annoyed at the girl scouts peddling cookies outside my good store.

  16. I don't know much about the Girl Scouts except that I always wanted to be one... and never was. They can't be too liberal because it is super hard to find a troop here in the hot-bed of liberalism that is the SF Bay Area! I wanted to check it out for my daughter but have been hard-pressed to find anyone local to talk to about it. So funny that here people think of Girl Scouts as conservative! Anyway...

    Food... I think this video is very close to the mark. I know how much better I feel after revamping my ways of eating and looking at "food". I do question how good for anyone other than a calf cow's milk is. I do not think it is a necessary part of any human's diet. But I don't push my food ideas on anyone. I know how fun it is to sit down with a bacon double cheeseburger, an order of hot and salty fries and a delicious shake! I just don't do it anymore myself. I am not going to begrudge anyone that enjoyment! lol

  17. You have to be a bit careful eating less dairy to make sure you're getting enough calcium. No one looks good with a hump!

  18. First I want to say I didn't watch the video - I'm at work, so I didn't think I could pull that off.

    Would I let my daughter be a Girl Scout? I guess if she wanted to be then I'd think about it? I don't know, when I was growing up I did NOT like the girls that did that and Brownies or whatever that was called. They were the goody two-shoe girls and even in grade school it seemed like they just felt superior to the rest of us girls. I was just a normal, better than average student that took music and dance lessons. I was very pure and friendly - so to have some little girl look down on me just because I wasn't in a freaking uniform was annoying to me. I wouldn't want my daughter to have girls remember her as the snooty patooty in the ugly uniform or think she acted above everything.

    Plus, my friends and I just thought they were total dorks!

    But now that I'm a grown up I will chase down those little girls every spring just to load up on their cookies!

    I could write a book about me and my diet. Let's just say I've had food issues since I was an infant, and it only gets worse. I don't really like food. I am bored with it because I only eat the same few things over and over. I'm a vegetarian that doesn't like vegetables. And I have texture issues. So really, what WOULDN'T I change??

  19. My comments get longer and longer every time! :)

  20. I'm trying to comment back to all of your great comments but Running Mama, How do I contact you.....I can't leave messages and I can't find your e-mail. I do read your blog though.

  21. I love cheese and need to cut back.

    Girl Scouts didn't work for me - this is awful to say, but I, am such a tomboy that it was wayyyyyy too girly for me and I wanted to be in teh Boy Scouts. They wouldn't let me so I played little league until they kicked me out for being a girl in the 6th grade! ha...I remember CRYING and mom and dad were like, Mandy, you can play SOFTBALL! And I CRIED and screamed and said "But MOM Softball is for GIRRLLS!"

    I have finally accepted I am a girl. But I still don't think I would ever do Girl Scouts. It is great for some girls though, so if a girl wants to do it, I think she should get to.

    Wow. That was long. Sorry.

  22. My daugher loved GS. It's not about eating. It's about building confident, young woman and building relationship. A great organization. It does help who the leader is though. We had a good one.

  23. I am always trying to improve my diet, but I do love me so cheese! I am seriously trying to cut out meat, more for animal rights/environmental reasons than health reasons.

  24. That video was super interesting. Have you ever heard of/read the book, "The Culprit and The Cure." It is one of my all time favorites. It changed the way I eat and is all about disease prevention through food...sounds boring, but it's not I promise! I HIGHLY recommend it. I don't like cheese, which I know is weird, but has been great for my diet calorie-wise.

    I was a girl scout!! It's funny because when my family lived back east it was kinda the cool thing to do. Everyone did girl scouts. I loved it because I mad a ton of fun friends. When we moved to the west coast Girl Scouts was kinda lame...and I didn't think it was so great. I guess it depends on how your local program is run? Those cookies are good though, right? Yum.

    Remember how I just wrote a novel on your post...oops. ;)

  25. Cheese, I love cheese. I'm just trying to keep my diet balanced but I tend to eat a lot of protein!!
    Girl Scouts? They have a big troop at our school. I actually think the moms at our school do a great job of including everyone and the girls are pretty united and take care of one another. It seems like it's about camaraderie and not as much about food and crafts, at least at our school. They have the kinder Daisy's in my class after school on Fridays and the girls are learning songs, playing games and pretty much just learning how to get along. I haven't seen anything that promotes any certain values nor liberalism...they are just kids having fun!

  26. Hey, wow, my friend and neighbor Meg reads this Blog, it must be good. She's an awesome teacher.

    Girl Scouts? I got nothing. My daughter never participated.

    As for food, I just posted about needed to fuel better, including more fruits, veggies, and complex carbs.

  27. We are a long way off from Girl Scouts, but I appreciate the opportunity to read everyone's feedback. We too will have the same questions when The Bug's time comes up.

  28. I had just typed out an awesome response......and my iPad deleted it. DAMN TECHNOLOGY!!

    Girl scouts = Good if the leader is cool.
    Diet issues = Hello moderation. Have we met?

  29. sorry!

    some people get offended by the oath and pledge of girl scouts. this was a battle i did not realize until i was in 7th grade and my mom and i switched churches. they asked us to quit girl scouts because in the oath they use the word god. they were offended because girl scouts was open to all religions and so my god could be different from the god of the girl standing next to me.

    needless to say, i no longer belong to that church. :) i guess i am a liberal at heart!
