Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I'm Feelin' Oh So Stylish


So, I'm not sure what makes me stylish...perhaps it is that the people that tagged me in this "Award" know that I am likely to play along so here goes.  Thanks Kovas, Stephanie, and Rose for this most prestigious award.  I'm honored and now am rethinking my desire to qualify for Boston again...Who needs Boston with accolades like this?!  No seriously though, these are fun and I've enjoyed reading all of the other Stylish Blogger posts out there.  Thanks.  

So here's how this Stylish thing works:

Here’s how being *stylish* works…

There are 4 duties to perform to accept this award:

1.  Make a post + Link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2.  Share 7 things about yourself.
3.  Award 10 recently discovered great bloggers
4.  Contact these bloggers and tell them they’ve won!

Okay, so I've never been an official rule follower so I might not follow through on all 4 of these "rules" just as they are but I'll try.  I decided to include some photos to go along with my 7 things just for you visual learners.  

1. Hood To Coast.  Since it is the day for the Hood To Coast Movie and many of you are going to be viewing it, I thought I'd include a picture from Hood To Coast 2004.  I was 1 month preggo with my first born and I was smiling the whole way!  So fun!  You have to do this race at least once...it is awesome.  

2.  Hiking, Camping, and New Love!  This is my  husband and I in Colorado in 2004 just outside of Aspen, Colorado.  We went backpacking for a few nights and it was a small slice of heaven.  We were also very much in that new love stage where all we could do was smile, kiss, and talk nonsense to each other.  What a memory.  A little on the hippie dippity side too.  I mean check out the flowers in the hair.  :)  

3.  I love travel and weddings.  My brother got married in Northern Thailand on January 1, 2009.  My husband and I left our two girls with the in laws and we took off for 11 days in Thailand to experience our second trip to Thailand but our first traditional Thai wedding.  It was amazing!  I was 4 months preggo with my son.  

4.  Since I am in the Thailand photo file, I might as well Keep going with a few from that trip.  Okay, #4 is FAMILY...I'm so thankful for my family.  My mom went with my husband and I to Thailand.  This is my brother and mom having fun.  

5.  Love.  Love makes the world a better place.   Love for SELF.  Love for Others.  Love for the World!  I think there are so many ways that we can give love to the world and put love into what we do.  My biggest goal in life is to have more love, compassion and understanding.  I will always have room to improve with this goal.  

6.  Fun!  Life needs lots of laughter.  I don't know what we are doing in this picture.  This is me with my mom and sister in-law Ninew in some garden in Thailand.  

7.  Meditation and Relaxation are a big part of bringing me back to myself and remembering what is important in life.  This was part of our trip to the beach in southern Thailand.  

8.  Okay, told you I would break the rules!  I'm doing more than 7.  Culture!  I value other cultures, communities, and beliefs.  This was a ritual in my brother's wedding that was beautiful!  Everyone brought a piece of string with a blessing to say to them and then they tied their hands together. 

9.  Sisters and Motherhood One of my biggest dreams as a child and growing up was to be a mother.  I knew forever that I wanted to have children.  It is the greatest part of my life.  The love I have for my children is beyond anything that I could ever imagine.  I never had a sister but seeing the relationship between my girls makes me so happy.  This was my their first ever meeting.  Makes me tear up just thinking about it.  

10.  I am sensitive, emotional and I "feel" everything...in my heart, my mind, and my soul.  Words are my way to express how I am feeling.  This is why I am an avid reader and writer.   This is my wedding day where I am reading my vows (long ones) that I wrote.  Oh and that beautiful woman behind me is my Best Friend Forever!  

1. Briana from ...and so it goes.
2. Little Fruit Fly In Rainbow Colored Socks
2.  Jody (Great Blog, Food Made Better)
3.  Heather (View From The Shoe)
4.  Kate ( What's On My Mind Today)
5.  Kate (Run With Kate. Tales Of A SoCal Veg Runner)
6.  Happy To Be A Running Mama
7.  Happy Feet 26.2  
8.  Taking It On
9.  Jess @ Blond Pony Tail
10.  Tortunga-Runner (Tales of an Ambitious Slacker)

Feel free to not do this post if you find this tag to be more of an assignment or something that doesn't sound like fun!  I totally understand and DO NOT MIND at all but it would be fun to know you better!



  1. What a great list! That picture of your back on the beach is stunning.

  2. I love these photos and the message that they all bring. You seem very remarkable and definitely beautiful! Thanks for doing this post. I can tell we have a lot in common!

  3. So fun to get to know you on a different level! Thanks for the nomination. Kristy at Sweet Treats -n- more nominated me a few weeks ago for the same award and I filled out these responses:


  4. What a great post! I love the Thailand photos and the string around the hands ritual. Those types of cultural experiences are WHY I love to travel.

    And I completely agree about motherhood. Although I am not a mother yet, I hope to be soon as it is something I've wanted to be my entire life!

  5. So not a rule follower. But since you're stylish, it'll pass this time.

  6. Kovas, following is overrated. come on peeps, let's change this thing up. Tag 11 people or make that 5..it is easier. :) And Tell as many things as you want about your little ol' self!

  7. I just did mine today...14 was my number!!!
    I live reading yours and I love all your beautiful pictures!

  8. I love reading...of course...
    went too fast

  9. I love learning more about people! Your post is so fun.. love all the pictures and what they stand for.... from the hippy dippy to Thailand to the lovely and classic wedding shot. Love that you ran Hood to Coast while pregnant ... you nut! (sounds like something I would have done once upon a time) and I look forward to playing the game! I'll get on it after the kids are in bed :)

  10. What a great post, I love the pictures from Thailand. I watched my uncle in law (husbands uncle)get married at a Thai ceremony, it was beautiful. Hood to Coast is on my bucket list, I am just trying to get my family to do it with me.

  11. Oh my gosh! I feel so honored to have been tagged. THANK YOU!!! :-)

    I loved this post! When I moved to Florida after college I was pretty much the one American girl where I worked. The majority of the Cast Members were from Indonesia and Thailand. They were the most amazing people I have ever met, and I am still friends with many of them 10 years later! When I moved back to Oregon I began decorating my living room with things from Indonesia and Thailand. I really need to visit sometime. It would be a truly unique experience for me for sure!

    I love the picture of your two little girls meeting. That is so precious!

    And I think, like Beth above me, I need to put Hood to Coast on my bucket list!

  12. Great post! Loved your photos and learning more about you.

  13. Amanda, I absolutely love your pictures! They tell the complete story. You are beautiful!!

    Thailand had to be amazing, didn't it?

    I am honored by the tag and will work on being stylin!

    Happy Hood to Coast day! I bit your first born will be a runner like you--she was running in the womb with you!! :D

  14. Thanks for the tag, it might be comically to be considered stylish...I am certain my husband will laugh at me (nicely). This will be this week's Thoughtful Thursday.

  15. Molly has been trying to talk me into Hood to Coast for a couple of years now. Some day I am going to do it! I am! I think her and Jason have done it since they moved back up there. I love this post. Says so much about you and I miss so much laughing with you! When I read your words I can hear your voice and see that vein in your forehead when you get emotional! Miss you Amanda Jean!

  16. Thanks for the tag! Although I am not sure how my answers will compare. This is such a beautiful post telling us so much about you in words and pictures. The photos are just stunning. I loved this.

  17. This is a wonderful list. What a great way to share some of yourself!

    I love that beach photo. It looks so peaceful.

  18. Love the list:) Great to know a little more about you! Love the pictures too, especially you and Mr. Runninghood back in the hippie days!! Ah-the new love stage-reminiscing....Thailand looks just gorgeous!

    Looks like I'm about 3 posts behind! I have to keep reading!
