Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Jillian, Jogging and Joy!

Jillian Micheal's No More Trouble Zones workout this morning!   Trouble zones or no trouble zones, this circuit training workout gets results!  Combined with running, it is cheese and wine perfect.  I first heard of it from a couple of my book club girls who were using it to get rid of the baby fat from pregnancy.  I wanted to do the same, as well as tone up my buns and have more lean muscle.  So glad I tried it's now my favorite workout to do at home.  It is hard for me to carve time out to get the gym so having something like this is ideal.  If you haven't tried it before, I'd highly recommend giving it a go!  

Also, My friend who is a personal fitness trainer in Oregon just started a new blog called Daily FitTip4U.  She's just getting started so check her out! She has lots of knowledge about diet, exercise and overall fitness and health.  

This joy I'm feeling from being back to running and exercise is contagious!  My energy has rubbed off on my kids.  Amazing how when I'm feeling positive and loving, they are positive and loving to each other (at least more than usual).  They were actually playing together nicely this morning and giving thanks for each other in their thankful can instead of ripping each other's hair out (and me wanting to do the same).  My oldest went off to Kinder with a smile on her face and skip in her step.  I could tell she just felt good about her morning and the extra positive vibes we were swimming in this morning.  Can't say enough about how happy this made me...I actually felt like giving myself a pat on the back and saying "Good job Mom!"  instead of the all to often feeling of failure that I've had the past several weeks. 

Jogging. Yes, I said "jogging".  I never liked to refer to my runs as jogs but today I will take a jog with joyfulness! A jog is closer to a run than walking! This injury has humbled me greatly.  I went on my second jog with the double jogger after dropping my oldest off at school. Felt awesome!  We combined it with a leaf hunt for a leaf wreath that we will make.  The jog was filled with many stops and shout outs from my 3 year old.  "Stop the stroller!! Quick!  There is a fine fine leaf!"  Of course the entire earth is covered with fine and beautiful leaves so it made for lots of shouting and lots of stopping to get out and collect the many colors we found.  This actually worked well to help me follow my plan to take it easy and remember that this should be a "light" run.   

So many things in life to find joy in!  Running helps me do just that...find joy.  It helps keep me balanced so I can focus on the important things in life that I might otherwise miss out on. What brings you joy?



  1. Hey, thanks for the plug Amanda! And I LOVED your posting today! :-)

  2. just came across your blog while surfing around. very cool

  3. Thanks Chris. Great to connect with other runners! :)

  4. oh I have done jillian in the past and was honestly surprised by how hard it was!

  5. Yes! It is hard and the first few weeks of doing it, I'm in a lot of pain! But a good pain. I love how quickly I start seeing results...feels good!

  6. Hi! I do my track workouts at different tracks but usually duniway in sw. Where are you in Portland? Feel free to email me if you don't want to comment back--just reply to the comment.

    Sounds like you're injured at the moment but it'd be fun to get together when you're healed.

  7. Nike womens opens usually in the early spring. It's like nYC-it's a lottery. I can let you know when I go to sign up. I usually make a team.
