Friday, October 29, 2010

Vision Collages and This Runner's Birthday Wish List

Since my birthday is coming up, I thought it would be a good time to make something new to help me continue to mentally focus on my running goals and vision for another year of living a healthy lifestyle.  One of the things that helps me stay motivated is creating vision collages that are filled with words and images that keep me focused on positive things.  I usually put my vision collages up on places I look often like my bathroom mirror or refrigerator door.  Today I decided to put them up on my kitchen cabinets.  My daughters joined me in this craft time.  While I made my vision collage, they created their own collage of pictures that made them happy and that they are thankful for. 

My three year old thought that she definitely should add the lipstick to her powerful vision for her life.

My five year old is thankful for waking up happy in the morning so she took this picture for her thankful collage.  I hope this vision thing works because she doesn't wake up happy in the morning.

Thankful for Mommy, fresh fruit, ice cream, and waking up joyful.

My Running Birthday Wish list. 

1.  A Garmin watch (this one might have to wait for Christmas).   I need suggestions on where to even start with this wish list item!  Recommendations are greatly welcomed. What is the best one to get?  I have not even started to research them but from what I've heard from other runners lately, this just might be a must-have!

2.  Renewed subscription to Runner's World magazine.  How did I let my subscription run out for so long?  I'm tired of staying after my sports therapy appointments just so I can read their copy of Runner's World in the waiting room. 

3.  My gift to myself:  Start registering for and planning my 2011 race schedule.  A few races I'd love to run in 2011: 

Hippie Chick Half Marathon
Helvetia Half Marathon
Portland Marathon
Nike Women's Marathon
*  Definitely one or two 5k and 10k races...still in the process of planning and open to suggestions.

What races are you running in 2011?  What is something on your running wish list?



  1. Hi Amanda! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I've caught up on your story and will be following! Your family is so beautiful and your running times are amazing. I'm glad you are recovering from your injury. Maybe we could go for a run sometime, although you are much faster than me!!

    Btw, I would recommend any of the Garmins! I have the 205 or something. They go on sale occasionally at Sports Authority and REI..

  2. I've run with the Forerunner305 for 4 years now & have loved it. But unless you are going to heart rate train, you could get by with a 205. Pretty much the same thing & now you can snag one for under $100. Much more fun than the YakTrax & balaclava that are on my running wish list!

    2011 races for me are mostly going to be triathlons (Ironman Arizona!). If I were in your area I'd round up friends & run the Hood to Coast!

  3. New to Blog land question? If I respond to these comments on this post then do the people who commented get my response or do I need to respond to them on their blog? Sorry for such a stupid question and perhaps nobody will even see this response except me....I'm just trying to figure this whole thing out. :)

    Just in case my comments here do go back to you guys: Thanks so much for your feedback! I think the 205 might be perfect for me. And then if I ever try a tri and love it then I can try a better one or does the 205 do well for tris too?

    Great to connect with you girls! Good luck on Ironman Arizona...I'm in awe!
