Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Advanced Marathoning It Is!

I'm feeling a blog post in me.  It's there.  Right on the surface.  Quite a bit going on in my head actually and I can't seem to decide if I feel like expressing myself on a deep level right now or keeping this light and breezy.  I have even been tagged a couple of times in a blog post going around where I am supposed to tell you some random things about myself and answer some questions.  Don't worry Lindsay and Beth, I haven't forgotten.  I've just been a little mentally tired.  Perhaps this kind of "busy head" calls for a random bulleted post instead of a well thought out "beginning middle end/deserves a title" post.  Bullets it is!  

  • I'm officially starting the 12 week marathon plan in this book above.  Yes, yes, I know...I was reading the book Run Faster by Brad Hudson and planning on using one of his plans.  However, I was just feeling a bit lost.  I hadn't even completed a full week of his training because at the beginning I was base building, then I switched things up so that I could try out a 10k, and then I was injured and now I just need a fresh start.  It works out perfectly.  Pfizinger happens to have a 12 week plan which means this week is a perfect week to start since it was 12 weeks to Boston.  I also love the way the plans are laid out and I'm finding the book very easy to breeze through.  Even his writing voice seems to click with me.  Plus, I hear lots of good things about it from others so this makes me happy. There are so many great plans out there and all of them should get you to your marathon ready to race.  For me, it meant finding something that just "felt" right.  I'm a feelings kind of person and this feels right so I'm going with it and not looking back.  Now if I can just stay injury free then I'll be all set!  
  • Injury.  Thankfully, my strains were not too serious and I haven't lost much time.  I caught them before they turned into a monster of an injury.  They feel much better right now even though I'm aware that I still need to be careful and continue to strengthen those areas and keep going to see the doc (more on this in another post too).  Unfortunately, the other side of my body has taken a hit as I mentioned in some of my previous posts.  I've still been feeling some pain and tightness but the past couple of days have felt really great. 
  • Being able to run 8 miles today at a relatively normal pace without too much discomfort (except for this weird foot pain that I won't even bore you with) felt so wonderful.  
  • Tomorrow I will be doing a threshold run of 10 miles with 5@15k-half marathon pace.  Not sure what that 5 miles will look like until I'm doing it.  I will go by how my body is feeling.  If it gives me the green light then I will GO GO GO with it.  
  • I should still hit 50-60 miles this week despite my bumps.  I'm thinking that sticking to the 55-70 range for the duration of my training will be smart.  No need to go a bit higher.  I'll even take it down if I need to.  
  • I'm not sure of my goals for Boston.  Honestly, I will need to really think about this one.  There is a lot that goes with this and I might be addressing it in another blog post.  For now, I'm going to keep my priorities straight, focus on keeping my body healthy, enjoy running because I love to run, train hard, keep things in perspective so that I don't lose sight of the life all around me that is so much more important than running and just enjoy the process.  
There are so many things I'd love to write about right now. But my bed is calling me.  Gotta get up early to fit my run in since my son is no longer taking naps and the chances of him doing anything remotely calm and quiet for the length of time it would take me to run 10 miles is just hilarious.  

Thank you for all the e-mails, personal comments, and overall support I've felt from so many of you lately.  I know I've been really lame at e-mail and blog reading but thanks for understanding.  

Happy Wednesday,


  1. So glad that things are coming together for you! Love how you live life with your heart :). Hope to see you soon :)

  2. so glad you found a plan! I am really curious about this plan and how much of it is similar to what john has me doing. he had to cancel today so I didn't get to talk to him about anything but next week. I think your perspective is good and as long as you get there HEALTHY! you will have a GREAT race!! you are so naturally strong!
    So..with samuel not napping..does that mean you are going ot be doing more early morning runs? Steph and I are downtown at 6am tomorrow if you want to join us??

    love you!

  3. Great on finding a plan that is going to work for you and i am glad to read you are healing up! I think you are going to be amazing at Boston!

  4. It's nice to shuffle the deck sometimes, isn't it! My good friend, Rebecca loves that book and just FYI, she just set her marathon PR!

    Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!

  5. Sometimes it's hard to find a perfect fit. You are going to do well with this plan. Now just ride this wave out :)
    Levi is going between nap-no-nap right now. He stays up super late if he takes a nap and I don't wake him up from it. Then, if he doesn't take a nap, he sometimes tries to crash at 5 or so, and I can't go with him in the car for fear of him falling asleep.

    I admire your ability to admit that you are led by your heart. Your honesty is beautiful. It's OK to also not share, if you need time to process things. We'll still be here. Love you! How long to Hawaii??

  6. Lost in RLRF? I can't imagine! Ha! Glad you found a plan that works for you. Good luck in your training and hope the nagging injuries leave you alone!

  7. Ahh you have the second edition, mine is old :) YOu rock no matter what plan you use!

  8. Advanced marathoning, huh? My plan would have to come from Marathons for Dummies. :)

  9. Good for you on finding the plan that feels right for you! I had the same when meeting my coach. I don't know how you can do all the parenting, taking care and figure the things by yourself. For me having the coach takes lot of thinking (and possibly over thinking) out of the game. I just follow the plan and we adjust it according to my feelings. Same as you, I am a feeling kind of person :) Good luck with the plan, staying healthy is the most important though. You will rock Boston!

  10. I think the Pete P. programs are really solid. I'm sure you will do well with it.

    Glad the aches and pains are feeling better. Like you said, better to back off a bit then have a big injury.

    Hope the 10 was great today!

  11. Advanced! Sounds perfect for you! I know you might end up modifying your Boston goal, but you're in such good fitness that I bet you beat whatever your goal is. You're just so ready to run and race well!

  12. I hope you ran a great ten miles, Amanda! I saw that Pete P. book on the hold shelf for someone else at work yesterday and was feeling curious about it. Maybe I'll get on the hold list too. :^)

  13. glad you found a plan that speaks to you and I hope your injuries continue healing up. You're going to do great at Boston. I get motivated just reading about your training!

  14. I've used the Pfitzinger plans several times with success. I think it'll be a perfect fit for you! If you follow the 70 mpw plan, and feel the need to step back at any point, just dip into the 55 mpw plan at will. You're going to do great! Hope those injuries disappear completely soon enough, take care of yourself!

  15. When you find the perfect fit -- please share it with the group.

    Peace and Godspeed.

  16. You KNOW I love the plans and they've worked for me and many of my friends. I really love your perspective on it though and I can totally sympathise. It takes real honesty to figure out what you are truly aiming for and whether you should be aiming for that - whether that is good for you. And I know you are nothing if not honest so you will come out of this fine. Keep carrying on sweet Amanda and keep us posted!

  17. First off- you are one of the best blog commenter / responder people I know! Never feel bad for not getting back to anyone. You are a mom with 3 young kids. Enough said! : )

    I have that book and have seriously considered using one of his plans. It didn't work well with my most recent marathon because I was coming back after a stress fracture and wanted something a little more basic with less miles. I am going to be doing something more challenging this next time around so you'll have to let me know how this goes...

    Hope you continue to feel better and stay injury-free and positive!

    p.s. I emailed you (and Raina) my training schedule/ log from my Houston training.

  18. Wonderful post. I always love hearing about your training and love that you are so methodical about the process. Take care of your body and get to Boston healthy. That in my opinion is most important.

  19. Glad you found a plan you feel good about! And it's great to hear that your healing process is headed in the right direction. Hope everything continues to cooperate as you prepare for Boston!

  20. I'm sorry I haven't been one of those people emailing you. I do still love you!! I'm glad you are feeling better.

  21. You rock, lady! So glad you're moving and shaking! Keep up the great work.

  22. You are going to have a great Boston no matter what plan you use. I have a lot of faith in you!

  23. Good start with the new training! Heard good things about Pfitzinger, but the mileage scares me :)

  24. You are of to a GREAT start! And running with a plan in Hawaii is going to be awesome. Then Boston. Woot woot

  25. I have heard nothing but good things about Advanced Marathoning and planning on using the 12wk/55mi plan for my next marathon. I agree with you about the way the book was written, it just made it easier for me to understand the purpose in each run.

    I hope this plan works out for you. Oh P.S. You are awesome :)

  26. Glad to hear that the twinges you're feeling aren't too serious. And yay for a plan that fits! That's always a good feeling. I am not looking forward to the no-napping days... but I know they are coming!

  27. Your post is just what I needed today. You inspire me - the way you work through injuries and keep positive. I am training for a long run and should be running 24 tomorrow. I seriously do not know if I can do it due to little aggravations that keep creeping up. It seems I have a domino effect going on. I am trying to be smart about running - thank you for your honesty and positiveness!

  28. wow I'm just contemplating my first marathon and you're on advanced training....looks like I'll be coming back to creep all your training plans :)

  29. glad things are looking positive for ya :)

    Keep us posted and get some rest!

  30. Wow 12 weeks til Boston! That came fast. All the best w/the Pfitz plan. I have many friends who swear by it and do very well on it. I'm glad you are feeling good, sorry about no more naps though. My kids were non nappers and it is hard!

  31. Happy to hear that you have found the right plan! So often we feel like we have to follow through on plans in life that don't suit us, when you find one that clicks - go for it! I hope it brings you a great (injury free) training period and race :)

  32. Sounds like you've got a few things going pretty good for you running-wise right now.

    I've been injured myself all month (hip flexor). Unlike you, I didn't catch mine in time. Now I haven't been running all month. I miss it.

  33. girl, i think you have done amazing with your 'set backs' and i'm so glad you found the right plan for you. I've been trying to combine 2 or 3 for Eugene and I need to get it nailed down soon!! keep it up, amanda! you are amazing.

  34. Glad you found a plan that speaks to you... sending you wishes for an injury free 12 weeks (and beyond!)

  35. Glad to hear the body has healed up nicely! Go get em! ;)

  36. I'm not sure what you're dealing with, but I wish you well working through it.
