Friday, February 3, 2012

Recharging in Hawaii

Only a few minutes left here to type before my sneak-away time if over.  I'm typing away next to a pool and under a warm star-filled sky in Maui, Hawaii right now.  I know, life is rough.  Since I really have no time for a long post, I'll leave you with a few bullets:

  • Although I'm on vacation and I have dropped my mileage this week as I choose to focus on relaxing and spending time with family and friends, I haven't entirely slacked off with my training.  I ran 19 miles on Sunday, 11 miles on Tuesday and have run a bit every day except today. 
  • Does snorkeling count as cross training?  I think YES!  Especially while pulling boats that my kids are riding on.
  • Today wasn't meant to be a day off but time got away from me and before I knew it, the day was winding down and it was time for a walk on the beach at sunset with my family.  My run didn't seem very important at this point and I'm choosing not to stress about it.  
  • I plan on leaving my condo at 4:30 tomorrow morning to drive an hour south on Maui for a half marathon.  No, I'm not racing it but I do hope to hit at least 8 miles at marathon pace for a training run.  I hope to have a total mileage of about 17 miles tomorrow.  
  • I don't really know what marathon pace for me is right now.  I'd really love to say that MP is 7:20-7:25 but a more realistic marathon pace for me right now is probably 7:30 and I've never even hit that for an entire marathon so I really don't know what to shoot for.  We shall see.  
  • Gosh, I'm kind of tired of training.  Ha!  I know, I know, I still have over 2 months left!!  Hoping that the training bug returns to me when I get home to Oregon.  It will.  I'm just in Hawaii mode right now.  Sun-kissed and relaxed and not taking things too serious.  I like this life-speed.  It balances my faster-paced, over-thinking self that can come out at home.  :)   

More tomorrow AFTER my race/MP training run.




  1. LOVE MAUI! so glad you are relaxing and enjoying! and you're gonna get 2 awesome LONG runs in while there! I would NOT be doing's a fact so you're way more dedicated than I am! have fun tomorrow and ENJOY the scenery!!! Love you and miss you!

  2. I am so incredibly jealous! We are freezing over here in Korea! lol

  3. Freezing here in VT too. Hope your trip is wonderful!!

  4. Enjoy! You're pretty hard-core to run 19 miles on vacation, impressed. Good luck at the half. I love using racing as training runs - so much more fun than just running by yourself, right?

  5. Have fun at your 1/2 marathon! Enjoy the views. Keep relaxing and taking in the atmosphere.

  6. How wonderful! I love Haiwaii! I also admire your dedication it is so motivating for me. Make sure you get shaved ice it is so yummy!

  7. Have a great and fun race. Racing in Mauii, something to tell the grandkids about:)
    Sounds like you are making the best of the training and relaxing worlds. You will be recharged and ready to go when you come back!

  8. What a great way to spend the week! Hope that Maui gives you some soul food and leaves you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Best wishes for you half, I'm sure the scenery will be gorgeous!

  9. I can't wait to get back to Maui some day. I loved the week I spent there on my honeymoon. Enjoy the half marathon, how fun to get to do one on vacation and in Maui!

  10. Good luck tomorrow! I'm even jealous that you are driving an hour on Maui to get to your race. Driving there is beautiful. Enjoy your time. I can't wait to go back.

  11. Hey girl!! On my phone so quick! A 19, 11, and 17 with some MP is pretty darn impressive for vacation. I went on a tropical vacation, gained 7 pounds in 7 days and did only one form of exercise:). It's hard to stay really motivated on vacation! You did great! You are likely running right now! Thinking of you and hoping you feel strong and happy!! Can't wait to hear about it. Love you!

  12. LOVE LOVE LOVE! Have missed you :) Wish you the best tomorrow and its exactly what you want it to be!

  13. Jealous! But you, oh so deserve it!

  14. A half marathon in Maui would ROCK! It might just be the ticket you need to kick the training mojo back in ya! Have a great rest of your vaca!!

  15. i have to admit that I am SO jealous that you are in Maui right now! ENJOY!!

  16. Gorgeous pictures! I'm glad you're enjoying the family time, that's so important, and you're still getting in some great long runs. Enjoy the half tomorrow, and I bet the training bug will bit when you're back to a normal routine again. :)

  17. Running friends and I were talking about how tired we are of training right now and need something out of the ordinary to freshen us. I think we should all go to Hawaii, too. Enjoy your time there and also enjoy your race!

  18. hmm. something must be wrong. i never got my invitation / plane ticket???

  19. Enjoy this relaxing time! You so deserve it :)

  20. Enjoy your Maui time!! I love that place.

    Best of luck on your run tomorrow!

  21. As I stare out the window at the 2 feet of snow that was just dumped on my house, I have to say I am insanely jealous of your current location!! Good luck on the race tomorrow.

  22. That looks amazing! And training on your holidays counts as double mileage. Snorkelling is definitely cross-training.

  23. I'm so happy for you that you're getting a week in Maui with your family! And getting to run and train in such a beautiful place is just icing on the cake! :)

  24. Beautiful spot there! Hope you were able to find that happy place:)

    You were/are missed.

  25. What a beautiful picture! Looks like a wonderful time with your family.
