Monday, September 10, 2012

A LOADED Post: Love, Listening, Guilt, Goals, Boston, Not Running, Jumping into Jeans and MORE.

It's official.  I can't get my jeans on in a normal way.  No running, combined with eating whatever I feel like and drinking one too many beers on a warm summer evening, means that I now know what my friend means when she speaks of jumping off her dresser into her jeans to get them all the way up.  And even then, I can just...barely...button them.  And when I do, I kind of walk like a duck with them on.  I suppose this could have something to do with the DOMS that has come from a new weekly routine of getting on the exercise bike.  Oh, my BUNS!

But even with this jean predicament, I'm actually pretty happy today.  Just another season in life.  And besides, I like having challenges.  New Goal:  Stop eating and drinking like college Amanda so that you can fit in your jeans without walking around like an overstuffed suitcase.  It's ON JEANS.  Bring it!  I don't mess around when it comes to goals.  Ha!

Speaking of goals, I think it is time for some new ones.  But first, just a bit of random to kick start this Monday:

  • Sometime this week (probably tomorrow), I'll be doing a giveaway for an Endorphin Warrior bracelet and telling you about how much I LOVE mine.  I'm sure you won't be surprised to hear the good things I have to say since there have been many of you who already have one or have read about them recently.  The thing I'm looking forward to the most is sharing with you the story behind the WARRIOR....I plan on telling you a little bit about how Endorphin Warrior came to be and about the man that created the products.  As most of you know, I rarely do giveaways or reviews on here...I try to save them for when I really like something.  And as with most things in life, I care about the heart and soul behind the face so I really enjoyed learning more about how this company came to be.  And I think you will too.  

  • My post on Friday was about Listening. And mostly about listening to the children in our world. They truly are wise and I believe with my whole heart that God speaks through them in special ways.  The next few weeks I'm going to keep working on making it a habit to really listen to the things my kids are saying instead of that tired "Yes, honey" that comes with lazy listening.  And listening but not HEARING because of the clutter in my head.  
  • About this self-work that I've been referring to lately.... You know, the work I DIDN'T ask for?  Do we ever?  The work that has just started to unfold even though I thought that I'd done more self-work than anyone could possibly do.  Apparently there is more.  And Goodness, I AM SO THANKFUL for my ability to reflect and process in words.  Without that, I'd be a ball of all kinds of confusing feelings and mountains of thoughts that would bury me.  I'm realizing more and more that my ability to communicate my feelings with writing has been up there with the greatest gifts in my gift bag.  Thank you for this Gift is so freeing for me.
  • One of the things I know that I've always struggled with (and many of you have seen me struggle with on this blog) is being WAY TOO HARD on myself.  Feeling guilt for not doing things as good as I think I should...motherhood, friendship, etc.  And not always feeling WORTHY of RECEIVING LOVE.  These are BIG things that I'm processing and working on right now and you know, I'm so HAPPY to see them coming to a head in a way that I've never seen before.  They have come from all sorts of things:  Religious abuse, having a father die, relationships, etc.   Although I've always known that I'm too hard on myself or that I feel guilt for things that I'm really doing better at than I give myself credit for, I haven't been able to change that.  And I haven't truly been able to RECEIVE all the love from myself and others even though I do mostly.  But something is different today.  Or this week.  but really, big INSIGHTS last night and I woke up feeling kind of different today.  Certainly HAPPY.  This bullet will be an entire blog post someday.  Maybe a book.  Maybe I'll finally write MY book.  And maybe this big piece to the Amanda puzzle that I'm kind of filling you in on (but not really), is just what I needed for everything.  More later.  
  • Where's the RUNNING RUNNINGHOOD?  Oh yes, running.  Hmmm, well, I'm being SMART here.  My left foot seems to go on and off with good and bad days when it comes to the discomfort I've been feeling.  I know how out of control Plantar Faciitis can get so I'm just keeping a level head about this.  I'm not going to just run through it and hope it goes away because that could keep me out of running for MUCH longer.  Rather, I'm sitting out until my foot is 100%.  I'm trying to remember to stretch, roll, tape, and send happy thoughts that way.  Ha!  I've been trying to get on the bike at the gym so that I can at least sweat and keep some fitness, despite the fact that I won't be fitting in my clothes in another week.  :)  Teasing.  I just need to find the balance between burning fewer calories, gaining MUCH fewer endorphins, eating appropriately, and doing the small things that REALLY ADD UP:  core work, stretching, icing, rolling, positive thinking and keeping my eye on the goal to get healthy.  PATIENCE.  I'm convinced that injury ALWAYS makes us stronger when we come out it.
  • Boston Registration.  I've officially decided to register for Boston 2013.  I won't be able to register until Friday since my qualifying time was only 7 minutes under.  So, I'm hopeful that I'll get in but if I don't, I'm okay with that too.  A few weeks ago, I wasn't going to register because of most likely moving to NC and not knowing what is in store for me with this Plantar Faciitis, etc.  But you know, I think I will kick myself if I don't at least TRY to get in and have the option to go.  I know myself...I can change my mind easily.  
  • One good thing that comes from no running:  I write more.  I used to say that running gave me the motivation to write.  But you know, not running much at all has meant so much more writing for me.  In my journals, on here, in e-mail.  The energy that would go into training has gone to my spirit and mind.  All sorts of ideas are rolling around up there in this head of mine and as long as I can get some exercise, I think this could be a good thing for my writing.  

I hear my son waking up.  Man, I got lucky.  He slept until 8:30!  And the girls are already at school.  And I got an entire blog post written even if it was just a bulleted ramble of random. But I'm beginning to see that my random rambling posts are often the posts where some of the biggest nuggets of treasure (my insights for myself) are buried.

  Some quick goals for this week and some for always:

  1. Listen (and look).  To life.  To the Universe.  To my Children.  To Messages/signs given along the way.  And to my inner voice.  
  2. Allow myself to FEEL LOVE.  Really and Truly.  Love from others and love from myself.  I. AM. Worthy.  Again, this goes deeper than just what I write here...another post for another time. But some BIG insights lately.  yay!  
  3. Get rid of GUILT!  Life is too damn short to always be feeling guilty about something.  Guilt for not exercising enough, guilt for not being a good enough mother, guilt for not eating the right foods, guilt for not writing that Thank You card, guilt for not ________.  Fuck You guilt.  And I'm not feeling guilty for saying that either.  Okay, maybe I'll come back and delete it.  Ha ha!  But not really, I think in this situation, with as strongly as I feel about this, the F word  is the perfect word to use.  And those of you that are offended, well, I can either hope that you can see that I have other sides and don't typically throw the F word around or maybe this isn't the blog for you.  
  4. Eat healthy, Be STILL more often (yoga, stretching, prayer), and find alternative ways to exercise.  
  5. Continue Being Open to Change and RECEIVING what comes my way.  
  6. Express Gratitude to the people in my life.    

Happy Monday!


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  1. Yay! For this post. I'm doing the jeans dance too. Just ran my first marathon last week. It's been 7 days of enjoying anything. Not worrying about what goes in my mouth. So now when I'm being careless about food in going to picture you telling me toget serious again. Yay for Boston reg. you sound happy about it. That's a good thing. And thanks for reminding me to enjoy my kids and to take note of their wisdom. I've only been butting heads with an 11 yr il so I need to chill and enjoy her! Take care and thanks for writing!

    1. Hi Janalyn! Yay! Congrats on your first marathon! Why can't I find a link to your blog on your profile here? Please post it so I can find your blog again.

  2. Oh, your son slept until 8:30?!?! Mine doesn't get up later than 5:30, ever! Hope that changes someday! I love the honesty in your posts, love the loaded posts:) I hope your smart decision to not run pays off quickly for you!

    1. Hi Katie. Thanks for this. Yes, he actually stayed in his room until almost 10...just talking to himself. Yeah, no joke! And not typical! LUCKY Monday for me!! And what did I do? Waste time. Oh well, it was worth it.

  3. Oh, how I love your writing. The jeans story made me laugh. We've ALL been there. I have a pesky 4-5 lbs I haven't been able to ditch since my last stint with not running. :-/ Eh, life goes on, right?

    Boston 2013, here we come! I am crossing my fingers. I am hoping to make it and run injury free!

    1. Yes, life goes on...even if our pants size goes up. ;) Ha! Hope we'll both be in Boston...yes, injury free!!!

  4. I always always always LOVE what you ahve to say. We have ALL been there with the weight like Kate says - I'm there right now, bizarrely, 2 days after doing a HIM. What the hell is that about? But like you say - it's just time to stop mindlessly eating and drinking and focusing. If getting into your jeans matters - and it matters to me - then I need to shut my mouth. Quite simple.

    As for a different perspective through injury and not running - I agree! Enjoy the extra time - it certainly seems you are doing something with it and my god Amanda you really do work at yourself. Sending you some love from me - accept it please! X

    AND finally - amen on the guilt. It's useless. Too much time is wasted on it (by me?) and it gets me nowhere. ONwards Amanda - you're on the right track!

    PS - I've just moved my blog to wordpress - come find me at

    1. Yay! Can't wait to come find you on wordpress (in just a minute). thanks for your words Petra. Always so nice to hear from you and hear that my words have resonated with you. I DO accept your love. Thank you. RECEIVING a ton lately. Yes, guilt is USELESS!! here's to getting rid of it!

  5. So much great stuff in here. You are so worthy, Amanda. I'm excited to read about your journeys...physical, spiritual, and familial!!! And those jeans will fit comfortably again before long :) Love my Endorphin Warrior bracelet too!

    1. Thanks Marjorie. Yes, I am worthy. We all are. And I'm going to be accepting it all just a ton more. Life is so short.

  6. Love what you said about GUILT. I think women in particular tend to feel guilty for a lot of things that men would never feel guilty about.

    And I wrote a post in my head this morning that I will actually write in a day or two called "Am I Worthy?" so my head has been in a similar space lately.

    Enjoy your time off from running and the space it provides you to grow in other areas. (And, no, I'm not talking about physically growing larger! Ha!)

    1. I agree about the woman thing. Can't wait to read your post and thoughts.

  7. Describing how you put on jeans took me right back to my high school years. It used to be the fashion to wear your jeans so tight you had to lie on your bed to get them on and pull up the zip with a pair of pliers. And this was before stretchy denim. Totally uncomfortable.
    Your thoughts always make me more aware of my own. Guilt and worry are my two biggest energy sappers and they're pretty pointless emotions. I'll be trying to focus on the more uplifting ones - gratitude, love and joy.

    1. Yes pointless! guilt and worry be GONE! No more. Life is too short. Embracing the good stuff. From now on. I'm doing the best I can, I deserve to feel Good feelings and be truly happy without feeling like I need to be doing MORE all the time to earn it. Nope. I'm good just as I am. Gratitude, Love and JOY>...Yes! Love to you Char.

  8. Big smiles today. :) Curious about your insights?!

    About those jeans...I just keep it easy and wear running clothes all day long.

    Love that you are always ALWAYS wanting to learn more and would LOVE to see your book written.

    Your son slept til 8:30?! Wow!! My kids will usually make it to 7 or 7:30 unless I wake them. Hope you enjoyed that break :) and have a great day with him.

    Good for you about the rolling and bike! I need to take better advantage of mine. They are so good at building leg strength and speed.

    Looking forward to your giveaway. :) Those are so pretty- and not frilly. I like that.

    1. We will have to have coffee sometime soon Raina!

      Yes, he slept a loooong time. But stayed up late... a little off his schedule. Love to you!

  9. Oh Amanda if I didn't know better I would swear we share the same mind and were twins seperated at birth. I've struggled my whole life with the guilt. Am I putting enough time into my job? Am I helping my neighbors, family enough? Am I running at my full potention? yada, yada, yada it is really hard but I think I am getting better about it and I know that you can to. You are an amazing mother, a wonderful athlete, and a true example to many around you. Keep on being you because you are great! I am so sorry to hear about the PF but you are being smart. I have friends that have ran through it and it does not get prettier if you keep running on it.

  10. I'm so glad I read all of it to get to that special passionate little gem you added in there! So, I am so excited to see that you are doing a Warrior bracelet give-away. I am doing one, too. I don't have mine yet but it shipped out today. I was taking a look at the website and fell in love with what it was all about. I've been emailing with Eric all last week. Thanks so much for showing that ring. I will be getting it soon. Anyway, I can't wait to hear more about your insights. God has been talking to me a lot lately. Mainly about facing my fears. I have so much I want to do but just can't get the courage to take the 1st few steps. So, I get you there. Gosh I wish we had hours to just talk about crap like this because I know you are one that could listen and exchange all day! I better end or I will ramble forever and I have work to do.

  11. I loved this post! What an excellent list of goals! I've skipped the jeans completely.... Stretchy pants are my best friend. :). I dont have a warrior bracelet (yet) but I LOVE them.

    Thanks for a great post!

  12. Mom guilt is the worst! I am trying to be more intentional and present with my kids. Its not easy. I hope you're of heals soon. I had a cortisone shot for it once. Enjoy the time of not running. I usually do when I'm injured. I miss it, but appreciate it even more.

  13. Ugh, sorry you got PF Amanda. That stuff isn't fun and hurts! Did you get inserts for your shoes? I found that the inserts helped me a lot. I had PF back in 2008 for a couple of months, but it eventually went away and I haven't had it since (knock on wood). Knowing my luck right now I am probably bound to come down with it again.
    So happy that you are signing up for Boston. So bummed that I am not, but hopefully I can for 2014. I mean, what is one more year????

  14. Just thinking about Boston myself - register or wait a few years??? Baffling choices!
    I'm so glad you said injury makes us stronger. Right now I want to scream and throw my pubic bone against the wall (HAHAHA just imagine it!) but I know you are a wise runner and have good advice and a lot of fitness knowledge! So I'm trusting I will be a better runner next year!

  15. Ha ha! I've nearly attacked Joe at times for putting my jeans in the dryer....acting as if he had just put Max in there and turned it on...Drop the undies and maybe you'll get a little more space;) So great to be in our 30's though where we can accept our seasons and be HAPPY!!!

    SO much I could say here to your next couple of paragraphs....Yes, you have a wonderful gift of communicating your feelings in writing!! So worthy of love you are!! So EASY to love you are!!

    Yay for registering for Boston! Always wise to cover your bases when you're not sure!!! I just didn't have it this year-no fire for Boston and such a strong feeling that it's not going to change throughout the winter for me. Maybe one day! Will be excited to watch you run across my computer screen again though if it's meant to be!!! Hoping you heal quickly here as I know how frustrating injury is but also so very thankful you're accepting your forced downtime and using it to explore and nourish your other gifts! Your young, hot, fit, body will bounce back and run strong SOON!!

    Chatting about a trip east to the ocean and the mountains last night;) Hope your morning is going super! Out the door for 20 here! XO

  16. congrats on taking the boston plunge! hopefully the smart rest now will pay off with a super speedy time in april :)

    jeans... i have been there. lol. i am one of those people that keeps fat and skinny pants around for my weight fluctuations... granted when i am "on" i am 2-3 sizes smaller than when i'm not-watching-my-diet, so i kind of have to. (or maybe one day i'll quit pigging out for weeks on end and letting myself get to be 2+ sizes bigger!)
