Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Naked Running

When I first began my blog in October, I didn't have a Garmin, a foam roller, fancy running gear, and I certainly had never heard the term Running Naked used by some in the running community to mean running without a watch, Garmin or other devices that keep pace and time.  When I first saw the term "Running Naked" written, I slowed down from my usual blog reading pace and  read and reread just to clarify what I was reading.  Tonight, I tried my first somewhat "Naked Running" experience since getting my Garmin 205 for Christmas.  I had my Timex Ironman watch that used to be all I needed for my many years of running.  But after having my Garmin for so many of my speed workouts and long runs, I felt like I really was "Running Naked".  

For those of you that don't know about my Garmin Grief and the horrible and awful suffering it went through in its last hours, you can read my last blog post.  I'm still pretty emotional about the entire thing.  Grief is a funny thing. But I'm hoping to win a new one from Jen @ Why I Run. Probably not now that I'm linking her since this greatly decreases my chances since you all will go enter, right.  Jen's awesome so she's worth the visit alone, but if you enter the giveaway and already have a Garm, you could always just tell her that I should win. Yes?  Please.  Come on, you can earn huge Runninghood points if you tell her that your drawing should go to me.  Here is a final picture before sweet Garm died:

Today's workout wasn't happening half-Naked:
1 mile WU (easy without a Garmin)
1 x 2k @ HM pace
2 min active recovery
1 x 1 mile @ 10k pace
2 min recovery
1 x 1k @ 5k pace
2 min rec. 
1 x 800 @ 3k pace
1 mile cool down

Long story turned to bullets:
*  jogged to HS track--Track Meet.  Crap!  
*  Jogged to use Elementary School Track 
*  Kid's Baseball Game, mom's and siblings all over in lawn chairs, flying balls, etc. 
* Tried it anyway.  
*  Looked like an Ass!  Coach yelling at kids "Don't pay attention to the Runner!!  Look at the ball!!"  must have been my bright shirt and hat.  or that I was the mom sprinting around the track and looking like Ass!  I tried explaining in passing that the HS track was being used and my Garmin just broke but that just made me look more like an Ass!  
* I was just a girl wanting to get her run on!  But I could see that crashing an elementary school baseball game wasn't going to work.  It was embarrassing.  
* Rushed home, jumped in car, drove to gym, and got the the Treadmill that I've come to despise.  So much harder for me than running outside (mentally and physically).  I used to think differently.  
* Got it done!

Thank YOU SO MUCH for the Garmin advice and warm condolences in response to my grief.  I felt so loved.  Ha!  No, really, your advice and feedback was helpful.  I just purchased the Garmin 405 tonight.  My husband and I will share it.  Hopefully we will both have one by the end of the year if he ends up taking his training as seriously as I think he might.  He's hooked after that half marathon.  Go honey go!  But don't steal my Garmin yo! (Of course if I win Jen's giveaway, I can return the 405 and save some money!)

After my workout, I made sure to come home and drink a recovery protein drink. 

I included: 
*  Hammer Recoverite (Glutamine Fortified Recovery Drink)
*  Whey protein powder
*  plain yogurt
*  Udo's Oil
*  Banana
*  a little bit of frozen berries
*  Handful of spinach
*  Kale
*  Apple Juice

1.  I am so excited for all of the people I know running Boston.  I plan on doing a proper shout out/Good Luck Blog for them and a Boston tribute tomorrow but it is coming quick so I'm sure some of them are already on their way!  Who do you know running Boston? Will you be tracking them?  I wish I was going to be there again!  Next year hopefully! 

2.  I'm loving all the extra attention in the recent posts from Patrick at The Road [A Multi-Sport Blog].  Who cares that it is all part of his ass kissin' contest.  It's still fun.  



  1. That's the main reason why I run in the early morning dark... even if anyone is around it's too dark to tell how much of an ass I am. :) Good job getting it done.

    I'm so excited for Boston this year. I've never actually "known" anyone running it before, can't wait to follow it.

  2. 3 times an ass in one post? That's a whole lot to kiss...

  3. I just caught up on the Gamin issue. He will be missed...but not too long since the 405 is on his way! Hope the workout ended up being good?

  4. I bet they were all just shocked at how fast you were running! I'm so sorry about your Garmin, but I bet you will love the 405. It seems like it will be much more comfortable on the wrist!
    Love the protein drink, I make one quite similar!

  5. Hope you like your new Garmin! It has a bezel you know, might be kinda confusing like that phone-ha!

    Nice job conquering the workout in less than ideal circumstances! I'm laughing at your track escapade. I hit the treadmill yesterday because of the gale force winds. Reminded me of how much I'm enjoying the open ice free road!!!

    So, I'm going to give your smoothie a try! I have most of those things on hand, no apple juice, might have to go get that. I suppose I should workout first...

    Meg, Raina, Emily, Aron, Dorothy, SUAR, Jim, Gina, EMZ and the list goes on! Can't wait for my own little marathon party on Monday morning!!!!! Perhaps I will see you there next year:)

  6. Hope you enjoy the new Garmin (and scored a great deal on it!) - my only complaint is that the bezel is super touchy so I lock it all the time. I've run some of my best races ever Garmin-less and still to this day will not wear one in a race. That's just me.

    Nice job on the run!

  7. That's great that you got a 405! Awesome!!! I know a few bloggers running Boston but no one personally! I'll be there to cheer on all the runners though. I can't wait!

  8. Bummer about your garmin but I hope you win jens giveaway and save some mula! Awesome track work and sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do in order to get your workout in!!! I need to try your protein shake so I can have your abs:) have a great day gorgeous girl!

  9. I love the image of the coach yelling at the kids to ignore the runner! so funny. And it's also so frustrating to run around in search of a track!

    Good luck with Jen's contest--she is awesome!

  10. Amanda...I'm going to be honest with you. This post was a complete let down. I hurt my finger clicking hard on the mouse when I read the title...just to find out it was about the Garmin that you abused and abandoned.

    Solid workout by-the-way.

    The 405 is pretty...kinda like a dinner watch

  11. Your poor Garmin makes me sad. How sad is that?! We do track work in the summer which we have to reserve but last year there were kids having football and soccer practice in the middle. I hope they didn't care what a doink I looked like.

  12. Oh. my. god. girl what a nightmare of a run! But i have to admit that is pretty hilarious about the elementary workout- I do get a good mental picture of you running around distracting all the kids!! way to stay dedicated! :)

  13. Ok. I won't go try to win the Garmin. Just for you.
    Good luck.

    (I think your crashing the game is pretty darn funny and trying to explain is even more funny!!)

  14. I'm glad you got a new Garmin. I'm going to get the 110 --hopefully before I run the Run the Flood race in June. I like it 'cause it small, and it just gives me the basics. Can't wait to try it out!

  15. boston: EMZ, Beth, Jim and Dorothy! I wrote a post in the honor yesterday1
    good luck with the contest!
    I have that one, I love it

  16. Too funny all the trouble we have to go to to JUST RUN! I do my "speedwork" (of course, my speedy miles are probably slower than your recovery pace) on a mile-long route that starts at the end of our driveway.

    You'll probably get all kinds of search traffic coming now to your blog with that "naked running" title. :)

    I don't know anyone running Boston other than Mel/Tall Mom, and my competitor-following will be of some of my local friends, one of whom is doing his first HIM in New Orleans, and three of whom are running an ultra here. Plus Georgia Snail is also running this weekend. So I've got plenty of virtual spectating up my sleeve.

  17. I think if I didn't have my Garmin I would probably make it half a mile before I gave up in sheer irritation. I have no concept of pacing myself without it.

  18. I am beyond excited to cheer on our own Small Town Runner at Boston, and Katye (Long Legs on the Loose.) I got to meet Small Town in Eugene last year, and actually started out my half marathon career - for a few paces - with Katye in Florida. I've never been so excited to root for other runners!

    I'm so happy you have a new Garmin in your household. I was twitchy just thinking about you not having one anymore!

  19. Oh girly Im so sorry to hear about your Garmin!

  20. oh my word, laughing my butt off over the track experience. Nice go of it. :) "Ignore the runner!" LOL!!! Seriously, that is worse then when I tried to do my track work out during high school girls soccer practice. ;) I'm sure you'll love the Garmin 405...and I'm SURE you'll be back in Boston next year.

  21. Awwww, that was so nice of you to write in bullet form for me. What's the deal with you winning every frigging blog contest on the planet. Must be your good karma.

    BTW, you should see the Comment Super Kate wrote on my latest post. She even made reference to you. You have quite the reputation for verboseness.

  22. Ugh! I'm sorry your G unit died!! I hope you win Jen's giveaway!!

    @Chris ha ha!

    There is so much running terminology and gear I have learned about since blogging started in Oct for me too--crazyy! Sounds like the hubs is all over running now!!

    Do you have measurements for your post run smoothie??

  23. LOL... so funny they were telling the kids to stop paying attention to the runner! It can be awkward doing a "real" workout in public :P

    Good luck winning that Garmin!

  24. I never know what the proper etiquette is when running around a track if people are using the field! I never want to do it, but my dad convinces me its okay!

  25. I am not any more excited for people running Boston than I am for them running any other race. All marathons are awesome! not just Boston! ya hear? (sorry I just don't get the hype...this coming from someone who has qualified plenty-a-times...)

    I never heard the term "running naked", but I am quickly learning what it really means -- I've been a Garmin wearer since January, and it's changed my life! well, my running life.

  26. WHAT??? You ran Boston?? OK you are a super star....please do a post and give us a flashback.

  27. Running without gadgets seems hard for some people. I directed a predicted-time race and had blatant violators who told me they just couldn't run without their Garmin or their iPods. Good for you to go without, even if it wasn't intentional at first.

  28. LOL. I crashed a high school soccer game (JV) a couple weeks ago. I felt awkward too. Sometimes it's nice to run "naked".

  29. The first time that I saw "running naked" I definitely did a double take, too. I hope you like the new Garmin!

  30. I definitely think it is well worth including the odd 'Naked Run' in your weekly routine.
    I've recently started doing races using this stripped-back approach and although a bit strange at first, am getting used to it and really enjoying the freedom it gives you.
    For any Naked Running enthusiasts, check out this site (don't worry, there's no nudity):
