Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The New Finding Art in Every Day "Sticklete" Art...Inspired By You, You and YOU! Giveaway!

Baby Jogger Momma
© Copyright Cher Odum 

Funky Barefoot Runner
© Copyright Cher Odum 

Quality Time by Cher Odum
Art is personal. If you're like me, you like color, funky style, things that are bright, more abstract, less realistic and images that evoke energy and passion.  My living room walls are yellow and red and the art throughout my house is full of color, shapes, symbolism and vibrant energy!

Many of you might be thinking that this kind of art sounds awful and you might enjoy filling your walls with more landscapes or realistic art. Or maybe you're a person that finds peace in having your walls bare and making YOUR art the art of simplicity.  Whatever your style, we are all different but I'm willing to bet that there are others out there that enjoy my same tastes.  Maybe not you or you but somebody!  Tis the joy of ART!

I know that I've mentioned before that my favorite artist happens to be my mom, artist Cher Odum.  And not just because she is my mother but because I absolutely LOVE what she creates.  Her work is so full of meaning and passion and every piece she creates seems to inspire, energize, or move me in some way.   Her work is all so different and ranges from pieces that celebrate women and life to pieces that represent nature or show the many faces of the human spirit.  Just a few of my favorites:

Water Goddess
© Copyright Cher Odum 

Mother and Child
© Copyright Cher Odum 

© Copyright Cher Odum 

Simple Pleasures
© Copyright Cher Odum 

Ballet Slippers
© Copyright Cher Odum 

This is a piece she was hired to do for a family in Idaho. 
Many of these paintings and the paintings that some of you have seen on her Fine Art America Site are in the Dragonfire Gallery in Cannon Beach, Oregon.  The gallery owners recently asked my mom to create some smaller art pieces to sell along with the larger and more expensive pieces.  This helps for customers who can't afford or are not ready to buy a larger original work to still have the opportunity to buy a smaller original painting that isn't a print.  She began creating 3"x 5" paintings that fit inside a 5"x7" matted card.  A perfect gift for someone else or a smaller piece of art to frame for oneself!

At the same time that Cher was starting to create these smaller paintings for the gallery, she was inspired to create a series of art based on the community she sees through Runninghood.  You.  The runners, the athletes, the mothers, and so many of you that are living a life of passion, purpose and intention. The Sticklete line was created especially from her inspiration from all of us.  She was inspired by the passion and joy that so many of us bring to our sport. By the vibrant energy that comes from a runner after a race or a long run where they connect with all the colors of their world and come home feeling alive and ready to LIVE passionately.  She was inspired by the voice of so many of you on this blog.  Your joyful words about running, cycling, swimming...doing what YOU LOVE to do.  She was also inspired by so many of you who are mothers and still taking part in setting goals for a healthy lifestyle, making your dreams come true, and being a positive example to your family.

You can see Cher's first paintings in this series at our Finding Art in Every Day site but here are just a few:

Summer Days by Cher Odum

Let's Race
© Copyright Cher Odum 

Baby Jogger Momma
© Copyright Cher Odum 

© Copyright Cher Odum 
You've Got This!
© Copyright Cher Odum 

I have to admit that I was a bit sad to see some of these paintings go to the gallery since I want them all for myself.  I had visions of a framed art cluster of these paintings on my wall but I know that there will be more and she is just getting started.  Each new painting takes on a different life and something new is added.  IN fact, her first barefoot runner is my favorite of all them so far.  I can't wait to see what creations she comes up with in the coming weeks....She's already got sketches for more cyclists, swimmers, surfers, and runners.

As I already mentioned, we know that tastes in art are so different!  What one person loves and finds a connection with is of no interest to another.  However, this is art that I absolutely LOVE and so I'm investing myself in getting the word out.  All of Cher's art is meaningful in some way.

Some characteristics I love:
*  bright colors
*  energizing images
*  symbolic meaning to most of her paintings
*  feeling/mood
*  funky style
*  celebration of life
* unique and original

There have been so many times that I've wanted to send a gift or a card to one of you to wish you "good luck" or "congratulations" or  as "just because..".  I've searched for running cards or athlete cards that go along with my style and tastes but really have not found much.  I've found many businesses that make funky and fun jewelry for the triathlete...even clothing lines but very little ART!  I'm thrilled to see Cher finally combine her colorful, funky, and playful style with her inspiration from the Runninghood community.

To start growing this new line of art for the athlete and others, we thought a giveaway might be in order.  She is still in the process of creating and getting this line started so we will be sure to update you with new images as she creates them! We are also interested in hearing your ideas for new images as well.

The Finding Art in Everyday "Sticklete Art" Giveaway
This giveaway will be for either:

  1. A set of 6 Cards (art prints/not original paintings).  You will be able to choose what print you want for your card set. Prints will be 4x6 prints on a card.   
  2. One original 3"x5" (matted in 5"x7" size) Runninghood Art painting that will be matted and in the form of a card (use of it as a card is optional...this is meant to be a piece of art for framing more than just a typical card). It will either be ready to frame for yourself or give to someone that would enjoy a piece of original art. If the image you want has already been sold or taken to the gallery then you can order one to be made especially for you....this option might be the best one!   

Here's how to enter and help spread the word about the Finding Art in Every Day site and "Sticklete" Art.  Please Leave a comment telling me what you did to enter.  

  1. "Like" Finding Art in Every Day on Facebook and leave a comment there saying what your favorite painting is so far OR telling us what you'd like to see a painting of....barefoot runner in mountains, group of running mamas, running mama in a skirt, husband and wife running together, Mama with baby stroller, Runner with a quote, Triathlete painting, the swimmer, dancer, etc.  
  2. Be a Runninghood reader/follower.
  3. Subscribe to Finding Art in Every Day
Optional/Extra credit (one entry each):
  1. Share this giveaway with your friends, readers, family, etc.  In whatever way you share...twitter, facebook, blog, e-mail and let me know you did.
We will announce a winner on July 29th, 2011!

Thanks for helping us spread the word even if this style isn't your style!  


  1. I like art of runninghood on FB

  2. I love the Fall splendor painting

  3. I follow Art of Runninghood on FB.

  4. I also love Four Little Blackbirds painting. I love the song Blackbird by the Beatles:)

  5. I "like" Art of Runninghood on FB. Love the artwork!

  6. I LOVE her work! LOVE IT!
    Follower of course.

  7. I shared this on my facebook!

  8. I love "Ballet Slippers" because I love cats. It was interesting to read her explanation of why she paints the feet big, and the head small, etc. Very true concept about women. She is super talented, and her style is distinct.

  9. I also like Birds of Paradise on the Art in America site.

  10. Cher's artwork is so beautiful - full of life, energy and inspiration! I love her style and CAN'T HELP but smile when I see her work. Her spirit and passion really does shine through in her work. What a gift. I am drawn to her painting "Birds in the Mist" so much. The softness and color are so lovely and the painting just touches my heart in some way i'm not sure how to explain!

  11. i like runninghood on FB and also like the art of runninghood on FB

  12. I liked the Art of Runninghood on FB.

  13. You know I'm following!! I would so love to have these!!!

  14. I like art of runninghood on facebook too!

  15. I like Early Morning Coffee on Cannon Beach and Run Free. I also really like all of the nature series.

  16. I love love LOVE this new line of Cher's art. Would love love LOVE to be a winner! I "liked" art of runninghood on fb, I "follow!" You know what I'd love to see in this line? Something that represents us "older" moms out here...we're still moms even though our "babies" are all grown up!

  17. Maybe an "older" mom running w/her grown-up daughter!

  18. These are awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  19. I followed your blog!

  20. I liked the art of running on FB

  21. I love the barefoot runner! But I would also want to see a girl with long hair running barefoot through some trails in a skirt. Just like me :)

  22. I LOVE he "Dream Tree" artwork from the Nature is all around us collection. I LOVE TREES!

  23. Posted this giveaway to my FB www.facebook.com/vanessaruns

  24. I posted this giveaway to Twitter

  25. Finsish strong is AMAZING! Also love the nature ones :)

  26. Finish strong shared on Twitter! :)

  27. I liked art of runninghood on FB- gotta love the finish strong one... thats always my goal, but rarely happens

  28. Um love this giveaway! I am a follower. :)

  29. Love her style of art. I like Dance Like No One is Watching.

  30. i'm a follower of runninghood.
    ps. I did get the cookbook, and I'm waiting till I'm done cleansing to try a few recipes when my diet isn't so limited.
    Also for figuring out what dvds are which with p90x- if you go here it tells you what each dvd entails and what day to do it on

  31. added the giveaway to my blog
    another ps. I like your new layout/design (so organized)

  32. I love the "Colorado Winter Night" painting. Actually, I love all the paintings in the Nature All Around Us folder!

  33. And I shared the link on facebook!

  34. I liked on facebook and left a comment

  35. I am a runninghood reader/follower

  36. I love "Run" because I live and run in the mountains and I love "you've got this". :)

  37. Liked Runninghood Art on Facebook

  38. I love love love the dream tree painting :)

  39. Your Mum is a very talented woman.

  40. These are really beautiful Amanda. Your mom is very talented:)

  41. i liked Art of Runninghood on fb and left a comment

  42. i'm a Runninghood follower!

  43. i like the Point of View art pieces..especially Fall in the City...

  44. I follow you everywhere... :)

    These are cute! The prints I could totally see in a kitchen or bathroom, and the running ones of course in my running room! And as cards -- they'd all make great "just because" cards.

  45. Liked Art of Runninghood on FB

  46. I love several of those pieces IMMENSELY!!!!!!

  47. Just saw the link on foot traffic on fb.. LOVE your mom's work! I love the finish line one!!!

  48. I followed the AWESOME art on FB! LOVE the girlfriends one and would FLIP for a family one. Just awesome--I hope she starts selling personalized ones..I can think of a million people to give them to! I just LOVE them, really.

  49. I follow Art of Runninghood on FB

  50. No way to say which one I like best. Early Morning Coffee is speaking loudly to me this morning, though.
