Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Past Midnight Processing

Note:  This post is in no way written with proper grammar, sentence structure, or cohesive subject matter in mind.  It is purely some random and not so random processing in the wee hours of the morning.  Starts light and ends heavier.  I'll write a normal more running related post soon but hey, this is my blog so I suppose my random, raw, personal and unedited bullets are in a safe place.  
  • Does it still count as sleeping with the girls on the trampoline even though we have all ended up inside by just a bit past midnight?
  • It was still a great memory falling asleep under a big starry sky while cuddled close together.  
  • Well, they slept.  I hadn't/haven't fallen asleep yet.
  • I really don't do well sleeping in different environments.  Um, like on a trampoline with two sweaty little girls up in every inch of my space and one annoying buzzing teasing mosquito making sure to zip by my ear every few minutes just to let me know that he's waiting for me to sleep.  
  • Dropping my glasses off the side of the trampoline wasn't a very good thing for this half-blind girl when I had to get up to pee at just past midnight.   
  • It especially wasn't very nice when I realized that my husband had locked us outside so I had to squat in my own lawn to take a pee.  Lovely.  Now we've all done it.  Who needs a dog?  
  • Unlike my son, I don't find it nearly as satisfying to pee in my own grass.  Maybe that has to do with the fact that he has a penis and I don't.  
  • I was so relieved when my oldest daughter woke up irritated when I came back on the trampoline and made my blind way over their now wet with condensation sleeping bags. Irritated her meant that she wanted to go into her own bed (after peeing on the lawn).  
  • I may or may not have suggested going into her own bed in a way that made her think it was her own idea.  Always the best route to take.  
  • I love my own bed.
  • Gosh, I love my kids.  
  • The next few bullets might not make any sense to anyone but me since I'm the only one who knows what's going on inside this head of mine.  
  • Goal:  To work on loving others as THEY ARE and not expecting them to be someone they aren't or somebody I wish they would be.   
  • Another goal:  Not expecting life and relationships to fit into perfect little is messy.  Relationships are messy.  Who determines what it means to be a:  mother, grandmother, wife, best friend, etc.?  I can't expect others in my life to fit the same mold for these relationships.  I especially can't expect the people in my life to fit inside the mold that I have decided is best for me when it comes to these roles.  
  • Again:  Truly accepting others as THEY ARE.  
  • I realized tonight (again) that I can be pretty darn hard on my mom sometimes.  Note to self: Keep going easier on her.  She's done a damn good job with her life and she managed to do a really great job with raising us three kids despite some extremely difficult circumstances.  Not so sure I could have done what she did.  
  • I'm so thankful for the gift that my husband is to me.  I've never felt more loved by any other person than I do by him.  Sometimes I don't think I deserve him and I have a hard time believing that he has been placed in my life.  And that he loves me so unconditionally.
  • I'm not so sure I felt unconditional love from another person before my husband.  Not to say it wasn't there...just not so sure I allowed myself to feel it.   
  • Everyone should have someone in their life that they feel truly and fully LOVED by.  The kind of love that is whole, unconditional, adoring... Everyone should be "that person" to another.  So often this is in the form of a parent/child or grandparent/child type relationship and when I see and hear of my friends having these relationships with their parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, it is always so beautiful to me.  
  • I hope I can be the kind of parent to my children that provides this safe and adoring love that  makes them feel wrapped up and precious.  Safe.  Adored.  Free to make learn, grow, and risk.  I hope that they can grow up and always feel like my "baby".  Like they always have someone wise, loving, and open armed to embrace them and let them fall safely upon.  
  • I'm not so sure I have ever felt this kind of love from anyone really.  This type of parental type love that I describe above.  Again, not to say it hasn't been there.  Just saying that I haven't entirely felt it. Or allowed myself to feel it.  This isn't necessarily a negative thing though. I think for much of my life, I felt like more of a parent and less like a child. I think I was able to create this kind of parental type love for myself in many ways as I grew up...I have come to provide that unconditional, adoring, always open armed, safe Love for ME.  Happy about this.  
  • Just as we should all feel loved by others, there is so much to say about truly loving ourselves...just as a mother or father would love their child.  So much comes when we love US enough to provide ourselves with:   patience, forgiveness, belief in, adoration, understanding, room to grow, the acknowledging and validation of feelings no matter how silly we might feel.... Such power in loving ourselves the way we want to (or would) love our child.
  • I haven't always felt this kind of love for myself.  Nor have I always had as much self-confidence.  I've grown into it and am so thankful for the people who have helped me along the way.  Believing in oneself and truly feeling worthy of love is such an amazing thing. It affects every part of our life.  
  • I can't believe I'm up this late.  
  • This was the most random post I've ever posted perhaps.  It started with camping on a trampoline and peeing on my lawn and it ends with some much heavier  topics.  
  • I think I might delete this post when I wake up in the morning.  But it sure was good for me to write. I'm going back and forth between saving as a draft and putting in my journal or hitting publish. This is one of those "for me" processing times where I just let my mind flow and so often end up writing the lessons that I NEED to hear at the time.  This blog has been a great outlet for me in this way. For the most part I don't have a hard time writing vulnerably but it is still scary for me to share some things.  And I'm not sure why this topic on love...especially relating to parental love and relationships feels perhaps the hardest for me to be vulnerable about.   



  1. I agree about love. You just described all the reasons I want to be a mom. Hope you get some rest!

    1. From what I've read about you, You will make an amazing mother! Can't wait to see your life unfold in that direction. :)

  2. I enjoyed this post, thanks! I'm in a very good space in my life at the moment (the best ever) and just wrote my wife a message about how much I love her and all the kids and what plans and goals I have that we will all still enjoy together.

    1. Hi Johann! Great to hear from you. So glad you're in a good space right now. I bet that message you wrote to your family means so much! A treasure!

  3. I loved this, one of your best post (for me). Glad I got to read it! Sometime the best writing is the uncensored writing! You've got a beautiful and devoted family and friends and you are very loved. I hope you get to feel that more and more. And I can truly sense your confidence lately. Love the paragraph about relationships. So true and such a challenge.
    Big hug to you)

    1. Thanks dear AM. This means a lot coming from you...Glad I posted and didn't chicken out. Hug to you too!

  4. Yes, I agree. I would put this post on my list of favorites from you and very near the top if not the top. As I always say, you have such a great way of expressing yourself. Not only in a way that helps YOU process but in a way that is easy to relate to for others. Your paragraph on relationships is so true-I struggle with exactly what you've written here about life boxes in my relationships but can't/don't express it. Gosh, I just finished a good book on this. This could have been in it:)

    Love the 5th and 6th bullet from the top. So good. Love you.

    1. You are such a big reason why I have felt empowered to share myself Jenn. Thank you for this. You've helped me grow in more ways than you know. And you've helped me believe in myself in ways I can't even begin to say. Thank you for you!.

  5. I am glad that you posted this. I really needed to read the bullet about loving people for who THEY ARE and not what we would like them to be. I need to remind myself of that. I will also further that with that I need to be the one to love unconditionally too and not just expect to be loved unconditionally. I also am glad that you shared your thoughts on that "parental" love (which you described so well)...I have had this my whole life but can't say that I have taken the time to appreciate it, even though I have always known it was there. I know I shouldn't take it for granted, yet all too often, I probably do.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Corey. Yes yes yes! I need to work on this unconditional love too! So glad you have had this parental love that I speak of...yes, such a gift! Thanks for your comment.

  6. Wow. Hope that you find some sleep.

    You do have a way with writing and I love it.

  7. I love this post - don't delete it. You feel this. This is honest and true and you. It makes me think about the relationships in my life and what i want, and also what i need to accept about others. Thank you, as always Xxx

    1. Thanks for always making me feel so safe about sharing my spirit Petra! So glad my words are appreciated by you. And thanks for always telling me...this continues to help me grow in confidence when it comes to being true to myself and sharing my thoughts as they come.

  8. Wow such a beautiful post. Thank you for allowing me inside of your head. The part of this post that really resonates with me is loving people for who they are and not desiring to change them. I am very guilty of saying you would be perfect if you could just change this, or if you did this instead of that, ect... Thank you for reminding me to love and accept people for who they are and not who I think they should be.

    1. Thanks Rachelle. I love when people let me inside their head by sharing the vulnerable stuff... I need to work on this too...obviously, since it is a goal. I hold too high of standards for certain people in my life.

  9. I love that you spill it but understand your hesitations. I would think losing your dad the way you did probably put a wall up You weren't even aware of. That is probably what blocked you from feeling the love you talk about. Probably the same thing within your mom. I imagine that trauma did a number on all of you that you still aren't fully aware of.

    You know I'm proud of you, Amanada. And you enter my mind more than you know.

    1. Love you T. Thank you for always making me feel special. You, my friend, are a wise one. I love your words here...thank you. Yes, I probably did end up putting up a wall and shutting others out from loving me as fully as they intended. So thankful that life continues offering us opportunities for growth.

  10. I'm so thankful i had a cup of tea sitting down at the computer. It felt like i was having a cup of tea with a friend. Loved this post.

    1. Ahh, so good to hear Sheila. Thank you and great to hear from you.

  11. Great post! I am happy you are leaving it up.

    I like what you say about boxes. My mom and I have had our struggles and many times in the last few years it has a lot to do with her not living up to the expectations I have.. I am trying to just accept her for who she is and our relationship as it is.. and just try to be honest with her when I am hurt. For many years I just kept silent and then it just festered. Festering is no good.

    Rowan has just started saying, "you don't love me" "you hate me" when I put her in time out as she is trying to figure out if those words have power and it just cuts through me heart. I know she is just testing, and I assure her that I do love her, but it just hurts my mama heart to hear her say that I don't love her.. and to think in ten years or less she may be yelling, "i hate you" to see what sort of reaction that provokes. UGH. We love these little humans with every breath in our bodies... it is a love like no other.

  12. I envy the way you are able to organize your thoughts!!!

  13. Sorry, that last comment was from me! I didn't realize I was signed into another account!!!

  14. It counts as a sleepover. What a cute idea! Too funny that you got locked out!!

  15. You are ALWAYS making me think.
    There is a lot to love. I have been mulling over your post since I first read it. I don't know why unconditional love is so hard to have, or give, for some of us. Being your own parent and providing your own love...I cannot imagine that. But maybe it is easier than having a living parent that is completely unable to give or receive love. Not sure..anyway, you have me thinking.
    Having/ sharing this type of love has also been heavy on my mind lately.

    I bet it was fun "trying" to sleep on the trampoline when it's 100F outside! There wouldn't be much sleeping with 3 wiggly boys either. :) I pee outside. I pee outside at races, and when the bathroom is too busy to get in at home! Nothing wrong with that.

    Hope you have a great weekend, Amanda. Hope it is love-filled and that you feel as precious as you ARE. :)

  16. I loved this one: "To work on loving others as THEY ARE and not expecting them to be someone they aren't or somebody I wish they would be." I always think about that with my kids. Do I love them just how they are? I read a quote on FB the other day that rattled me: "Be careful how you speak to your children, one day it will become their inner voice" Eek. Mine are going to have some seriously loud inner voices!

  17. Such a great post. Everyone pees outside too. I had to tell our mini that his dad does it all the time the first time for him to do it, now everytime he walks past the bush he says "hey mom, there's my pee bush".
    Onto the heavier stuff - you are such a beautiful person. The world needs more people like you in it. Wishing you a super weekend, filled with tons of fun and love.

  18. I am no mom, but you just articulated everything that goes through my head when I can't sleep...the good, the bad and the ugly... We all have these thoughts, especially as it gets later and we are still awake! I hate it sometimes because the doubt starts to creep in and that never helps me to get to sleep!

    On a lighter note, we used to sleep in our backyard in the trampoline and we loved it! However, our parents never slept with us! You are one dedicated mom!

  19. Whenever you write posts like this I a reminded how similar we are in our thoughts/desires. I can especially relate to this:
    I'm not so sure I have ever felt this kind of love from anyone really. This type of parental type love that I describe above. Again, not to say it hasn't been there. Just saying that I haven't entirely felt it. Or allowed myself to feel it. This isn't necessarily a negative thing though. I think for much of my life, I felt like more of a parent and less like a child.

    hmmm Yes. having an alcholic mother I think was a big part of this for me. I think many of the other types of love you talked about I have probably had but never felt.I am not sure why I don't allow myself to feel it when it is what I crave most.
    why do i always feel like people don't love me back the way I love them. this is somethign I've been searching for an answer to for years. thanks for sharing your vulnerability. love you girl.
