Sunday, February 20, 2011

First-time Burpee Video. My Attempt to Join the Contest Last Minute.

My arms are shaking and I'm still breathing hard after my first attempt at these things called Burpees.  Heard of them?  If not then you'll have to check out my video of my attempt to see how many I can do in 2 minutes.  You see, I'm always up for a challenge but I'm not always good at remembering things.  This Burpee contest has been circling the blogosphere for some time now and it ends today!  Yup, so I decided to wait until I am slightly injured, ran 8 miles yesterday and 12 today to try my first burpees.  Smart woman!  My very first video was 34 seconds and I did 10.  I decided to be a total puss and throw the towel in but then my competitive side told me to give it another go.  Second attempt is in this video below.  I think I did 20 in 1 min and 10 seconds.  When did I become such a quitter?!  What?! Who stops with 30 seconds to go?!  I need to go give myself a firm talking to and hopefully get control over this slacker attitude before it ruins me! I could have fit in at least another 10 in 50 seconds!  Good grief.   Ha, hope you enjoy the video.  At least I tried. Please look past the glasses and greasy, ready for bed look (besides the fact that I threw on some athletic clothes). Just keeping it real.  Thanks for the inspiration Katie and Running Wannabe.  You rock!    

Don't pay attention to what I'm talking about in the beginning.  I think it is something about doing 10 in 30 seconds already...blah blah blah.  But partway into it, my 3 year old gets in on the action with me.  So fun!

Some random things in the Running Hood here at Runninghood:
*  I've been posting like a fool so you might have a hard time keeping up.  I posted about my new favorite running bra.  I love it so much!  I just might have to wear it for everything...running, swimming, normal wear.  It is awesome!  

*  I really think I notice a difference with how I feel when I take this Udo's oil.  Seriously.  And I believe all the research I read about it.  

* Ice baths are NECESSARY!  They are so wonderful in how they help me recover faster after a long or hard run.  I've felt great all day!

*  Thank you so much for your Podcast suggestions.  Why have I never tried podcasts before?  It is a perfect world...long run or easy run + and interesting podcast means that i can learn, laugh, be entertained and keep myself from running faster than I should!  Loved it.  I flipped through some spiritual stuff, attempted a sermon, marathon talk, NPR, a Jeff Galloway Interview on walking breaks...hmmmm, not so sure I agree but interesting. This will be another blog post.  
*  I will add to that podcast post and include it in my running advice section of my blog for your reference if you are needing a good podcast to listen to on your next easy or long run or hey, if you're not a runner, maybe just for when you want to chill out!  

*  Running journals!  I am so excited to hear from so many of you about your running journals that you are starting!  yay!  I can't wait to see them!  

*  Speaking of journals, I have had a few blog readers ask me about the different kinds of journals I write so I plan on doing a post on that soon.  I keep a personal journal, marriage journal, running journal, and I write to each of my kids in their own journal (which includes other things).  Oh, and Kovas suggested that maybe I start a bathroom journal.  He's on to something there but I have to okay it with my agent before I mention it on my blog any further. 

*  12 miles today.  I tried to keep all my miles 8 or slower. Average 8:38 pace. Just where I wanted to be.  Felt solid.  A little bit of pain but my ice bath helped a ton!

*  Day off of running tomorrow but I have a Chiropractor appointment.  I'm going back for more Graston therapy.  I don't have enough bruises already.  Joy!  
* This week in running.  Might not go as planned.  Will listen to my body and plan accordingly.  

1.  Anyone have the day off tomorrow for President's Day?  

2.  Did you do anything wonderful and exciting this weekend?  I know that some of you ran races!  I'm so happy to hear about all the positive race reports from this weekend. Go check out AM's PR at Running, Tri-ing and Living. 



  1. I was really engrossed in the movie but got called away before the end. Did she win the man of her dreams and did they all live happily ever after or did the asteroid totally annihilate the earth?
    Actually, I really loved how your daughter decided that it looked like so much fun that she had to join in. Cute!

  2. Looks like a valiant effort to me. I think your adorable 3 yo's burpees should be added to your score!

  3. Love the video! How great that you have an in-home cheerleading squad ("Go mommy go").

  4. Burpees are a killer! I never knew what they were called. Ah yes, I have done those before, but not nearly as many as you have.

  5. I love/hate burpees! I do them in crossfit all the time. In competitions, all they care about is whether your chest touches the ground and that you actually jump. Sometimes they make you kick your heels together in the jump. They don't require full-on push-ups like what you did, which is technically how you're supposed to do them. Great job!

  6. Oh my gosh, I was lauging so hard when your little girl jumped in the video. She is adorable! Those looked fun..;)lol.

  7. Yaayyy thanks for joining!! Your burpees look great (better than mine) :D

    And this might just be in my head, but I think doing burpees has helped me get faster.

    I still have to start my journal!! (Actually I have one with the ridiculous title of "Bikini Babe Triathlete Summer '11" that I started at the end of this past summer in hopes of getting my fittest for this coming summer, but then I started a blog instead :D)

  8. wow - you are strong - I can barely do 6-10 push-ups. Nice! loved the daughter jumping in - so cute!

    so smart - the conscious decision to keep it at the pace you needed. I use my Garmin ALL the time to either slow me down on my slow days, or speed me up on my fast days.

  9. i am scared to try those Burpee's--i can barely do push-ups. i feel the same way about the Dreya Rolls on P90X. eek! love the idea of listening to Podcasts on long runs. although, i almost never go on long runs by myself! maybe for my treadmill all your posts!

  10. Great video! I can honestly remember the first time I did those. It was probably 5 years ago and my husband was working me out in the basement and made me do them! I was whining and swearing at him and huffing like a good student would! They are tough!!!! I do them all the time now along with some slightly modified versions! Wow, you did great for the 12 miler, plus the second go around! You really are in great shape:) I'm impressed!

    Love your little workout partner:)

    Nice job on the run! Your journal is so specific. I am officially starting my marathon plan here in a couple of weeks and I'm determined to be more specific in my running log-inspired by you! Your upcoming week looks great! Hope the chiro goes well for you today!

    My weekend was packed full of hockey and driving! Oh, the life!

    AM is a ROCKSTAR! Crappy conditions and still a KILLER race!

  11. You ROCK the burpees, Chica!! Holy smokes you arae one tough mom! Loved your 3-year old doing them with ya, too...cute cute! Maybe you could add your daughter's to your final score, I think that's fair. Well, you can thank me for those burpees as I give them to Andrew to do for part of his workout and we jokingly said something about a contest. He ran with it. I didn't sign up. Bahahaha.

    Hey, I will email you this afternoon about shoes, just really don't have an answer so was sitting on that but I will repsond. Also, would love some podcast suggestions if you got some. I too have never listened to podcasts but so need to!!

    A gorgeous day here in Colorado...thinking of you!!

  12. You rock great job on those burbees!
    I totally want to try the Udo's Oil.
    I'm planning on starting a journal soon too you have inspired me. These last few weeks have been tough with training but I am getting back to it today so perfect opportunity to start my journaling.

  13. Way to go! Your little girl was hilarious, and I love hearing your husband: "You're got 50 more seconds! C'mon, let's go!" No way could I get that many, nor could I get over the trauma of posting a video of my body on youtube.

    I'm off today for President's Day! My little one seems to be doing better, so we're considering a trip to go swim or to roller skate. We'll see. First thing on the agenda is lunch/margaritas with my sister in law! :)

    My weekend wasn't super exciting, but I had a great trail run yesterday (14 miles) followed by 2.8 miles on a paved trail. My most miles yet in a day.

  14. Well done girl! A valiant effort indeed. I've never done the podcast thing either, and I hear people talk about them all the time...I'll have to look into that. I hope your chiropractor appointment goes well. We need to get you all healed!

  15. OMIGOSH!!!! I love it!!! GO MOMMY GO!!! Your hubby is awesome--great camera work with the watch and cheerleading!

    You are so fit amanda!!! You made an extremely difficult exercise look easy! And, you had seconds to spare too! How cute is your daughter?!! Future runner/fitness guru!

  16. Your running journal makes my head spin.

    I am not working today so what do I choose to do? Work. Me: Employee of the Year.

    I will do a nice 1 hour 15 minute run along the coast later. Life does not suck.

  17. LOVE THE LITTLE COPY-CAT!!! TOO CUTE!!! What a GREAT role model you are for her! YAY MOM!

  18. Great job on the Burpee's They look hard.

  19. I bought a hard cover sketch book like the ones I used in college. Maybe it will inspire me to sketch too.

    Great job on the burpees!! :)

  20. You are awesome!! I sadly do not have Presidents Day off. :(

    So GLAD you found my blog!! Thanks for the comments. I'm kind of slow getting over here to yours...Sorry! Thanks for the podcast recommendations. I'm going to have to check some out. From what I hear, it's all the rage. ;)

  21. I LOVEEEEEE this video! Your little girl makes the challenge seem worth it. I'm only doing it if my little guy will join me. Hehe. But seriously..I rock the pushups these days so this is goign to be funnnnnn.

  22. NIIIICe Job on the burpees! those things are TOUGH!! Your daughter is awesome too!! Future burpee champion, for sure! Great job taking it easy on your 12 miler! So much easier said than done when you just want to crank it up!

  23. Burpees, I must try them, looks like all the cool kids (pun intended) are doing them:) You ahd great form in the video and you worked hard! Your running is going super well. I have always wanted to try Matt's program, so I am excited to see how it goes for you. Good luck!!!

  24. I am starting my training for my half marathon today and was so excites to read about your running journal! I will definitely be keeping a journal. Thanks for sharing what yours looks like! I live seeing how others do things! It keeps me inspired and motivated!

  25. Hi Amanda! Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I'm glad to know another 5th grade enthusiast! So glad that you understand the Twilight and Hunger Games obsessions...Hunger Games is my absolute favorite currently. I could read them over and over. :)

    I LOVE Writing Workshop. I read Regie Routman's Reading Essentials and Writing Essentials in college and liked both a lot. I use some of Fletcher's Craft lessons someitmes too, but I don't know Lucy Calkins. Is she someone I should be adding to my bookshelf? :)

    My Daily 3 is based on the Sisters' Daily 5--we just don't do listen to reading or read to someone. Did you use the Daily 5 in your classroom? I love it, but I do a modified version because I have to use a basal series.

    Look forward to reading more on your blog!

  26. hi;)
    yeah..burpees are hard and the bomb;-)
    love running journals. nice.

    cheers friend!;-)

  27. Look at you go! Awesome! Love it when kids join in on the exercise regimen… so fun to get a video of it :)

    I, too, am awfully impressed with your fitness! Funny to have a bonding moment regarding our run…even a state away and traveling at entirely dfferent rates of speed ;-) (Remember: COLD water cleans it up best. Lol)

  28. I LOVE your running journal. It rocks!! Mine is so plain compared to yours. Maybe I'll have to add some fun things. I went to another lululemon store this weekend and I thought about all my great bloggy friends who love that place! Still didn't buy anything. So expensive!

  29. nice job on the burpees! we had to do those for college rowing so... i avoided that contest ;) i love the cheerleader and then the competition in your video. she was going a little faster than you... better step it up! :)

  30. the video of your daughter jumping in and doing burpees with you was hilarious =) and you are really good at them, I bet you could have done a lot!

  31. Awesome! I am a burpee kind of mood now! I am learning so much about you! Do tell more about this speed suit!

  32. almost forgot...I would love to hear more about pod casts. I need to try that as well!

  33. I've never attempted a burpee, but HOT DAMN woman, you make them look easy! Impressed!

  34. OH my gosh, that Burpee video was AWESOME! I hate burpees witha passion lol...My friend introduced them to me last year! they are so hard!! good job!!:)
