Saturday, March 24, 2012

Three Weeks Until Boston MOJO! And Boston Blogger Meet UP Ideas???

Feeling incredibly happy right now.  Maybe it is because I have the house to myself on a Saturday afternoon while my husband takes the girls to a play and my son naps.  It could be because it is the start of Spring Break and the weather is an amazing reminder of the coveted Oregon summer that is to come. It might be from having a relaxing Friday night where I ate my weight in pizza, soaked it up in one too many beers while sending "I love you messages" to a couple special people and then slept until 10a.m. Could be from knowing that I have some really solid girlfriends in my life that I can see still loving and having my side when I'm an old bitty without any teeth.  We'll be traveling across the country to see each other wherever we may be while we drink tea and share stories about our glory days and how we met. Or maybe this happiness comes from the perfect and surprisingly strong-feeling of a 6 mile recovery run I just had.  The hills that usually demand a slug-pace out of my tired legs, felt effortless and my body feels strong and capable. I almost feel like I shouldn't talk too soon but such a good feeling to have at the end of my highest mileage week EVER and right before my last 22 mile run tomorrow.  

Whatever the reasons, I AM HAPPY.  And I'm THANKFUL to be where I am at in my training plan and feeling so strong (knocking on wood here).  So, it is time to finish these next three weeks before Boston with a fully stocked bag of MOJO.  The picture above may not be from my fastest race but it does remind me of digging deep and believing in myself.  The look on my face is one that I know.  It is a look that is a sure sign that I was winning the mental battle in my head at this moment when the picture was taken.  Despite the negative thoughts that were making their way to my mind, I was fighting back and loving myself for a lot of the race. It is a picture that makes me feel strong and reminds me of how far I've come.  I'm holding on to this feeling.  And I'm going to look at this picture often in the next few weeks as I find and hold on to MY STRONG.  And  how LOYAL am I to Brooks?!  I mean really, will you look at those arm warmers turned inside out just because they didn't say Brooks!  Ha!  Kidding.

Calling all Boston Runners
So, all of you who are running the Boston Marathon, live in Boston, or are heading there for the anyone planning some kind of Boston Blogger Meet Up?  If not, I'd say it is time to get the ball rolling peeps.  I'm thinking EASY, SIMPLE, Pick a place and time and come have a beer, juice, water...whatever you drink....and maybe some appetizers and then either leave after a quick hello or see where the evening takes us.  Very noncommittal but still an opportunity for people to connect, take a few pictures, share some race stories, etc. So, I guess the big things to nail down:

  1. Who? Who is interested in a meet up?
  2. When? What day and when?  I'd think that AFTER the marathon might be better.  Then those of us that do want a beer and some not-good-for-you food can enjoy it without worrying about the race.  Maybe Tuesday if people are sticking around??
  3. Where?  Maybe some locals or people that are familiar with the area can suggest a good place to meet and then we can nail down a reservation for a room or seating that is big enough.  Where did everyone meet last year?? I guess I could e-mail SUAR and ask her when she gets back from her vacation.  
Okay, that's getting the ball rolling.  Now anyone want to roll with it and share some ideas??  

In my next post, I plan on sharing some of my DREADMILL tips for making it all bearable.  One of thees tricks or tips requires ringing an imaginary bell every mile...this consists of me putting my hand in the air while singing "Ding Ding Ding".  It's the little things.  

Happy Spring!  Happy Weekend!  Happy Running!  



  1. Ha! You totally need an Easy Button from Staples :) You could hit that puppy after every mile!

    You are so ready for this, woman! You look in that picture as if you have found your strong :)

    1. oooooh, I totally need that EASY Button Marjorie!! Must get one!!!! Thanks girl. I feel strong.

  2. I love reading this. I got a bit emotional reading it. I think bc I totally can relate to this happy blissfull feeling. It has been such a great training cycle and we've been blessed by GOD (and a good chiropractor) with health and strength! So very thankful for this! I feel like we have gotten closer through this journey and I'm almost sad for it to end:(
    This beautiful day was so wonderful, it's hard not to feel happy and thankful on such a gorgeous day:)
    So glad u had an awesome recovery run! And can't wait for tomorrow!!

    As for the meet up, I vote for before bc Tuesday I will be busy packing and won't be able to get a way before our flight leaves! I was thinking maybe Sunday afternoon? Lunch time?

  3. Yay!!! So glad you are feeling strong and confident!!!! You should be :) I am excited for you and sending continued confidence and speedy thoughts your way!

  4. Would LOVE to meet up, but we are flying out Tuesday morning early. It will be impossible to get everyone together at one time, so if I miss out, it's ok. I'd love to meet on Saturday, but will go with the majority.
    Glad you have your MOJO! Mine finally showed up this week! Feeling the glow!

  5. Maybe Sunday afternoon. Or Monday night??? Why not Monday night. We can all sit on ice together and nurse our sore bodies??

    1. Not that I'll be there, but a couple of hours after the race is probably a great time. It gives the racers a chance to re-hash their stories while they are fresh. And spouses are expecting the day to be dedicated to the race anyway :)

  6. You are really going to crush it! So happy for you.

    I am IN for a meet up and I like the idea of tuesday some time, if possible. Let's figure it out.

  7. I can just hear the contented happiness in your words. You're in such a good place at the moment. Boston's rolling on so quickly now. And you're so ready. I'm going to enjoy reading about your last few weeks of preparation and pray that this feeling of happy stays with you till then.

  8. Awesome you are feeling so strong and happy! Love the look on your face for the race pic. Winning the mental challenge is such a great feeling, every single time.

  9. Thanks Mike. I didn't win the mental challenge for the whole race but in this particular part of the race I was winning. I went back and forth! :)

  10. I love that picture!! I'm just so excited for you and your big race. I KNOW you are going to crush 3:20- it's just a matter of by how much. Anyway- I wish I were running Boston too! Besides the obvious excitement of racing it I would also love to meet you and so many other awesome bloggers. I am planning on Boston 2013 so count me in for any blogger meet-up then!!

  11. Loved this photo! You are in a GREAT place, lady. I am SO happy for you to be where you are right now. I might have to steal the 12 wk Pfitz schedule myself next time :). Really really amped for both you AND Nicole. I can hardly wait for patriot's day!
    Also, nice arm warmer trick!

    Have a great 22 miler tomorrow. I know it will go SUPER. I am looking it up on your schedule so I can see the next three weeks right now :)

  12. Oh damn, I didn't get my "I love you" text...must be lost in cyberspace! ;)

    You look incredible in that picture. LOVE those foggies looking at you in the background...they are dreaming of one day being wicked hard core like you!

    Woohoo, bring on the 22miler - you got it girl!!

  13. Soo excited for you!!! You look incredible as always :)

  14. love that expression on your face. Determination and grit. Not sad angry face for you :)

    enjoy your run. I love that you feel so good during your runs and get so much from them.

  15. Amanda, it sounds like you have a lot of things to be happy about! I love that you turned those arm warmers inside out, too- hilarious!! Does Brooks know this??? Good luck in Boston!!

  16. Positive mindset = good running, time and time again!

    Perhaps we should all do a contest for most creative treadmill games or workouts?? :)

    Keep the mojo going.

  17. I would love to fly to Boston just to cheer you up and meet in person! Bummer, it's half of the world far away for me :o Maybe next year :) I am so looking forward to read about your experience!

  18. Ah, Boston is SO CLOSE! A meet up is a MUST! My favorite meet ups happened there!
    Our Boston crew had their last long run today. I live through them vicariously and WISH I could at least go watch! You look great and it sounds like you're ready to GO! Big hugs@

  19. I'd be interested in a meet-up! Sunday would be a good day. I'm going to have all this nervous energy and sitting in a hotel does not sound appealing!!!!

  20. You are awesome! I think you are going to blow your goal out of the water in Boston. Love the inside out arm warmers (and you can get Brooks one super cheap!) :)

    I would love to meet up in Boston - after the race is great. I am in town until late Tuesday afternoon. I have no idea where but I can get anywhere. I will text you my cell if you want. :)

  21. You look incredible in that photo Amanda. So strong and confident! You should be so proud of yourself for progressing as great as you did during your training. Every week you got faster, absolutely incredible!

  22. so glad you are feeling so strong! I can't wait to read all about Boston -you're going to crush it!

  23. Strong you are. Boston will be owned by you.

  24. You are strong! You can run the race you want! Hang on to that feeling even after Boston is over. And don't let go of it.

  25. So so glad that you are feeling happy and strong. Isn't that the best feeling ever? You look like such an ELITE athlete in that picture. Awesome!!

    I would love to meet up. I am flying out early Tuesday morning but get into Boston Thursday. We could maybe even do something close to the expo on Saturday? I think most people I know are leaving pretty quickly after the race but spending more time before. However I don't know a lot of people so I could be wrong. ha!

  26. I hope that 22-miler went well to finish off a rocking week. You are so strong! Look out, Boston!

    Sorry I have not been around lately... keeping my head above water. Sooo looking forward to meeting up. We are in town Friday night til Tuesday early evening... pretty flexible as far as meet ups, but I was hoping to keep Sunday as low key as possible. Keep me posted!

  27. I'm so excited for you and Boston in just a few weeks! You're so strong and beautiful and I'm so happy for you! And I'm glad you're happy as well!

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