Friday, March 30, 2012

Fabulous Friday GLAM BEAUTY Treatment for the Mommy Marathon Runner

Dead toenails, sore body, tired eyes.  Sluggish.  You know, that feeling we get from time to time.  It comes with being a parent.  Or with being a mom who is marathon training.  So, what do you do when you need a little pick-me-up to help you feel glowing and gorgeous again?

Why, get a makeover from your 5 and 7 year old daughters of course.  Talk about expressive and dramatic techniques!  You'll walk away feeling lively and energetic.  Looking and feeling like a princess clown.

Y'all know you want to hire my 5 year old as your make-up artist for your next big gig.  I mean, forget paying the big bucks.  She'll work for free.  Or a few treats like a movie or licorice.  Save your money and buy a new purse since your current one probably has ink all over it from the 2 year old pen explosion in the Chiropractor's office during your last visit.  And better yet, use some of your saved money to paint the chiropractor's walls.  (Story coming at a later time).  Anyway, back to the 5 year old make-up artist.  I mean check out these MAD SKILZ:

I would show you a before and after picture like all the great make-up artists do but she couldn't figure out the camera.  I'll tell you this...her make up goes oh so well with my post run/swim and ready for bed look.  I look sort of like a washed up harlot.  I mean Beauty Queen.  I especially like the way she makes my NOSE pop!  Doesn't everyone go for the nose popping technique.  Or is the eyes you want to stand out?

The Toes
Oh, ladies, I'm not done!  If you think that is stunning and irresistible, then you MUST check out this company's pedicure jobs.  They are simply amazing.  I mean they transformed my feet from half-painted January Hawaii trip leftovers/DEAD toenails from marathon running feet to GLAM GLAM GLAMOROUS.  Each of them took a foot to be in charge of while I created the beginnings of my Taper-Time Collage Journaling Project which you can see more of HERE.  

Here's a nasty before picture.  I know, I know, gee lady, do something with those things.  Um, I AM.  I'm running.  And Running.  And Running.  No time for pedicures.  And no point.  All it takes is one 20 plus mile run for my toes look like this again.  I only have 3 dead toenails this time though so this is a good thing.  

Yeah, pretty nasty huh?  Didn't say I was trying to win any SEXY FEET contest.  Check out my set up below.  Older cousins visiting to keep watch over the beauty supplies and I was just able to sit back and relax while I created my collage art and meditated on the Boston Marathon.  

And the AFTER Picture.  Who doesn't want rainbow toes?  I must say, they did an awesome job at covering up those dead black middle toes.  Yes?

How will you feel Fabulous this Friday?  If I were you, I'd find some of these young beauticians so you can feel Glowing and Gorgeous too!

Happy Friday,



    That is just too cute! They did a really good job with the toenails - but I think you need a little more pink in your cheeks.

    What a fun mom!

  2. AWESOME!!!!!!
    this is what i get to look forward to when my girls are a bit older!
    glad you had some "glam" time with the girls!
    rock on super mamma!!!!

  3. This is hilarious. And you know those girls loved EVERY minute of it! What a fun mom you are.

    I haven't been on other blogs much lately because I'm trying to finish writing my multi-part epic, but I've been thinking and thinking of you as Boston nears. So excited for you! :)

  4. Sign me up, I'm next! I bet they had such a fun time doing that! My daughter would love to do that too, maybe I will let her later :)

  5. THIS is why I LOVE your blog!!! Seriously. I needed to read this today!! Nicole better watch out- I think she has some serious make-up artist competition... ;-)

  6. Fabulous idea!! Thanks for posting! :)

  7. Awesome. I'm sure the girls felt very special "making you over". And your toes look good!

  8. Do they do hair too?! You look absolutely beautiful. :) How fun for your girls.

  9. I think it ROCKS and I'm sure that would make me feel better too. :)

  10. hello supermodel.
    hello superMOM.
    this is awesome!!!!

  11. ha, i love this! you look like you are about to hit up some of the streets here in my neighborhood here in chicago with the cross dressers!

  12. Each toe a different color is all the rage. So are popping noses. This I know.

  13. LMAO!!!! That look is really special. You gonna sport that at Boston? That would be rad!

  14. Totally made my entire day!!! Have an amazing weekend Amanda. :)

  15. So fun! I love letting my daughter paint my toenails (and toes). When she doesn't get to go to a race with me, I let her pick out my colors so I can think of her during the race.

  16. Remind me to show u the picture from when Megan was 3 and painted my toes red. I looked like I had massacred feet. It was hilarious!

  17. My kids like to paint my toe nails also. I have to say your toes look professionally done for sure.

  18. She's got those smoky eyes just like they do it in the magazines. And those toenails ... I'm going to print out that picture and take it to the manicurist and demand they copy it. I want to be as fabulous as you at that wedding :)

  19. This just warms my heart! If I had any girls, I would totally do this. Wish you were a little closer for multiple reasons, but I could use some good beauty treatments this week. I need a girls spa day :) Sign me UP.

  20. This is so cute! It sounds like a fun evening.

  21. OMG, I want toes like that (the post:). My feet are a disaster. I don't really get black toenails/lost toenails anymore since I switched to buying shoes .5 size bigger, but I just don't take care of my feet in the all! We have similar second toes (bigger than the big toe!). I should get Petru to do my makeup and toes. He loves when I paint his toenails and he often steals my lipstick...FUN!

  22. Ha ha ha ha! I am literally laughing out loud. Do they do hair too???

  23. Awww...adorable! these are moments you will cherish for the rest of your life...they grow so fast!! i bet they thought you were gorgeous~ not that you need any help in that are btw...

    good times ;) did you talk them into a foot massage too??? a total necessity!!

  24. How fun for them! I'd hire them-- I'm too embarrassed to take my runners feet in for a real pedicure. :)

  25. So funny, I just had the "big reveal" this week...I took off my nail polish! Big reveal was that two nails were black. Eh, oh well!

  26. Gorgeous! My toenails are DISGUSTING!

  27. So much fun! I would love to let my kids do this, especially if they would brush my hair too. Since I never wear makeup, though, I don't know that they'd know what to do--they'd probably still do a better job than I! :^) Now the toenails....they could probably handle that.

  28. I love the pedicures. It looks so cute especially the colour applied as well as the star painted on the center of the nails. day spa Blackwood
