Sunday, December 30, 2012

Last Run in 2012, 20 miles, Sunshine in Portland!

My entire city was alive today.  Portland, Oregon was awake like I've never seen it before on a December Sunday.  The last Sunday in 2012.  MY Last run in 2012.  And my first 20 miler of this training season.  Couldn't have dreamed up a better kind of day to wrap up a year, finish up a 63 mile week of marathon training, and get in my first 20 miler.

Blue Skies... 8:41

Blazing Sunshine... 8:25

Not a Cloud to be seen... 8:24

Happy Bridges... 8:23

Dogs on Leashes... 8:29

Slow conversations ... 8:11

Smiles exchanged between people in the park.. 8:13

Lovers holding hands and stealing kisses while gazing at sailboats and mountains over water... 8:22

Old couples hand in hand... 8:28

Boats waving... 8:12

Buildings being seen instead of washed away in grey and rain... 8:23

Little kids on bikes... 8:21

A chorus of "On your Lefts" as cyclists zipped through lazy pedestrians with their face to the sky.. 8:15

Water bubbling under bridges... 8:21

Benches covered with friends... 8:28

Women sitting at picnic benches reading their phones and looking off into the distance... 8:19

A party of geese covering lawns and barely willing to share their path with people ... 8:26

A city alive with the gift of sunshine, so rare on a day like today...8:19

Every mile, easy and fully present...8:17

Thoughts focused on what a GIFT today is!  7:57

20 miles.. 8:21 average

I'm so glad for my 20 miler today.  It was easy, enjoyable, and GOSH, what a difference sunshine and blue skies makes!  It is so much better finishing up feeling dry and happy compared to sopping wet and cold from the rain and wind that I had expected to have today.  It also helped that this time I didn't have a few beers the night before like I did with my 18 miler two weeks ago.  I was able to run with a clear head and a strong body. Every mile was easy to just focus on the life around me on such a happy day. When I did find myself getting distracted in thought, I just reminded myself to focus on my Chi principles of breathing, relaxation, body sensing and meditation.  These words or cues always work great in getting me in my happy place with my run.  My goal here was for this first 20 miler to feel easy and to experiment with fueling.  I had water every 3 miles and a gel at mile 6 and 12.  No upset stomach and plenty of energy.  Feels good to not only end a 63 mile week this way but to have this be my last run in 2012 since tomorrow is my day off.

What a perfectly happy and enjoyable run to wrap up this interesting stretch of a year!  Here's to carrying this over with me to 2013!

What has or will be your last run of 2012?  
If you live in Portland, did you get outside today to enjoy this gift of a day?  

A Happy New Year wish in advance my friends!


  1. LOVED reading this!! The weather looked AMAZING and you are right- it is a gift. Running is truly a gift we get to enjoy every day. Not all runs are great but the good ones far outweigh the tough ones and make it ALL worth it. I'm so glad you were able to enjoy it today and soak up some sunshine as well. You ended 2012 with the perfect run. :-)

    1. Thanks Tia! Yes, a gift indeed. And yes, a perfect run to end this year. Good to hear from you girl.

  2. That was beautiful, Amanda. Sounds like an amazing run. My last run of 2012 was yesterday in a snowstorm. I did a little over 4 miles and it was glorious. I love running as the snow is falling in my face. I hope you have a wonderful New Years and I can't wait to read more of your adventures in 2013.

    1. Hi Mallory. Thank you. Your run sounds awesome...I love running in snow storms. Nothing like that! Same to you.

  3. Beautiful Post! I think we traded weather - glad I could steal your rain and fog though. I don't mind trading every now and then. I welcomed the rain. It was my reminder to take in the beauty around me and enjoy each moment in each mile.

    I ran with a friend from the Napa Valley (rough place to have to run all the time!) and she kept saying our trails look like the north west. It felt like a treat!

    1. Loved reading your post! And yes, did look like we traded weather. Napa Valley is gorgeous...can't wait to run there in March.

  4. Beautiful pictures. Amazing way to end the year, congratulations!

  5. What a sweet way to end your running year! Sounds and looks just fabulous and so invigorating! Enjoy your day off :)

  6. Couldn't ask for a better way to close things out. Sunshine and all. Happy New Year!

  7. Great run and you sound gloriously happy which is the best feeling after a 20 miler!! Those pictures are just gorgeous!! Happy New Year to you! What an awesome way to finish off 2012. Out with a bang!! Have a super day off! XO

  8. And THIS is why we love to train to train! :)

  9. 63 miles and finishing 2012 with a strong 20 miler! Lots of "signs" for a great 2013, right?
    Super excited to witness all the happy changes in 2013 - your move, your marathons, your continued growth. Happy 2013. Love you, am

    1. Thanks AM. Love you too. And I'm excited to LIVe it and Witness it. 2013 will be a GREAT year. I can feel it in my bones. :)

  10. You make me want to move there! Absolutely beautiful and wonderful job on your 20 miler... perfect way to sum up your 2012.

    1. Um. don't move...ha! Yes, a GREAT place to live and I love it but it is usually gray and rainy...NOT blue skies and sunshine. But sure was yesterday so I'll take it! :)

  11. Ah...hope to make it that way sometime! It looks so beautiful! Excited to see what 2013 holds for you. You're an amazing woman with an amazing heart, so I'm sure the adventures ahead for you and your family will be awesome.

    Thought my last run of the year would be today, but I don't know if I'm going to make it out. We are staying up in the Wisconsin mountains for a ski weekend in a cabin with some friends and I've stayed up way too late and gotten up way too early the past few nights! And, in bruise and beaten right now! Turns out that running fitness isn't exactly transferable to skiing fitness ;)

    Happy new year!

    1. Ah, thank you Britt. You words mean a lot. HOw fun! Oh, I'd skip the run. Skiing beats me up so badly...I wouldn't even attempt the running if I was already tired from skiing and being on vacation. Excited to see what 2013 brings you.

  12. I can't believe how beautiful it was yesterday in Portland What an awesome day to run 20 miles and end 2012 on a positive note. 2013 is going to be an exciting and wonderful year for you sweet friend!

    My last run of the year is actually today. I was thinking that it was Saturday, but I forgot I am getting my threshold test this afternoon with Matt. I had 12 miles on Saturday and was stuck on the TM because the roads were too icy. It was an awesome run though. I considered last week my first official marathon training week. Can't wait to see how my training goes over the next 5 months.

    1. Thanks sweet Tasha. It will be a wonderful year for you too! Enjoy your last day and congrats on your awesome 12! So exciting to see you training again.

  13. Sounds like a perfect run!!! When is your marathon?
    Great job on the 20 miles!

  14. What a spectacular way to send out the year! You could not have been luckier with that weather.

    My last run of the year was on Sunday, too. I felt great about it because it was my longest run so far since taking a month off and even though it was only 5.66 miles I kept a great (for me) pace and felt amazing.

  15. Wow! Your running is going so well lately! It's kind of killing me to read about it because I am not even close to that easy, pain-free running -- but at the same time, I'm so incredibly happy for you!!

    Those 20 miles sound AMAZING. I soaked up every word since I can't exactly soak up every mile. :) HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

  16. I love the way you described your run. Even though it was a perfect running day I ended up in the pool for my workout. It sure is nice to see all that sunshine out there though.

  17. Really beautiful pictures and sounds like a great run. I loved how you put something you saw for each mile.I may have to try that on one of my runs.

    My last run was December 2, 2012. I finally checked off a 2013 goal and joined the HOuston Hash running group. It was a great experience, but I slipped and fell on a steep hill. I ended up breaking my wrist. So, hopefully, get this cast off next week and can begin my marathon training.

    Good luck to you.

  18. Tại, bạn có thể lựa chọn áo thun nam tay dài Uniqlo hay kiểu áo có cổ với áo thun nam có cổ H&M hay kiểu có cổ với áo thun nam có cổ Uniqlo kiểu áo phông với áo phông nam H&M hay kiểu khác với áo phông nam Uniqlo bạn có thể chọn áo thun trơn với kiểu áo thun trơn nam H&M cực chất hay áo thun polo nam H&M thời trang, sành điệu hay mẫu áo thun polo nam Uniqlo cho bạn tha hồ lựa chọn, hay bạn có thể chọn áo jean nam Uniqlo cực bền và đẹp. Tại đây, cũng cho bạn lựa chọn QUẦN UNIQLO cực đẹp, lịch lãm, hay quần short jean nam H&M bạn tha hồ lựa chọn hay kiểu quần dài với quần dài nam Uniqlo hay kiểu kaki với quần kaki nam H&M hay quần jean nam Uniqlo cực sành điệu. Bạn thắc mắc mua quần jean nam ở đâu đẹp TPHCM hay câu hỏi mua quần jean nam rẻ ờ đâu hay bạn thắc mắc mua quần jeans Nam hàng đẹp mà giá rẻ ở đâu tại TP.HCM hay ở sài gòn nên mua quần áo ở đâu đẹp, chính hãng hay mua áo sơ mi nam ở đâu đẹp TPHCM uy tín giá rẻ hay mua áo sơ mi trắng nam ở đâu đẹp tại TP.HCM hay shop bán áo sơ mi trắng nam đẹp ở đâu uy tín chính hãng thì hãy đến với - thiên đường thời trang nam hàng hiệu đẹp cao cấp.
