Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Jogging Strollers...Advice and Recommendations

Hey all you running Moms and Dads!  Or those of you that know about running with a jogger stroller.  Please share what you know.  I'm posting this post on behalf of a good friend of mine who is about to have her fist child.  She asked me what jogger stroller she should get.  I have two strollers (a single and a double) but they are both old.   I'm hoping the comments on this post will be useful not only to my friend but to other runners out there looking for a good jogger stroller.

Any advice or answers to these questions is greatly appreciated!

1.  What kind of Jogger Stroller do you have?

My single jogger is an original baby jogger brand.  It rides so smooth and I LOVE it even though it is old and has little storage.  

2.  Do you know of a specific brand that you would recommend?

3.  What are some things that people in the market for a jogger stroller should be on the look out for?
For this one I would say that it is nice to have some sort of storage in the back or bottom of the stroller.  It is nice to be able to carry snacks, jackets, binkies, books...things to keep the little ones content.  I also wish I had some sort of cover for when it is raining (all the time in the winter here in Oregon).  

Thank you!


  1. I have 2 BOB joggers...a single Ironman (locked front wheel) and a Dualie Revolution (a front wheel that moves) I love love love BOB joggers. They are large investment, but I say it is totally worth it. You could literally drop it off your roof and it would no break or be damaged. I prefer the front wheel that moves simply b/c it makes it a whole lot easier to turn corners...BUT they say for runners the Ironman with the fixed wheel is safer simply b/c you have that control where it is not going to veer or turn on its own. My BOB has a ton of storage, pockets behind all the seat and a compartment on the bottom. I also have the drink holder that has a zip pocket that attaches to the handle. The ride is so smooth for my boys and I hardly have to push it for the thing to move. Others who have tried it are astounded at how easy it is to push....I know of great lady with an awesome website...she is the go to person for all things joggers..
    Hope that helps!

  2. I know there are some hard-core supporters of the fixed front wheel, BUT if I were in the market for a jogging stroller right now, I would make for darn sure that it had a swiveling front wheel. I had a very inexpensive jogger when my kids were younger, and I SO hated having to lift up the front wheel to make even the slightest turn. I gave up and never used it...Other than the swiveling front wheel, I'd be concerned about total weight of the stroller and the amount of space it takes up when collapsed (like, is it easy to get in/out of the trunk of the car).

    I know my neighbor has a B.O.B. and really loves it and uses it a lot.

    Amanda--I love seeing the pictures of how much use you get out of your joggers! Especially the muddy trail shots!!

  3. The first thing I recommend in regards to this is that she wait until after she has the baby to get it. She won't (oughtn't ;-) ) be running for at least a month…and often with that first baby it really is a good idea to do the wait… and by then she may really have some of her own opinions about preferences and needs. They are a big ticket item. That said, I had the bigger wheel Baby Jogger brand single stroller. Had the rain hood too. GREAT stroller…but it didn't work out for me. I got injured from how it altered my gait. That would've happened w/ any stroller though.

  4. I am SO glad I cannot comment on this post! :)

  5. I am a huge fan of the BOB strollers. I have the Duallie, and have no problem with pushing my 60+lbs of kiddos in it. I recommend to all my pregnant friends to completely skip the travel system strollers, buy the BOB, get the converter so you can put your carseat into the BOB, then you can be off running from day 1 (OK, really, from day 6 weeks+, once your OB clears you) with baby along for the ride. Also, I have written about jogging strollers for here's the link:

  6. I don't have anything to add but I am eager to read all the comments!

  7. I thought I wanted a BOB, but it wouldn't fit in the trunk of my car! I am very thankful that we went to REI to try out strollers, because they let you play with it outside. We ended up with a Baby Trend jogger with a locking front wheel. It's served us well and fits in the trunk of a Honda Civic. Also, there's a matching infant carrier and it doesn't require the conversion system the way BOB and Baby Jogger do.

  8. I'd say get a DTV Shredder and just go have fun.

  9. Jill and Kovas, I knew I could count on your for some great advice!

  10. let me preface with the fact that I rarely run with my jogger (just hate pushing a stroller when running) although when I do, it works great. I have a Phil and Ted Double Sport. Has a seat that attaches underneath so the stroller stays 'single width' for two kids instead of having a double wide. I LOVE, LOVE it for that reason only. Some of the fold up/fold out stuff is annoying but I really didn't want a double wide. Highly recommend. It is on the pricey side but worth it as it will grow with a family.

  11. I have a Chariot double. It has attachment for XC skis (sold separately) and either a fixed front wheel or two smaller swivels. It folds up with some work to fit into the trunk of a car and is totally weatherproof. You can also buy an infant sling for babies not able to hold up their heads yet. I love it, but prefer the TM ;) The chariot is NOT cheap. But you can find a good deal on craigslist sometimes- or at bike shops, since they are trailers too.

  12. we have a double bob, and we love it.

  13. I have an Instep 10K single stroller, it is definitely on the lower end as far as price goes but it works well for me. For my double I used to have an Instep and literally ran it until it basically died. With my 4th kid and the miles I was putting into my strollers I splurged for the BOB Ironman (which I got a great deal for on Ebay) and absolutely love it. Both my single and double have the fixed front wheel. I don't mind it, just "pop wheelies" to turn which is a great upper body workout.

    I think important things to look at are: the sunshade, does it go down nice and low for when the sun isn't directly above or behind you? Storage: I usually take all kinds of stuff and sometimes use my runs to get groceries too. Height & Weight limits, if you're going to use it for a long time make sure it will accommodate your children as they grow.

    I could probably go on forever but those are the things coming to mind right now.

  14. We have a Jeep Single stroller which we love. It has a plug in for the iPod so we can listen to music, but still hear the kids since we're not wearing earbuds. It is a very smooth ride, and feel very sturdy.
    For our double stroller we havea BOB Utility. I hear the BOB revolution is better, but that was completely out of our price range! We bought ours used, and have absolutely loved it so far. I think the kids well be able to ride in it for many more years, and it has storage behind and below. Plus it has a sunshade.

    The one thing I would say that a jogging stroller should have is a locking/ed wheel. It makes it much more secure, and safer for running.

  15. A lot of people recommend the BOB.

    We actually JUSt bought (like 2 weeks ago) the Baby Jogger. It is both a front wheel swivel and locked which is nice. It is one of the more expensive ones though.

  16. Another vote for Bob! I have the Revolution Duallie...I bought it used and have been using it for 4yrs now. I love that it has the swivel wheel. Where I run is pretty wide and smooth so there really isn't a concern for me that it will go out of control. Plus it makes it a breeze to use other places like the zoo, sea world, fair etc. It's the only double I've ever had for my 3 kids.

    However, I did start out with a cheaper single w/ a fixed wheel. I didn't know if running w/ the jogger would stick, so I didn't want to shell out more $$. No matter how hard I tried, I could never get the fixed wheel to go straight, which meant I was always correcting it.

    For my Bob, I love the carseat adapter and the cup holder/compartment that goes on the handlebar. I stalked craigslist for months when I was pg w/ #2 and finally found one--$400 for the stroller & cup holder. I bought the adapter on ebay and saved about $30. The other good thing about BOB is they have great resale value!

    I'm a fan of telling family & close friends that you want an expensive baby item and would love a cash gift--people usually ask what you want anyways. That's how I had the cash for my BOB.

    Happy running!
