Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Sweet Nome

 March 16, 2007
My sweet Nome.
You came to us,
brought me a peace unlike anything else.
You, like your father,
are a calm to me. Your energy and love wash over me,
I learn from you daily.
Thank you for your wisdom, beauty, and strength.
My sweet Nome.

When you came to us,
My tears of feeling defeat and disappointment in my labor,
tears of frustration and loss over my birth process going the way I wanted.
 The way I planned.
These tears dried up and were replaced with 
a joy and love so deep that
words cannot possibly describe.
Even then,
brought me peace, calm, love.
I watched you,
sleeping peacefully,
all night long.
Taking one picture after another,
sweet sleeping Nome
In my arms.
Today is about you,
Your day of Birth.
A gift you are to me, today and always.
My sweet sleeping Nome.
Thank you for teaching me, loving me, and shining your spirit on all of us! 
We love you.
I love you.
My sweet Nome. 

I'm four?  I don't feel four!  her breakfast request:  tofu, apples and snap peas (seriously.)

A few random thoughts before my kids awake:
*  Today is my baby girl's birthday!  We will do whatever she wants (within reason). 
*  Been crazy busy lately with my kitchen (it is done!! besides getting new curtains!), my husband's birthday yesterday, my daughter's party on Thursday that I have not planned yet, and just life.
* Lost my running journal somehow.  Wrote down my splits from my run yesterday (8.5 miles in the pouring pouring rain!) I feel lost without my journals.  Where could it be?  It disappeared in a matter of hours.  grrr.
*  Somehow have to fit in repeat 1ks today in addition to doing all I can to make sure I'm fully present in my sweet girl's day (she is still sleeping btw).  It is going to be hard to run too late (no energy) and I don't want to miss out on her birthday dinner.  Maybe a sitter this afternoon if she is available. 
* OH my, just found out that my 5 year old knew exactly where my running journal was...under her sister's bed.  This tells me that SHE was the one that hid it.  Just to see me squirm!!!  Only problem is that she was fast asleep when I was tearing the house apart looking for my journal at almost midnight.  Oh that little weasel!
*  On that note....I'm off this thing.  Sorry I can't keep up much these days.  I know I have not responded to so many of you and please don't take it personally.  I am just really trying to balance my life and spend less time on here and more time being present in my life with my kids.  Don't give up on me though...I'll be back....I find that with most things in life, there are ebbs and flows....cycles...
*  Peace to all of you this week! 

Here are a few pictures of my kitchen...I still need to do some touch ups, make some new window coverings,etc. but for now, we are done! 



  1. Beautiful kitchen and happy birthday to your little one!! I hope she has a fabulous birthday doing whatever she wants! :)

  2. What a beautiful family! Happy Birthday to your girl!

  3. At work here, so I'll keep this short.
    1. Happy Bday to your daughter. SUCH a beauty!
    2. Made me laugh with your kids and the journal. Thanks!
    3. Jealous of your kitchen, mine is in dire need of a facelift.
    4. Hope things slow down a bit for you.
    5. Happy belated to your hubby!

  4. Kitchen looks great - happy bday to all!

  5. Kitchen is stunning!! Must feel GREAT to have that off of the agenda! What a little sneak that hider of journals is! Haha! Happy birthday to your loves this week! Please don't apologize for being a present mom. You are rocking life right now and your followers all understand I'M SURE of it. :) (way to run in the pouring're so much more hardcore than me!!!)

  6. Happy Birthday to your cutie-pie!!! Your kitchen looks amazing!

  7. Happy birthdays! What wonderful family photos!

    Isn't is so true how holding that perfect package of love and sweetnes makes everything melt away except for that overpowering feeling of contentment and peace?

    Lovely, lovely post!

  8. Kitchen looks awesome! Target has my favorite (cheap) window coverings. I have schnazzed them up with just simply sewing a ribbon along the hem or something like that.

    Happy Birthday to your sweet baby girl!

  9. 1. Sweet poem! Love the picture of her by herself!
    2. Your kitchen looks wonderful!
    3. Have a great day!

  10. Happy birthday to your baby! What a sweet post! Love the kitchen. We redid ours about 3 years ago and I still am totally in love with it. It's amazing what a big difference it is. Have a great time being in the now with your kids! They're only this age once!

  11. Lovely poem. Sweet photos of your daughter. love your daughter's birthday request of food...what I'd give to have my picky eater request that!! the kitchen looks great! happy birthday to all.

  12. Your little girl is such a sweetie! Enjoy the special day with her.

    The kitchen looks fabulous! I love the green paint color.

  13. Happy birthday to your precious girl! I laughed at her birthday breakfast- what a good healthy little eater.
    Your kitchen looks fabulous! Feel free to come and redesign mine.. Have a great day!

  14. Happy Birthday to your sweet little girl!
    Your kitchen looks great!!

  15. Kitchen looks great!!! I love it!! Happy birthday to your little cutie pie!! (And your big cutie pie yesterday!) Don't worry about not being on here as much, it's totally understandable!!! :)

  16. That paint color looks amazing! Happy belated to the hubs and a VERY happy b'day to your precious girl! Tofu and snap peas for brekkie?! You are such a wnderful influence!

    You and your mom look so much alike!!!

  17. Beautiful beautiful BEAUTIFUL kitchen!!!

  18. Happy birthday to your BEAUTIFUL nome and also to your husband. Be a wonderful mom and wife, but remember, get that run in if you can (it will make you better)!
    Lovely new kitchen!

  19. Happy Birthday to your little sweetie.
    Your kitchen looks awesome. I love the color. Wow! It's great!

  20. LOVE, LOVE the kitchen! Love white cabinets!!!! What a beautiful home and family you have, you are blessed!

  21. Gorgeous kitchen, gorgeous poem, and you've got your journal back! win, win, win.

  22. happy birthday to your beautiful 4 year old! Your kitchen is gorgeous! In terms of the blog thing...i'm in the same boat. It's just too much for me lately to keep up like I would want and still be invested in 'real life'. my 3 crazy kids, and husband. Don't be hard on yourself about it. Easier said then done, I know. We are all not going anywhere and who cares if you miss a couple posts or don't comment or what not. We do what we can do. I'm on a FB break, which has been awesome!

  23. The kitchen looks beautiful! Enjoy cooking in it!

    And what a beautiful post. And thank you for your comment on my blog (I disabled the comments on that particular one... but I really really really appreciate what you said). I am hopeful that things come together soon but it's frustrating when you are so used to having things happen when you are ready... and that's not how things work. Hopefully things happen soon. :-)

    Thank you again. And congrats on such a beautiful birthday girl.

  24. So sweet. :) Happy birthday to your sweet girl and your husband.

    Your kitchen looks fantastic! And WTG getting in those miles in the rain.

  25. Hello speedy lady!! That poem gave me the biggest are so talented!! Nome is BEAUTIFUL and I love that she requested that are doing something right!!! I LOVE YOUR KITCHEN....I am jealous but hopefully someday I will have a gorgeous kitchen like you!! This post put me in the best mood! Happy birthday!!!

  26. Love the kitchen, it turned out beautiful! hope the little one has a wonderful birthday!

  27. love your kitchen, love the color, happy day to your girl!

  28. Your kitchen looks great. We did our cabinetry last year but are still waiting to do floors and walls. Problem is time! No time to go out to look for tiles. No time to decide on wall colours. No time to do anything but work, run, cook and sleep.

  29. Very, very sweet! HB to your nome! Is that the female version of a gnome?

  30. I LOVED that poem you wrote for your daughter! So beautiful! Happy birthday to her! :)

    I love your kitchen too! It is very similar to mine...white cabinets and blue walls!

  31. Thank you everyone!! P.s. Nome is short for Naomi. :) Just in case you were wondering who calls their kid Nome.

  32. Your kitchen looks AWESOME!!!

    Happy Birthday to your hubby and your daughter! Your husband looks young! Mine will be 40 this year...uggghhh. I'm getting old! Your little girl is just like my middle one. We always let them pick what they want to eat for their birthdays and she always picks spinach salad with cranberries and walnuts or something. The other two.....that's a different story!

    Hope the repeats went well if you managed to fit them in. If not, don't beat yourself up! Sometimes an unscheduled day off is needed!

    I'm glad you're taking the blog break and keeping things in perspective. Really, it's an outlet, not a job and your family always needs to come first!!! Your good blog buds love you even when you're on a little hiatus.

    I'm obviously going from the bottom up because that poem is really special! You really do have some lucky kids:) Have a great night!

  33. Your kitchen looks awesome! Well worth the pains of the last few weeks! Happy birthday to your little girl. Man it goes way too fast huh? And glad you found your running journal. My son always hides things but they have wonderful memories and THANKFULLY remember where they put things.

  34. Glad you are getting a break- sorry about losing the journal! That's a clear indicator of how important it is to you!! :))

    Happy Birthday, Naomi! That was going to be Levi's name if he was a girl. I like all your name choices so far.

  35. feliz cumpleanos a Nome;-)

    and still jealous of your kitchen over here...;-)

  36. Kitchen looks great though I miss the various paint splotches ;)

    Happy birthday to Nome! Glad you found your journal

  37. At work so this will be sort (sorry :( )
    - your kitchen is gorgeous. Are those cabinets brand new? I LOVE the white!
    - a belated Happy Birthday to Nome. What a beautiful poem to her!
    Whewww, so glad you got the journal back. I bet anxiety was maxed out over that one!! :)

    Happy St. Patty's Day!!! :)

  38. I approve of the kitchen. Looks great.

    Your little one is a doll. They are so precious, eh?

    I thought maybe you named her for Nome Alaska? Hey, you kids these days, you never know.

    Glad you found your journal. Phew. Post some more crazy journal pics soon.

    Finally, won't you be embarrassed when an old man beats you to 3:20.

  39. Your kitchen looks fantastic! Good idea taking a break from the online world to spend more time with the kids. They will grow up too fast then you'll have all kinds of time.

  40. That is a gorgeous kitchen!!

    And I can't help but snicker a bit when it turns out your journal was hidden just to watch your squirm. Your kids obviously know you so well!
