Monday, April 9, 2012

Boston Information FOR You, FROM You! And Treadmill Contest Nuun Winner!

Almost two months ago, I asked you all for your Boston Marathon advice.  Since then, I've received comments and e-mails about all things regarding the marathon, sightseeing, and places to eat in Boston.  I'm sure so many of you could add to this list, but as promised, I compiled a list of all-things Boston for those of you that were interested.  Thanks to Adrienne from Running in Hingham, I was able to add to this list a ton!  

The Race:

  • Miss Zippy:  Heartbreak hill isn't that big of a deal!  I remember having to ask someone if it was really heartbreak b/c it didn't seem like it could possibly be.
  • Raina:  Wear shoes with room!
  • Jenn:  One thing that worked for me well but is different for everyone is how I ate because of the late race start. I ate supper-pasta bread at 6:30 on Sunday night-not a ton-just a normal amount and then I ate half of a bagel at 3 am and then ate the other half of a bagel with peanut butter and a banana and coffee at about 7 am and then ate part of a powerbar in the start corral. I never felt like I had a ball in my stomach and I felt perfect! 
  • Ana-Maria:  About the course--don't expect any flats.  It is all up and down.  Don't expect to run 26.2, you will run at least 26.5 (the course is actually measured long--there are some articles online about how this happened).  Don't break on the downhills.  Heartbreak hill is nothing compared to the hill at mile 15-16?
  • Jim: Respectfully disagree with the Zipster.  HB hill just about killed me, it was legit!
  • Jill:  Good place to stay is Marriott Copley Square.  It is a direct shot to the expo and over one of those enclosed bridges and therefore you never have to go outside to get to the expo.  Sooooo convenient. And the Marriott has a couple of nice restaurants.  LOVED taking the bus the the start.  LOVED meeting all sorts of cool people and their stories of how they got to Boston.  You miss out when you rent a private bus.  
  • Nota:  Post race bag: flip-flops, first aid, peppermints to settle stomach, wet wipes

Food Suggestions:

  • The Otherside Cafe--at the top of Newbury and Mass Ave.  Cute, funky place with good beer and good food.
  • Bukowski's across from the Sheraton has good beer
  • Stephanie's on Newbury--great for brunch
  • Down near the expo, there is a Legal Test Kitchen that has great food.  
  • If you're looking for an easy meal the night before the race, Joe's American has the full standard American classics.  
  • In the North End of Boston, go to Modern Pastry (not Mike's). Mike's is good but Modern is better.  A Boston Secret.  
  • The South End (near the finish line area) is a good place for food.  Coppa for breakfast, Stella for dinner, Myers and Chang, a bakery name is all good over there!
  • Mallory says that a good lunch spot is Boloco.  They have the BEST burritos there and they are super healthy!  There are a ton of them in the city.
  • Ana-Maria: Good food:  White Elephant in Cambridge.  Any restaurant in the North End for authentic Italian food. Emma's pizza in Kenmore square.  Anything on Newberry Street.
  • Katie: Mike's pastry: "They have amazing cannolis. Near Fanueil hall is an Irish pub called the Black Rose that I love."
  • Top of the Hub or the Prudential Sky Walk for the View
  • Stroll through the Public Gardens, at the bottom of Boylston bordering Arlington
  • Harvard Square!
  • Gracie:  She shared links:  Here and Here of a past Boston trip.  
  • Jill:  If you have time before or after, take a trip to the North End and tour all the amazing history, such as Paul Revere's house. Be sure to stop and get a red velvet cupcake for $1 (and the size of your entire hand) at MIke's Pastry!!
Treadmill Contest
So, yesterday ended the treadmill stories contest.  I loved your comments!  Here are some of my favorites that were in the running for winner:

Marjorie (XLMIC) (Funny): 
I rarely run on a treadmill, though I have a few times in the past couple of weeks, so I'm not so competent as others in the "help pass the time" department. What I do to stay sane is sing. I turn my iPod up and sing. Usually I don't sing out loud, but sometimes I do...and that gets some really strange looks, I'll tell ya. I don't sing too well, but I do sing LOUDLY :P 

Petra (biggest OUCH and the rest of her comment about swearing like a sailor made me laugh!):
The dumbest thing I've done? Caught my shoelaces in it, been knocked down and banged my head into the mill. Nice move. Thank god the mill stopped...

Donna G (Most embarrassing and then funny afterwards): 

My treadmill story is kinda scary and funny. It was a Sunday morning and I was at the gym because the weather was crappy, so I hopped on a treadmill and was determined to do 10 miles I think. Half way through the run, I really had to let one "rip" so being a lady, I tried to hold it in for the sake of others around. Well, that only worked for a few minutes until I decided...maybe I can blame it on someone else. In the process of letting it go, I literally thought I pooped myself because I felt something down my leg. I nearly screamed and hopped off the mill so fast, only to realize it was sweat dripping down. LOL....what a scare!

Sunny 2 Runner (Most Inspirational to me):

I had to do a 16 miler once on my treadmill. In order to get through it, I took a pad of post it notes and wrote mile numbers along with a motivational quote to get me through that mile. When the mile was done, I would peel the note off the pad and throw it across the room.

Tia (Scariest):

2.) Worst thing to happen on a treadmill- One event comes STRAIGHT to memory and I feel sick to my stomach even thinking about it. (Basically every running mom's worst nightmare.) Last spring on my very first run back after having Ashton we had a very traumatic treadmill incident. I was on the treadmill finishing a run and my kids came in the room. I told them NOT to go near the treadmill. They were sitting on the bed watching a show and one second later I hear SCREAMING and my 4 yr. old son ran out of the room hysterical. He had touched the belt while it was moving and burned off the skin on two of his fingers. It was awful. I had to deal with him and clean and bandage the wound. Looking back I probably should have taken him to the emergency room but I thought I could handle it. (It took one month for his fingers to heal. We had to change out bandages a few times a day.) Fortunately, Ashton (4 weeks old) slept through it all. This was also the day Anna (age 2) decided to cut her own hair with scissors while I was busy with my son the burn unit victim. All around very bad parenting day. Not a good first day back into running at all. I should have known my Boston training was doomed to failure!
That treadmill day was the WORST. After that we made a strict rule- NO KIDS IN THE ROOM WHENEVER I'M ON THE TREADMILL!! Of course, after that incident they didn't want to go anywhere near the treadmill!

Honestly, if I wasn't about to get on a plane and head to Boston where I will surely be spending way too much money on hotel, eating out, etc., I'd send you all a little something.  But as with most contests, there has to be a winner.  Right?  So, I'm going to go with the one that stuck in my head the longest and the one that I kept coming back to when I thought of this.  The winner is.....

Sunny 2 Runner!  I liked her passing the time trick because it is something that I know would really work for me.  I love the idea of having quotes, collage cards or mantras on a sticky note to read every mile.  Having that know, something to focus on for each mile just sounds powerful.  Useful mental work too!  I like the idea of even writing different goals or affirmations on each sticky note.  Thanks for the inspiration girl.  Please send me your address and full name so I can get you your mail.  Oh, and include favorite Nuun flavor and maybe your favorite energy bar, racing fuel, etc.  

I hope taper time is going well for everyone who is running Boston.  And it is almost time for taper for all of you Eugene Marathon runners too!  So exciting and maddening all at once.  

Anyone have a suggestion for a good place to have a casual blog meet up sometime on Monday evening??  The kind of place where we can just pop in, grab a beer, say hello and maybe eat something if we feel like it??  IDEAS WELCOME.  Otherwise, I'm just going to meet up with Miss Zippy and friends right after the race at McCormick and Schmick's and call it good (planning on that anyway).  



  1. Good luck!!!! Sending you big hugs!!

  2. I love the Boston suggestions!! I will have to bookmark this post and keep it in mind for next year. Thanks for sharing. And congrats to Sunny. Great idea with the post-its! I've never attempted run run that far on a TM but if I did I would definitely need some major encouragement like that!

  3. Aww, I'm glad mine made it to your favorites! Good luck in Boston as I am sure you will do fabulous :)

  4. Great list of all things Beantown! THanks for compiling this. Now leg's do this thing (and then have a beer or two after!!)

  5. I love the Boston tip compilation-- I hope to run it someday, so it's always fun to get a glimpse of the action there. Can't believe it's so soon-- I'm looking forward to hearing all about it!

  6. That post-it idea is pretty awesome. If I ever run for any length of time on the treadmill, I think I might try it. But the gym people might think that's just as weird as the singing :P

    Congrats to the winner! And woo hooo...Boston is CLOSE!!!!

  7. Love the tips: here's mine, better late than never right? don't miss THE 26.2 STICKER John Hancock hands out at the expo. It is my most prized souvenir!
    At this point, many places are booked solid for FE's blog meetups and the like. We had a nice one at Beerworks but that rezy was made well in advance. Hotel bars are always good in the clutch.
    HAVE A BLAST! I'll be there in spirit!

  8. Gracie, I like this cocktail idea!! But where?

  9. Great compilation! I'm FROM Boston (well, outside the city) and haven't been to a lot of those suggested places. Note to self...

  10. And this is one of the reasons that I love blogging. Look at all the wonderful information you've been able to get from other runners. And you've been able to send it on to anyone who cares to read.

  11. Congrats contest winners! Remember, kids-one more week for Adrienne's version!!

  12. I'm so glad you put this list together. I will definitely be referring to it next year. I'd be curious to know what places you check out while there and what you think of them too. Do you think staying at the Marriott mentioned is the best place to stay?

  13. To tack on to Marcia's comment....I have that sticker stuck smack to my mirror - LOVE IT! And don't forget to get a poster! Your name is embedded in there somewhere, it's so fun to find it. I had to hand carry that sucker home so it wouldn't get smushed in my suitcase. I never framed it, but I did hang it in my basement.

    Um, Misszippy must be made of steel because I noticed every single hill of Newton and Heartbreak. But the roar of Boston College drunk guys really helps you climb it strong :).

    So excited for you. I was going to mail you a card...but after you great personal gift, thought it was lame. Sorry, I'm just lame like that, but I will be thinking of you every mile out there! You'd better text me quickly after and let me know!!


  14. I'm good with McCormicks....:) Hope to run into you! I land on Friday night and plan to hit the expo first thing Saturday morning.

  15. Congrats to Sunny 2 runner!!
    That sticky not idea sounds MUCH better than watching the display tick off hundredths of a mile.

    Not feeling like thinking too much tonight? haha. Have some of those salt and vinegar chips for me!!

    Getting excited! 6 days for you!!!!!!!!

  16. it is almost here!!!!! it will be great!
    go see my last post I may have left something for you there!!

  17. Thanks so much Amanda! I just went ahead and printed the first section to take with me. :) This is such great info.

  18. Parish Cafe on Boyleston is my favorite restaurant, and it's just down the street from the finish. It's a "best of" from all the great chefs in Boston.

  19. Can you pretend I am there with you and Miss Zippy, just eating and drinking an ice cold beer? :) I'll be there in spirit!

  20. Woohoo - it's almost here Chica! Get ready to KICK SOME BOOTAY!

  21. Yay - best of luck - have a great time:)
