Sunday, January 2, 2011

It's GO Time!

Yep, that's right!  It's time to start training for something again!  I'm healed and feeling stronger than ever.  Funny to say but I'm kind of thankful for my hamstring has definitely made me more determined to push myself to new limits!  

Wow, thank you so much to all of you for your advice, feedback, encouragement and wise words on my last post.  I had no idea that I would get such a great response.  I loved everything you had to say regarding fast marathon courses.  You're right, a marathon is a marathon....26.2 is 26.2 and to get a PR on a fast course doesn't take away from anything!  

I'm officially registered for the Newport Marathon on June 4, 2011!  It feels good to have something nailed down and have a goal to focus on.  

I've chosen a program to put my faith in and see where we go together.  I've heard good things and I'm  just going to trust.  

The Brain Training Marathon Training is 24 weeks. Tomorrow will be starting week 4 for me since I started a little late.  The training is broken up into 4 phases:  Base, Build 1, Build 2, and Peak.  During this time, it includes tune-up races at the end of week 12, 16, and 20.  I have never done a program like this with tune-up races so I'm just going to trust the process.  I'm actually kind of excited to have some little races in between.  I think in the past, I wouldn't have liked this idea.  

Here are some other races I've worked into the 24 week plan to serve as tune-up races:

Week 12:  Still looking for a 5k but thinking of the Shamrock run on March 13th (this would be week 13 but close enough)
Week 16:  Registered to run the Vernonia Half Marathon on April 10th with my husband.  This was supposed to be a 10k but I think that if I remember to not race too hard then I should be fine. 
Week 20:  Registered to run the Hippie Chick Half Marathon on May 8th.  This will be a scheduled tune-up race
Week 24:  June 4th.  Race Day Yay!

My hubby was sweet enough to get me a wall calendar to write my plan down.  I will also be planning his training plan too.  Since he will be running the Vernonia Half Marathon with me, I'm not so sure how fast and prepared I want him to be...especially if it is only supposed to be a 10k tune-up race for me.  I might have to let him beat me.  No, really, he is faster than me.  

Today was an 8 miler at base pace.  The book shows me how to figure out my base pace according to where I'm at right now and according to my race goal. Having a Garmin works wonderful for staying on track with this!

Here is where I figured out my Target Pace Level for my starting point.  I am supposed to move down about 4-6 numbers by the end of the 24 weeks and as I improve.

This chart also helps for when I need to know my pace for speed workouts like 1 min farlek intervals.  I would want to be running these at my 1 mile pace according to my TPL which would be around a 6-6:15 mile pace at the start of this program.  When I did it the other day, my fartleks were right at 6 min pace and a little under.  

And here is about what each week looks like.  Each week includes work on stride/form, resistance and strength work, speed, intensive endurance and extensive endurance.

Feels great to be back to training for something!  

1.  What events are you training for in 2011?  

2.  If you are not a runner or triathlete reader, what is something big you are working towards in 2011?  

3.  Question for you running friends about the New York Marathon...I know it is a lottery but I also know you can qualify.  Are there only specific races you can qualify at or are most certified courses NY qualifiers?  How does this work?  If you race the qualifying time for NY are you guaranteed to be able to get in if you register in time?  



  1. I'm training for an ultramarathon this year, and the Camp Pendleton Mud Run.

  2. Congratulations on your decision AMANDA!!! WOO hoo! And, thank you for sharing the book and your plan. I am so impressed with your organization-What an inspiration!

    I am running a half marathon (my first) on Saturday and then getting ready for Windermere Full on 5/14.

    You know I will be stalking your blog for training advice!

  3. Good for you for making a decision!

    I am training for a 1:45 20k, 50 miles at Mind The Ducks 12 hour and a 4:00 (although a PR of better than 4:28) Des Moines Marathon.
    I want to be ready for any races that come up from work with nuun!

  4. That book/plan looks really cool. You're going to rock your marathon! There is no way I could train for 6 months without racing in there. That's what keeps it fun for me. Glad you get to have some races while you wait. :)

    1. I'm training for my first marathon (in April or May, depending on how some other things work out). I'm going to start my 14 week training plan tomorrow under the assumption that I'll be doing the April marathon and then stretch it if necessary. I'm also deciding on a sprint triathlong for the summer.

    2. What I'm most excited about is training for the adventure race my brother and I are doing in September. I'm hoping to add a couple earlier ones to my schedule, too. I have a bad habit of focusing almost exclusively on one thing at a time (leading me to do things like suffer for 60 miles of a century ride bc I haven't ridden my bike in the previous month). I'm hoping that doing things like triathlons and adventure races will keep me honest in sticking with multiple things.

  5. Here's a link to the race my brother and I are doing:

    The race directors put on a series of these races in the midwest, and I've talked to some guys about possibly joining their team for some others (my brother lives in Wisconsin, so it's no little thing for him to get here. He can do it for an event, but not on a regular basis). I have a lot of work to do on my mountain biking before I'm "ready" for these.

  6. I'll be training for multiple marathons, I hope, and a half Iron man. We shall see how this all pans out this year!! I'm excited for you!! I can't wait to hear how your training is going and your success at the finish!

  7. I am very impressed by your training plan and organization. I think you're going to have a great race in Newport!

    I still need to get organized and figure out my plan for Eugene.

  8. (yeesh your running looks busy!)

    Yeah - I just finished the book yesterday. I read it in 3 days.

  9. It's all about numbers isn't it? The process looks pretty complicated. I guess my Maths isn't as sharp as it used to be.

  10. This plan looks similar to Brad Hudson's plans...I will definitely have to check it out.
    On qualifying for NY: I'm pretty sure as long as they can verify the race results you can use the race to qualify but if you have a specific race in mind you may want to email them. If you meet the qualifying time you are guaranteed to get in. I actually was able to already register and they already confirmed me and took my money haha. Also, just be careful because there is no 60 second window like there is for Boston.

  11. Running my first marathon in May. NY - you can use the race results of any half or full. I think it needs to be certified too. Check out their website. Unfortunately, I'm not fast enough to qualify that way but would like to run this someday.

  12. That book looks awesome... I love a good training book so I may have to pick that up. Hmmm... what races am I doing in 2011? There are a couple that I want to do but I worry about registering for them and then getting pregnant (!!) and then what would I do? Did you run during your pregnancies? At this point, pregnancy trumps racing for me but... do I register for races and then if 'it' happens, forfeit the entry fees?? Ugh. Decisions, decisions.

  13. Let me know what you think of that book!! I am training for my first marathon on May 1. That's really it so far! I don't know much about the NYC marathon but I hope you get the answers you're looking for.

  14. congrats on picking the race! I think this is the race my friend did a few years ago and ate a record amount of oysters at mile 24. I'm assuming you'll be running too fast to stop for that, though ;-)

  15. Your year is shaping up to be an exciting one! I love that book although I've never used any of the plans.
    As far as I know, qualifying for NYC can be done at any USATF certified half. Check the NYC website for qualifying times.

  16. That plan looks very detailed! I bet you are so excited to have something nailed down and to train for! I like the idea of the tune up races, it gives you little races to look forward to along the way!

    The only race I have scheduled is the Disney Princess half in February, but I'm planning on doing a half in September, and I'm considering another full if I can fit it in

  17. I think you will like the challenge of that book; it is definitely not a beginner runner book (though there are some beginning plans in there) but I think it works the athlete who has a little more guts and that's you :).

    Have you looked at the NYC link for qualifying times:
    I didn't know you could qualify for NY until I came home from a half marathon two years ago and the XC coach said, "You were 11 seconds short of NY Marathon qualifying." HUH? Since then, it's been a dream to qualify with a half marathon. Don't think I ever want to actually RUN NY Marathon...but I would like to qualify.

    Can't wait to see how you like the program. And everyone has to tweak here and there to fit your life so a few changes here and there is not a big deal. Holler if you have any ?? on it and ...

    YAHOO, you are IN to Newport!! :)

  18. I jsut saw that you do the emotion game too?!?! How about a pic of your "I registered for the Newport MaRATHON" emotion?!! :)

    Pumped for you!

  19. Congrats on registering!! You are so organized. I have a feeling your gonna just kill the Newport marathon!!

    I need to read that book. Very detailed and very interesting. I'm anxious to follow your training here! Fun fun!

  20. Congrats on the training program - I started to read that book a year ago, but didn't get very far. Let us know what you think! And if you decide to sign up for the Shamrock Run, I've got a team going, so you can save a few dollars by joining us!

  21. wow! that plan sounds super detailed! i'm excited to hear more about the brain training side of it too. yay for being healthy enough to train!!!

  22. (I got so behind on blogs, so I'm going to be catching up on yours today!)

    Congrats on picking a race! I can't wait to hear what you think of the Newport race. I swear every time I read a report from someone on ANY race I always want to do it the next year!

    We will definitely HAVE to meet up at the Hippie Chick! I feel like a lot of us bloggers will be at that one!

    2011 and training ... I will pretty much be training all year! I've registered for 4 of the 5 half marathons I'll be doing. I sure hope I enjoy the first once since it is too late to back out of the others now! 5 Half Marathons in 4 states - it will be a fun, busy year!

  23. Hey! My friend Valerie told me about your blog...
    I am training for my first marathon in May and it looks like you and I run almost the exact same paces! My last 10K was 42:30...half is predicted to be about 1:30-1:35....if you ever need a running partner I am ALWAYS looking for girls around portland to meet up with:):)

  24. I have ran the hippie chick half marathon and the shamrock run and both are AWESOME, FUN races!!
