Saturday, January 22, 2011

Snapshots of a Family Forest Run Portland Style

Forest Park
Blue Skies
9 miles for me and 10 for my husband (he's training for the Vernonia Half Marathon with me in April).
With Jogger Strollers
It felt more like Cross Training of some kind.
After last night's run, getting up those hills with an extra 50 plus lbs felt tough but the sun and beautiful scenery made it all worth it!  The kids started complaining on the last several miles so that kind of put a damper on our nature bliss but it was worth being able to be together as a family on the weekend.  

These Portland Mt. Bikers know how to end a muddy bike ride with a good microbrew!

You know you're in Portland...

You can see so much of the city from up here!

Happy Boy to be out of the stroller!

This is what the stroller looked like after over an hour of snacks, mud flying and messy kids

So much for bright new and clean Mizunos.  They have been introduced to Forest Park.  Sorry Mizunos.

 The Bag says it all.  Now for a nice cold beer to go with it.  

What did you do on your Saturday?  Any fun weekend plans?  



  1. wow, that looks like such a fun day! i can see why it would seem like some sort of extreme crosstraining with all those puddles and the mudd! like an obstacle course or something.

    super impressive mileage with a stroller and not on a paved trail!

  2. Love it! Gorgeous pictures, and I'm really impressed that you all pushed jogging strollers for 9-10 miles!

    We (my husband, one of the older boys, and I) spent the afternoon playing in a volleyball tournament...and took first place in the silver bracket! We had a blast, though we're going to be a lil sore tomorrow. :)

  3. What a great day! It looks like it was just beautiful up there today! I was down in Eugene...where it was not nearly as clear of a day as it was up here.
    What a great family outing!!

  4. Two things:
    1. Your kiddos are so adorable!!!
    2. I love Jimmie John's! They don't have it out here :(

  5. Stroller power!!! Love it! YOU have an absolutely beautiful family. Every time I see you though, I can't believe you have 3 kiddos. You look fabulous and only a couple years out of college!

    And, oh how I miss JJ. The things I sacrifice living in Pullman. :P

  6. Your day looked SOOOO fun! I got up and ran on the treadmill. It's cold here, like negative 15 degrees last night. We did go look at some snow sculptures today, but other than that we have been cooped up due to cold. we're dying to get out!

  7. That place is beautiful!

    Your little one (and you) sure look happy... that it's over :P

    I'll bet a beer never tasted so good!

  8. Looks like a GREAT day! Your kids are adorable! Beautiful place to run too!

  9. Hi;-)
    You had me at that first photo. That is the BEST!
    thx for sharing your world..,
    over was a simple awesome day of t-ball, house cleaning, hiking, ice cream, type of day;)

  10. Beautiful pictures. What a great way to spend a day as a family.

  11. That looks like so much fun! And what a gorgeous day for it!

    My Saturday has been nice and quiet. I kept it easy so that I'll have fresh legs for my very first 8 mile run tomorrow morning. I'm kind of nervous, but terribly excited, too!

  12. Oh Portland, how I love thee! What a great way to spend the day. Ps when you come to walla walla your gonna have to have one of our sandwiches; on the house! Cute family :)

  13. holy crap, Amanda! that looks like a serious slice of heaven!! what i wouldn't give for those trails!! (and some sun and to be able to see the ground, muddy or not) alas, i shall have to live vicariously through your photos...

  14. I really need to move. I love the photos of your trail, nice and wide and stroller friendly. Not that my kids could sit through 10 miles in a jogging stroller or anything, but still seems nice. Your family is beautiful, thanks for sharing.

  15. Mizunos are very forgiving....looks like you guys had a great time!!

  16. It WAS a GREAT day in the PNW, wasn't it? Just beautiful! Loved the photos.
    Pushing kids is definitely ... Points to you for pushing the big girl!

    I recognize that 6 pack. Form days of yore. Great with lemon and I used to also like Black Butte porter too..
    Sounds like a wonderful family weekend.

  17. I meant from, not form; but you knew that ;)

  18. Hi Amanda, are you still mad at me? Can I still visit your awesome blog and tease you? I LOVE Oregon. If you send me one of those pictures (or another one) I will print it on 13" x 19" canvas and include it with the pen. I have access to many cool printing capabiliites at work. Family portraits look awesome on canvas. That is, if you are still talking to me :-)

  19. Ohh love the picts--I grew up in Humboldt county and there isnt anything like the lush redwoods and that emerald green forest. Still miss it. Happy weekend to you!

  20. I hung out with people that hail from Oregon tonight. Go Ducks? :)

    I am so jealous of your wonderful day. Way to go fam!!!

    Love the pictures!!

  21. I went on a forest run today to, but in the fog, without my family and I didn't have a camera to take any pictures. :( It was still very beautiful though. Don't you just love our state?! Good job with the "cross training". ;)

  22. So cool. Looks like you had a great time! Your kids are adorable.

    As for us............We took the three year old to see the Monster Truck Jam Sat. night. He loved it. And today a 12 mile run as soon as we get home from church.

  23. The fact that you can run 9 miles pushing a jogger just impresses the hell out of me. And, what a stunning trail. Just the views would keep me going, to see what was around the bend. It's great you can do these runs with your husband and kids.

  24. Oh my! The poor Mizunos! My shoes look like that on the trails here in the spring. Actually, even my face looks like that!!

    Looks like a great family day! Beautiful area too! Officially jealous.... I never ran when my kids were little, just walked with them. I've never even TRIED running with a jogger. Maybe I need to rent a kid or something for crosstraining:) Looks like a great workout especially going uphill while answering probably 400 questions about why the sky is blue, handing off snacks, and singing the ABC's!!!! You deserve a microbrew!!!

    Your little guy is just beaming-too cute. All your kids-adorable! Enjoy the rest of your weekend:)

  25. OMG, so awesome!! Love it. Your kids look so happy - love their big smiles!! And the muddy stroller. I like mud.

  26. My husband and I did hill repeats on 'Heartbreak Hill' which is near our place in Boston. And it was NINE DEGREES out when we did it. I'm jealous of your muddy trail run!! Everything here is completely frozen!

  27. What a great outing and gorgeous shots!!

  28. Oh good Lord, you and I also have the exact same black with pink letters Adidas hat. This is becoming comical...can I just have your body, too? :)

    AWESOME family day, mud and all!!!!!!


  29. How fun! For having grown up in Portland - I have never been to Forest Park! Maybe next time.

  30. Ok, you are officially the cutest lil' running family I have EVER seen. I am sure running with those strollers on the hills was KILLER. What an AWESOME workout.
    Your run looked beautiful too!! And so did your post workout meal... ;)

  31. I want to go to there :) as Liz Lemon would say!
    What a great family day and the scenery was beautiful!

  32. I am dying to visit Portland. One of my friends just recently moved there and we promised we'd visit soon.

    It looks so incredibly beautiful! And so do you!! You are glowing in that one close-up.

  33. Beautiful scenery but how did you get everything clean after all that mud?

  34. Love your fartlek friday thoughts exactly,except the minus Ipod part. I do find that I tune out my Ipod a large portion of the time to focus on the exact things that you mentioned, but then it's nice to have it when I need a song to pull me through.

    Great family pics too. So pretty and looks like a great weekend. Thanks for sharing!

  35. I ran pushing my sisters kiddos one day and made it 3 are hardcore with 9!!! LOVE the pictures. So fun that you guys can do that together! Love the muddy shoes. JIMMY JOHNS is so so good:) This weekend...fam, chuckee cheese and way too much TV!! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday gorgeous girl!

  36. Looks like an awesome place to run (when it's not wet)

  37. I would love to run there. Looks relaxing!

  38. We went on a trail run too but it looked much different, I miss Forest Park!!!

  39. This is the best snow we've had in about 10 years, and I'm loving it. I feel like a kid again...I think it's the thought of all the things I can get out and do in the snow instead of stressing about driving in it. That said, your pictures made me miss green outside sooo much.

  40. Jimmy John's!!! I absolutely LOVE them, even though I have to drive all the way over to Beaverton to get to one.

    I am kicking myself I didn't go run yesterday. I went today. In the cold and the damp and the fog and the damp foggy cold. Glad you were able to get out there!

  41. That is quite a lot of mud there! CUTE kiddos!! :)

  42. I love love love the pictures, that looks super muddy!! What a great family outing, you all are tough..

    You look super familiar... wonder why??

  43. Wow! I cannot believe you ran 9 miles pushing a jogging stroller! That is definitely a cross-training workout! I think the furthest I pushed my boys was 5 miles, and I was dying at the end!!

    I loved the pics! It's so beautiful there.

  44. Aw, this has made me a little nostalgic. You ARE tough pushing those babies so far!
