Monday, November 22, 2010

First Giveaway and Goals for The Week

Please Check out my Giveaway for a free set of holiday cards or birth announcements at Giveaway! Pretty Ink Designs Holiday Cards and Birth Announcements

Running Goals:
*  Continue to build a base and keep building back strength in my hamstring
*  Slowly add in more interval work and small amounts of speed
*  Consider a Race schedule for 2011 and possibly find some races for early in the year.
*  Look into possibly joining a women's running club: Team Athena.  Might be nice to have a team to do speed work with on Tuesday nights.

*  Start being more conscious of eating more fruits and veggies.  Especially veggies.  This weekend and past week was awful for food choices. 
*  Find better ways of getting my 16 month old to eat veggies!

*  Be present with my children
*  Try to find time to spend reading with each one.
*  Not letting my to-do list take precedence over spending quality time with my kids

Happy Monday,


  1. A running club sounds good. I wish that the community I live in was more runner friendly; no clubs exist around here.

    Reading with children is awesome. I miss that with my kids.

  2. GREAT GOALS!!! I love the one about being more present. I need to work on that one. I also need to take your example and write down my goals. Have a great monday and keep us updated with how you do with your goals.

  3. Great goals. Being part of a running club is a great idea. Since I started running with a group my running has improved. Good luck.

  4. Thanks guys. Anne Marie at Goals For The Week always has the best weekly goals that make me wish I made more public goals to hold me accountable to myself! :)

  5. I love your goals. I really need to work on the mother ones too! Sometimes I feel like I'm not accomplishing things when I am just hanging with the kids, but I need to realize that just being with them is a huge to do!

  6. Love the goal list! I so wish we had a running club sometimes! I could use my husband for tempo or speedwork but he's too much of a security blanket for me and I still wimpout with him sometimes when I get tired....I'm so glad you're feeling good!

    I love the "Be present with my children" goal. Life just gets so busy and I find myself "hearing" but not "listening" to my kids at times! I hate that. Sounds like your kids are pretty fortunate to have such a great mom!

    Have a great day!

  7. Those sound like some great goals!!

  8. Your "motherhood" goals . . . awesome. [they all are but those ones really hit home for me.]

  9. Those are great goals. I hope you're able to fulfill all of them.
