Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wee Words Wednesday

This was a picture that my daughter drew for my awesome chiropractor at Back In Motion Sports Clinic.  They framed it and put it in their office and posted it on their Facebook Page.  So thankful for recovery and being able to Run again!  Thanks Dr. Forcum!  The Whole Family is Happier!



  1. That is the most tender thing ever! I love that your daughter realizes how important running is to you!

  2. Awwww very cute! Nice of them to keep it and frame it!

  3. This is so great! I love when my son draws pictures like that. You must have a wonderful Dr. for him to have framed that! Glad you are able to run again, it's the best feeling to run again after an injury.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. That's TOO cute! I miss my chiropractor visits (ie: full leg massages twice weekly, covered by insurance :-)

  5. that is awesome! i'm going to have to visit your doc someday...

  6. Awesome, no better way to say thank you!

  7. Sounds like you have a wonderful chiropractor's office. You and your daughter must be so proud.
