Friday, December 24, 2010

Not A Creature Was Stirring, Not Even A Mouse. Well...

 Candle Lighting Service

 Letters To Santa 

 Cookies and Milk.  Don't you know that Santa drinks Soy Milk?

 New Christmas Book by one of their favorite author and illustrator

 Santa Loved his cookies and milk!

 Stockings are stuffed

 The Reindeer loved their carrots...only a nibble leftover

 Kids are PASSED OUT!

 Santa saved the letters in his her journal.  First time my 5 year old wrote it all by herself and invented her spelling the best she could.  Priceless!

And Mommy is Kissing Santa Claus!  Gosh, I love this Man!

Ho! Ho! Ho!  Merry Christmas to All And To All A Good Night!  Here's hoping for a long run tomorrow (maybe with a new Garmin?!)  


  1. This looks like the perfect Christmas!! You guys really took care of all the details. The carrot piece in the driveway is priceless!

    Merry Merry Christmas!!!

  2. Beautiful pictures!! I love candle lit services!! Merry Christmas to you!

  3. AMANDAHOOD!! Ha, sorry I was so tired when I was typing this! My bad:) I LOVED the pictures, they made me tear up. You have the most beautiful children and I love the kissing picture! hope you got your garmin:)

  4. I didn't know Santa liked Soy Milk...

  5. What gorgeous pictures!! I love the play out of the night from letters to Santa and cookies and SOY milk!

    Merry Christmas!

  6. Merry Christmas to you too! So happy to have met you in the blogosphere =)

  7. kids, candelight service, and cookies just go hand in hand! LOVE IT!

  8. That is all so cute!! Such work and creativity went into all of that. I hope Santa treated the girls well ... looks like he enjoyed those fancy cookies!

    Merry Christmas!

  9. Merry Christmas!! Beautiful letters :)

  10. Absolutely beautiful family!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE all those pictures!!

    Hope you had the most wonderful day!!!

  11. Love the Santa letters. Spelling at this age is so funny! I love what they come up with. We were just looking through Jack's Kindy journal the other night and we realized that every time he used the word "my" he would use the spelling of his sister's name since that how it is pronounced. So we would see things like "Mai dog" and "Mai toys" when he was talking about his things :-)

    Mai has a little friend named Ellianna. I had never heard it before. Did you combine two special names in your family to get the combination or is it an original?
