Saturday, July 16, 2011

My SHT..You Asked For It!

As many of you know, Beth from SUAR has challenged us to tap into our SHiT (Special Hidden Talent).  We all have one.  Nose flaring, throat burping, ear wiggling, lighting farts, talking like Donald Duck, etc.  

I thought about showing you all how I can get my boobs to point in two completely different directions or maybe how I can push my stomach out really far so that I look six months pregnant.  I have several fun things I can do but there is one that takes the cake. And here is the video to share with you.  I still can't believe that I'm putting this on here.  

Beth, I will continue this skin stretching as soon as I get word that I'm in the running for winning this thing.  Otherwise, I won't be exposing myself to any additional "making an ass out myself" video time.  I only show you the beginning here.  

In this video I:

  • Ask you about these new Zensah compression tights that I'm pretty sure are supposed to be worn with shorts over them.  ???  Yes?  No?  
  • Show you the pocket on my butt
  • Show you the small hair on my stomach that needs plucking.
  • Demonstrate that my stomach has no props
  • Sing for you.
  • Stretch my skin.
  • Continue talking when I think the camera is off.

What is your SHT?  Also, I want to know all about what your "Balance Buckets" are so please go check out our new Art of Filling Balance Buckets post.  


  1. haha! You are so cute! And ripped!! If I look like that in those tights, then I say no shorts over them!

    Holy dough! That is a great analogy to your skin stretching!

  2. haha! You are so cute! And ripped!! If I look like that in those tights, then I say no shorts over them!

    Holy dough! That is a great analogy to your skin stretching!

  3. Ok-I can't comment adequately right now and I couldn't even watch this video with sound yet but if you don't win for that-I'm starting a riot!!! That skin stretching stuff is CRAZY sh*t and dang you're hot woman!!!!!

  4. ACK! Oh my gosh, that's creepy! ;) You have the abs I want. What did you do to get them? Serious.

  5. OMG, Amanda! This is crazy ! I could not watch the entire thing! Yes, you must win!

  6. Okay that is the SHiT!!!! OMG your stomach is so tight that I cannot beleive you can stretch your skin that far, it is insane. So yes you are in the running for sure. Still a couple more days for people to enter, but LOVED this video!!!!!!!!!

  7. That is SO fascinating. I mean it. I cannot tear my eyes away. You clinched this prize.

  8. YOU ARE THE CUTEST THING IN THE WORLD!! I NEED YOUR ABS!!! LOVE the dough comparison:) Definitely wear those WITHOUT look amazing!

  9. freak.
    And I say that in the nicest possible way :D

    WTH? I tried to do that and ended up pinching an inch...or two..and it ain't just skin.

  10. yeah.. if I looked like you I wouldn't wear shorts over them.. just sayin

  11. AHHHHH that freaks me out a little. but if my abs looked like that I'd be happy to show any talent to the world!

  12. OK-back! Got to watch with sound. Seriously, you better win!! OK-no shorts over them. Nope. And I've told you before, you can't pull 6 months. Maybe 4, I CAN do 6 months-ha!! OK-I don't want to see this boob thing but are you serious about that?? You need to join the circus here!! Oh-and speaking of boobs-the handful is AWESOME and I'm thinking you are wearing it in that video!

    SO, really did you train your skin to do that? I'm seriously in awe that it goes back so tight. This is like the discovery channel. I'm making my girls do this right now. Yes, we are all sitting watching tv and stretching our stomach skin!!

    You and your mom seem like you have so much fun together! I love love your fun goofy personality!!! Ok, off to read your Art of Runninghood post!!

  13. You should go on "America's Got Talent" cuz that was an amazing display of pure talent. How can you have killer abs and stretchy skin at the same time?! It's like a riddle. I hope you win Amanda.

  14. DANGIT!! And I really wanted to win that shirt...but no shoulder dislocation or tongue twisting is going to beat THAT! ( : Good to know you're still just as "talented" now as you were 13 years ago!

    LOVE those Zensah compression tights. And, shorts over tights = nerdy (but that's just my opinion). You look like you can rock 'em just fine by themselves!

  15. OH MY GOSH!!! I wish you could have seen the video of me watching your video! You better be in the top 3 with stretchy skills like that! ;)

  16. Oh. My. Freaking. Goodness. That is bizarre! (And hilarious!)

    P.S. You look amazing in the tights and, no, you should not wear shorts over them.

  17. Weird!!

    I've been wondering now if that belly hair has been forcefully relocated from another part of your body. Not mentioning which part but my word of the day is Brazilian.

  18. OMG...I can do this too! I laughed out loud watching you do this! No stretch marks for me either =).

  19. Wow....that was kinda freaking actually. Can I say I had a hard time watching it at the end? I thought you were going to pull your skin right out of ya! But totally worth it for no stretch marks, yeah!!!!

  20. WOW. You are one brave lady!! I had to cover my eyes a few times because of the skin stretching thing, but I definitely think you should win the contest!! I think those tights are fine without shorts over them... I mean why else would they have the little pocket if you were supposed to cover them?

  21. Ummmmm…yeah…kinda gross :P

    You can make your boobs point in different directions… I can make my nipples touch each other. No video or picture of that. LOL

  22. Nice abs, and a cool talent to go with them. I might have to show my wife that video.

  23. Holy moly, amanda!! first of all you are ripped, girlfriend!! looking awesome. second. you better win!! HA!! That is awesome!

  24. YOU SO BETTER WIN. That is definitely nuts! :)

    And nope, I say no shorts over the compression tights.

  25. First off you are freaking cute and have an amazing body!!
    Second wear the tights without shorts!
    Third I can't believe you can stretch your skin that much! It's weird but I so wish I could do it haha. Yes i just tried too.

  26. Holy stretchy skin batman! That is the SHT! :)

  27. Dang. I tried to stretch my skin and just cannot get it to go that far! If I do, it certainly won't snap back!

    The the guy at eugene running company told me either way. Of course, I WASN"T wearing them. haha. And a guy selling stuff would say something like that....But you look great!

    I think the rule is - if you can see your underwear color through them you should wear shorts over. So just don't wear underwear and you'll be good!

  28. You crack me up and are so adorable! :)

    I hope you win! :)

  29. Are you a terminator with skin stretched over a robot body?

  30. Your video is awesome, and I loved the fact that your mom was filming it! But, THAT IS CRAZY!! I seriously cannot believe you can do that!! Wow!!

  31. GAH!!!!

    Yep. You are so going to win.

  32. You are so cute. So is your mom! That is a weird idea you had though back in the day... I wonder if it was the key to avoiding stretch marks or if it's just cause you're tiny... You could sell this technique and become a millionaire!! Crazy how stretchy your skin is while still having a frigging 6-pack... I am jealous. All stretch here ;)

  33. okay, so you seem like the most fun and sweet person! Loved this post...Video's seem to let you 'get to know' someone better. Anyways- you should totally win the SHT! and ps. holy awesome bod woman! :D

  34. that is hysterical. the thing that happens to me naturally as the day goes on! lol...after kids when two pm rolls goes a stretching!!

    I'm not sure I have a hidden talent but I'm going to think of one!!!!

  35. This is hilarious! You are too funny! Ha maybe I should start doing that so my skin gets used to being stretched before babies!

    Side note, my gosh you are ripped! Your body is amazing, especially after three kids! One hot mama!

  36. My vote is no for the shorts, and also that you should win that contest... sort of wish I had thought of it before I had kids and got tons of stretch marks and therefore have skin that won't go back:-)

  37. OMG. I had to stop watching. LOL :)
