Sunday, July 24, 2011

Quinoa Burgers, Track Races, and Funny Video

Quickie post here.  Sitting on the back patio with my hubby, drinking some wine and eating these Amazing Quinoa Burgers that he grilled tonight!  Seriously, if I could pull something like this out of my ass like he can then I would be eating so WELL!  I went on on my 7 mile run and left my husband saying "I'll just figure something out for dinner." There was nothing in the cupboards as far as my culinary eye could see so I expected grilled chicken and rice  because that's what I would have made.  For the 10th time this month  (he just told me that I didn't even cook 10 times this month.  He's listening to me talk typing this quickie post since he is waiting for me to get off.  Or get in on the quickie action).  But no, I cam home to these amazing, yummy, did I say amazing?  quinoa burgers!!!  Yay for cooking husbands.  

Speaking of husbands, be on the lookout of for a guest post by Mr. Runninghood.  He loves his new shoes, is obsessed with running, and is ready to express his inner running feelings.  Nah, he just gave me a dirty look and told me to stop typing.  

This week I think I am going to hit up a local and FREE track race.  I might run the 2 mile, 1 mile and 800 if I'm feeling spunky.  And my kids will race the 50 and 100 m.  Yay!  Why didn't I find out about these races sooner?!

Summer came to Oregon this weekend!  Finally!  We spent the day at the river yesterday and today we made lots of time for water play.  Yippee for summer!

Had to share this video.  So funny!  And perfect timing since it goes along with my homeschool vents that I posted not too long ago.  Check out the difference between Homeschoolers and the "Homeschooled".  Ha!  

How was your weekend?  Anything exciting?


  1. Quinoa burgers huh? He might need to share the recipe in his guest post :)
    You are brave running in this heat! It was HOT today! :) Enjoy the rest of your evening!

  2. Hehe, cute video :) I have quinoa but have never heard of turning it into hubby willing to share the recipe??

    Summer extended to Seattle this weekend too! it was great, wasn't it?

  3. Jealous of your cooking husband. Mine likes to play computer games while I'm cooking. But I wouldn't have it any other way and neither would you if you tasted his special version of home cooking.

  4. My hubs can totally do things like that...except he is always busy so I get put in charge of food and end up with the same menus.

  5. The quinoa burgers sound delish. You are one lucky girl! Glad to hear summer's finally arrived to your neck of the woods.

  6. Hmm i am going to have to give those quinoa burgers a shot. I found your blog through RunToTheFinish. Love it here, very inspiring!

  7. Can't wait to try these quinoa burgers! I've been looking for a good burger replacement. Geez Waylon-more reason you guys should be my neighbors!! Joe likes to cook but as much as I love him, he is just not that great of a cook unless you like ketchup and beer. I'll leave him to STRICTLY grilling:)

    Yay on the track races. So cool. I'm hoping to make it to ours if I can manage to get out of work. It starts early here! I say race as many as you can! Hope the kids just love it!

    Glad you're finally getting summer. I checked out a bit of your video there! Ryan and her friend were watching with me-funny:)

  8. Quinoa burgers? Wow! Mr. sounds like a keeper for sure!
    Your track meet sounds awesome--right up my alley.

  9. quinoa burgers sound good - even better when hubby makes them:)

  10. Very cool about the burgers! We were out of pasta sauce the other day, and my husband made his own with some pantry essentials (diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, spices) that we just happened to have. It was delish!!! I love it that our husbands can throw stuff together. I'm dying about the grilled chicken comment too. That is so me as well! I am such a BORING chef.

    We took our boat and went to a nearby lake this weekend. Seriously the smartest purchase we've ever made (besides the swimming pool) living here in this climate.

  11. Oh those quinoa burgers sound amazing. I'm on vacation with my in-laws and all we're eating is MEAT MEAT MEAT! I'm over it. It'll be vegetarian meals for us when we get home!!

  12. Don't you just love it when someone else takes over the cooking and it turns out awesome? Trying to come up with new things to make for dinner every night is stressful! :)

  13. Thanks Amanda, now I have to make quinoa burgers. At least they sound good. :)

  14. that is hilarious. Can't wait to hear from Mr. Runninghood. I'm totally impressed with his cooking skillz! Ryan makes one thing: quesadillas. (really good, quesadillas, I might add) HA! Yay for summer this weekend!! Loved every second of it.

  15. Really impressed that your hubs can make those! Far beyond Mr. Zippy's culinary reach, let me tell you!

    Have fun at the track races!

  16. The burgers sound good!!! Recipe??!!

    We've had a BIG summer here... hot all the time, but that's okay, I'll miss it come January. I had a great weekend, lots of hanging out, drinking, some running and Tim McGraw!

  17. That video is hillarious!
    The day at the river sounds fantastic!

  18. Chris is exactly like Waylon, amazes me with the things he puts together out of nothing. And he likes cooking...I hate it. I cook nothing these days, aside from my oatmeal in the morning, ha!

    Track races, hurray! Wish we had them here! I think you have a ton of fast twitch muscles, so you will be amazed at how quick you will run there! Excited for you!

    Glad you are getting some summer. Always happy to send some of our temps your way!

  19. Hi Amanda! I just recently found your blog through SUAR (impressive video!) & really enjoyed reading your last few posts. Definitely adding you to my list of cool running blogs. :)

  20. Haha. Great video. I did know mostly homeschoolERS growing up, unfortunately. Haha. Hope you're sticking to the -ED path. ;) LOL'd at the Abe/culottes line. Oh and love the new header!!

  21. Homeschool-ED for sure. I can attest!
